Showing posts with label REFRAIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REFRAIN. Show all posts

Saturday, July 20, 2024





Voice louder invisible inhibits,

Peruses heart pleasure excites,

Romantic spirit loots luxuries,

Mean belong lives, lack miseries, (1)


Enjoy a short life, colorful attract,

The mind projects love impact,

Old or young, male or female,

Signals trapped message yell, (2)


Captive of attachment capture,

Allures matchless beauty here,

Melt the morning mist, O man,

Fade the fog sun lighting can, (3)


Dews evaporate sought desire,

Encounter human nightmare,

Seen enough brokenhearted,

Notice shattered life departed, (4)


Lost home children orphaned,

Lunatic mind vagrant, planed,

Rainsoaked trees, clouded sky,

Earth wears bridal dress defy, (5)


Look at a peasant in the field,

Working lonely harvests yield,

Refrain rests comforts, wiser,

Lacks education, skill, teacher, (6)


Spend weaver life, make clothes,

Meager earnings work worth,

Study burn oil lamp discover,

World changes miracle assure, (7)


Nurse and doctor, awake alert,

Save life secure a divine effort,

Dedicate life, serve sympathy,

Luxurious life, acquire apathy, (viii)


Human life refrains from lust,

Refrain instinctive voice host,

Helps rebuild lovely human life,

Retaliate repulsive action strife, (9)


Refrain from addiction lethargy,

Activate human life with energy,

Refrain from bad friendships,

Result performance worships, (10)


Refrain from plucking a flower,

A child is a flower, love shower,

Refrain, restraint human path,

Morning dews pure life worth. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Refrain

Themes:  Avoid performing

Written: 20th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite