Showing posts with label SIGNAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SIGNAL. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2022





Saves life, red signal warns brightly,

Behind the wheel brakes the car,

Watch alert red light glows,

Chose risk your life moving ahead,

Loves soul separate for my activity,

Immune to my rabid attractions,

Impassionate toward acute desire,

Blind to the intense lust harbors,

The mind plays a game, lifelong naughty,

Such infinitesimal urge hidden exists,

Arouses mind trickster alluding, wicked,

Contemplated such moments love,

Life, if not, faces a square confused,

Proceed forward straight red to rest,

Glowing green light safe drive clear,

Bewilder often soul goads move forward,

Never says, silent for left or the right,

Clashed with heavy vehicles, rock,

Fell into gorge destroyed and burnt,

Rub my forehead lost in my thought,

Self deeds if not bring to the debacle,

Inver vision indicates red light warns,

Intrusive mind captures heart cruel,

Pushes to the brink, no opportunity,

Disaster happen suddenly invited,

Like numerous accidents happen,

Crossing signal red light warning,

Human life is similar path warns,

Confusion in the foreseeable future,

Bifurcate solution trifurcate mind,

The square perplexes state thinks,

Write my life these squares came,

Education career retirement faced,

Where to move left or right or ahead,

Not possible to back out were options,

Left was active life pleasure-seeking,

Leisure comfort luxury unlimited,

Mock the burnt mantle and proceed,

Red light is glazing silent aware of,

The gas mantle will fall off consequently,

Life path ends ultimately sorrowful,

Last moment realize duties, incomplete,

An accident takes life in a split second,

Never life get aware of the end coming,

Here dying moments pain tenfold,

Repentance gives no scope to return,

Forward green light shows equanimity,

End the in-proximity amber light,

Fears mind tries to flee, red light shows,

Go ahead O' wise twilight green light,

The soul is deathless, a butterfly in the noon,

By dawn, sight is fallen, another in wings,

The world is intoxicant, colorful is blossom,

Wild by now lost eluded savor life,

This path body quietly calms the mind,

Serenity, thoughts acquire sings master,

Green is safe, serene, divine pleasure,

Feel this motion rhythmic yet eternity,

A straight line expansive, beginning or end,

None can guess this line green signals,

Move right, amber light, pray, and pray,

Read about him, your experience sing,

Write his glories observed astonished,

Proceed slowly after the sinking sun, think,

Think of the master you accomplished,

Pray to be forgiven for wrongdoings,

Ask nothing as only his wish to play,

A toy in his hand falsely believed you,

I, me, mine all melts ether man fights,

Cry before him, realized master loves,

Infinite compassion his child forgives,

Shows the green light to the soul wings,

Gets freedom at liberty to merge,

With eternal luminescence in space!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Signal

Theme: signal indicates in the path of life

Date 6th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite