Monday, September 28, 2020



Nature taunts in mirage;


The Cradle of civilization faced hostile nature,

Eons fight out for survival in a curvature,

Fire wind, water land raises fangs angry,

Splendors of civilization erased a history,

In cyclone flood earthquake hits demolition,

In a fire, cities burn disease cleans population,

The giant canvas of human hope bleak fight,

Ever keep looking ahead in life mirage deceit,

Surging waves crash in homes death waits,

Shelters are blown apart high frames to bones,

Tremors sweep cities houses crumble to grave,

The specter of mirage human watch well, n safe,

Till last breath wakeful alert in hope to live,

Mirage is cruel nature unwind joke delusive,


Mind entrapped by mirage;


Eyes ears skin tongue is arms of mind,

Human trusts mind a blind in error find,

Misguide humans to move to precipice,

The spirit walks forward in trust n wish,

Convinces through a sight sound smell,

Sweetness in test one satiate hunger well,

Mirage appears in a picture eye can love,

Mirage whispers cool ear listen in trust,

Mirage projects a soothing touch of dear,

Mirage deceives in sweetness taste venom.

In sheer survival instinct human acts,

Conscience memories experience cracks,

Misled in instant impression nature tricks,

The function of light sound scent matter frisks,

Illusion arise in these function life in track,

Features natural, mind fell in faith an opaque,

Mirage lives in mind in gross error quick,

Intelligence wisdom intuition in fear weak,



Dual delusive realm mirages;

Dreary hot sand dunes spirit cross in thirst,

Cruel mirage deceit mind trust eyes first,

Blue waters tranquil awaits calling sweet,

Quick sank trap life death near sinks feet,

Kasturi deer searches intense sandalwood,

The entire forest permeates in fragrance brood,

Never could find Kastury scent from head,

Deer is deceived mirage traps animal wade,

A lost traveler in thick forest mist in shock,

Runs ahead to ask misses soon entire folk,

The dews in the early dawn as pearl glisten,

The moonlit night tranquil lake turns to the sky,

At the shore lake changes to silvery mystic,

A distant train approach appear slow,

It speeds fast in a moment in front to go,


 The ultimate deception of mirage;


Accept or decline the creator’s reflection wide,

Human mind surrender in trust behind,

The heart searches temple church prayer,

The abode of Lord missing life never share,

A lifelong thirsty heart seeks divine presence,

Ultimate deception, Lord is within heart in grace.



Bijayananda Mishra

Sunday, September 27, 2020



Harmony is the key in cosmos;

Universe unravel creations with key,
From cosmos to chromosome we see,
Life and inert exist in a time scale to rule,
Mysterious it looks an inner link acts cool,
Any upheaval in domains quiets soon,
The inner force acts fast to equate stability,
Planets rotate in time around Sun,
Rotate on-axis in time wonders eon,
The invisible feature check galactic event,
Moon to stars show uniformity to dent,

Harmony is the key to nature;

Nature in blue planet equates changes,
In century to millennium keep stages,
Every object in the realm keeps the key close,
The key soothes erratic events watch in toes,
Summer is hot rain cools down earth,
Parched fields soaked creates green grass,
Spring is gentle life blossoms in growth,
Winter brings fall dry spells hibernates moth,
River swell in Rain sea swallows water all,
Forest fire burn jungle waits for the green in rainfall,
Snake birds love marshland for toad tiny fish,
Hawk hovers for squirrels snakes to feast,
Cattle graze on grass crops grow for folk,
Animal eaters roar limit population bulk,
The population of people rises sickness checks,
Fever is time-bound as a clock all melts,

Harmony is the key to humanity;

Human relations are amazing in the globe,
The entire earth is spread with race in love,
Myriads of faith culture color one speak,
Nation race region class sect gender inks,
A human sees baby teen youth, adult old,
The mysterious world is a hall in the manifold,
Interactions among all are the mysterious key,
In peace amity understanding growth we see,
Goods n craft sail vast ocean touch contents,
Love n fascination of mind enrich sentiments,
In war epidemic earthquake, tsunami flood,
Helps pour all kinds of comfort in injury blood,
Education tech works in an offer to the poorest people,
The key of equation preach serve care simple,
The prism of compassion in cure luxury trade,
Modern times migration of destitute in the brigade,

Harmony is the key to the human spirit;

The human mind faces test in life happy to hazards,
Tension worries illness pain lifelong hunts,
Joyous moment celebration laughter taunts,
The tear is in opaque in smiles cries run in swollen,
Emotions vanish hope fades heart crestfallen,
Amid human feelings events sweet or sour,
Rejection of luxury desire temptation in power,
Simple life share tolerance n company grows,
The key to humanity nourishes future owes,

Harmony is the key to redemption;

The enlighten one preaches prayer meditation,
Family in temple church bells ring in redemption,
In solitude most practice silence in mind search,
The key of a stable n strong spirit lays in calm,
Blissful state peace in mind reason embalm,
Mind in a few quest inner realm focus on one,
It stays in cosmos nature inert living being aware,
Seekers know the key light path of realization stare,

Harmony is the key tone in a divine symphony;

The string of pearls of harmony from void to the soul,
Creators tool in gift to universe melodious music,
A single tune rings within soul to space eternal,
The twist turns of sound project harmony regal.







Human nature;

The rainbows of dream visits lifelong,

Hues if scenes lure self sinks in soul song,

Never real in life self faces delusive sweet,

All desires mold dreams satiate in a tweet,

Mind intoxicated in dreams as a boat,

Floats night after night serene blue sea,

Myriads of strange souls appear in the night,

Song, dance, music gossip, and fun a sight,

Dawn dissolves all amid mystic temptations,

Boat a rudderless mind stays sad wanton,

Times in dream spirit unaware of self in sleep,

Intellect vision judgment is inert insight in the clip,

Dream fuels thought to spread wings blind,

Unrealistic impulses push the mind act all kind,

Human life notices such action trap cruel,

Few lose life never care a danger swell,

The path of life is a morass of vogue notion,

Intoxicated mind a boat faces the storm,

Lust greed ego tempt in current,

Whirlpool of waves pulls the timid boat,

Morass to blind mind spirit moves to a fraught,


Past is poison;

One in solitude in sea tranquil float nostalgic,

Enamored in sweet dreams heart projects weak,

Spirit looks memories lanes by-lanes hunting sick,

Probe all possibilities of getting rich making career,

Probe self-effort in achievement lead to be a leader,

The color prism of rich life money women power

The surrender of common men flatter accolade shower

The aspiring journey of lust the rise to zenith morass

All are venoms human mind perishes looking past,

Destiny effort shrewd fox capture in lies short,

For decent one innocent life in morass gets burnt,


State machine inert;

When the community moves blindly in rumor hot,

Malls offices traffic stoned in anger get burnt,

Missiles fly stone hit innocent passerby hurt,

Corruption from grass root to top spread vice,

Progress of work service to people morass rise,

Discipline in public life gets lost in quicksand,

The state machine moves in quagmire sinks,

The prospect of a journey encounter morass,


Extroverts mind a waste;

Meditation rejection of desire a simple life

Solitude silent life inner quest of reason

A practice in path of self-luminous vision

Dispassion to comfort luxury worries tension

Simplicity is a passion of truth fade pretension

Far from gossip talk entertainment leisure

Glittering mansion cushion cloths n are known

The passion of bondage to family society hobby

The sojourn to realization in the morass in the lobby

The culprit is the extrovert mind in force pull out,

Convolute inner focus calm peace intellect rout,

One who disciplines mind reject stubborn tempt,

Merge in realization conquer morass in contempt.


The Canvas of Morass;

The boat is afloat in a stormy sea waits for sinking,

Conscience is missing to pilot morass in life sailing.


Thursday, September 24, 2020


Obscure spirit a teen got aware vibrant,
Flows the river near the home deep forest,
Cornfields golden a cave with bats,
Tiger prowls smelly shiver spine in rocks,
School huge field in the front forest behind,
Narrow road straight mango trees at the side,
Big plot of boundary wall high our home,
Fear hunt in evening fox howl laud till dawn,
A village of natives obscures teenage time,
The canvas live bright thrills a running heart,
Wild in boundless joy in bush animals at bay,
The canvas scrolled to a new one to the beach of the sea,
Blue sea a golden beach waves crest in ego,
A moment crashes to huge sea merges,
Wild heart ran amok in sand dunes n school,
Escape classes get lost melancholic beach,
Dilapidated houses a tiny river stream n fish,
Merges in sea bushes pine forest nearby,
Time sweeps cool amazing picturesque boyhood,
A paradise seashore solitude roar of the sea,
Shrill of wind in nearby forest dry wood creak,
The school college features executive nascent,
Mind mature among books results in exams,
The famous temple festivals spread amity,
Devotees stream in pilgrim offer in tranquility,
Small the town left a day Sun yet to rise in east,
Life as asphalt road built in hope at river dam,
The confluence of energy PowerStation massively the dam,
The college of engineering life metamorphic ignorance,
The intricate vast complex world followed in life a shadow,
Education clipped family life blossom n career nearby,
Decades of busiest life saw people places countryside,
Small feet a pair covered length n breadth of the nation,
Flight drove passions high projects meeting people,
Work remind work was over as if so sudden,
Packed personal content farewell memorable calumniate,
Left time alone late night with briefcase roadside,
The last bus picked me failed to trace a tear window side,
Cool air sweep past fast O’ spirit time recoiled,
Never roll back possible look future ahead of a consolation,
Decades over the hook to home in meditation,
Ravage life an accident injury at head took years,
Saw life sprang up slow natural pattern eventless,
Dreams pale, crimson years nostalgic lonely moments,
Walk-in the morning a bit fresh air enliven spirit alone,
Riverfront road nice sweet home wonderful family,
Mother with my father departed near the beach,
Son his wife busy in life down floor,
Wife so caring with pills in time medicines,
Grew in passion in quest of divine four decades,
Conjugal love so fruitful at banks of river Ganga,
Himalayan trips etched deep in mind n lasting,
Reminisces overwhelm the years were in motion,
Confluence it moved to complete the final journey,
Touch a silver line of seven decades in the realm,
Look far off past as reel rolling regal forward,
The lifetime will kiss tomorrow at dawn crimson bright,
I shall find walking in the riverfront with wife early dawn,
The reminiscence will be a sight….