Sunday, September 27, 2020







Human nature;

The rainbows of dream visits lifelong,

Hues if scenes lure self sinks in soul song,

Never real in life self faces delusive sweet,

All desires mold dreams satiate in a tweet,

Mind intoxicated in dreams as a boat,

Floats night after night serene blue sea,

Myriads of strange souls appear in the night,

Song, dance, music gossip, and fun a sight,

Dawn dissolves all amid mystic temptations,

Boat a rudderless mind stays sad wanton,

Times in dream spirit unaware of self in sleep,

Intellect vision judgment is inert insight in the clip,

Dream fuels thought to spread wings blind,

Unrealistic impulses push the mind act all kind,

Human life notices such action trap cruel,

Few lose life never care a danger swell,

The path of life is a morass of vogue notion,

Intoxicated mind a boat faces the storm,

Lust greed ego tempt in current,

Whirlpool of waves pulls the timid boat,

Morass to blind mind spirit moves to a fraught,


Past is poison;

One in solitude in sea tranquil float nostalgic,

Enamored in sweet dreams heart projects weak,

Spirit looks memories lanes by-lanes hunting sick,

Probe all possibilities of getting rich making career,

Probe self-effort in achievement lead to be a leader,

The color prism of rich life money women power

The surrender of common men flatter accolade shower

The aspiring journey of lust the rise to zenith morass

All are venoms human mind perishes looking past,

Destiny effort shrewd fox capture in lies short,

For decent one innocent life in morass gets burnt,


State machine inert;

When the community moves blindly in rumor hot,

Malls offices traffic stoned in anger get burnt,

Missiles fly stone hit innocent passerby hurt,

Corruption from grass root to top spread vice,

Progress of work service to people morass rise,

Discipline in public life gets lost in quicksand,

The state machine moves in quagmire sinks,

The prospect of a journey encounter morass,


Extroverts mind a waste;

Meditation rejection of desire a simple life

Solitude silent life inner quest of reason

A practice in path of self-luminous vision

Dispassion to comfort luxury worries tension

Simplicity is a passion of truth fade pretension

Far from gossip talk entertainment leisure

Glittering mansion cushion cloths n are known

The passion of bondage to family society hobby

The sojourn to realization in the morass in the lobby

The culprit is the extrovert mind in force pull out,

Convolute inner focus calm peace intellect rout,

One who disciplines mind reject stubborn tempt,

Merge in realization conquer morass in contempt.


The Canvas of Morass;

The boat is afloat in a stormy sea waits for sinking,

Conscience is missing to pilot morass in life sailing.


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