Saturday, November 14, 2020


Thy Feet


Nine yards mother your vanity, a womb,

Nine months mother grows soul numb,

Eon human race knows creation in care,

The living form on the blue planet also share,

Animal, aquatic, bird, plant born to quit,

Creative power mother replicates soon nit,

Mind watch mother, transform clay to life,

Time witness clay merges with soil insight,

Surging waves rise, proud, merges in the ocean,

Life rise mother out of bosom dissolve often,

Human worships soil as mother or nation,

The world is your womb mother, infinite motion,

Humanity sees the earth as mother, life nurture,

Manifest mother amazing beauty like nature,

Plant, animal, bird, insect, life in water grows,

Mother Nature in worship, human ever bows,

Mother is infinite, real universal motherhood,

The universe is the only mother, creation understood,

No shape, size, color, odor infinite attribute,

Infinite, beyond time, in void love, contribute,

The mind expresses dark space her color often,

Describes her radiance as lightning bright,

Her anger is like thunder life under fright,

Lush green forest, blossom color her cover,

Bluewater of the river, lake dazzles, nice décor,

Her softness, ocean placid, love, fathomless,

Gold, silver, jewel gleams always matchless,

Cornfields golden as her feeding bowl sweet,

Infinite her grace eternal hunger nicely meets,

Mother’s voice is in the whisper of the gentle wind,

Nature’s silence, her music, in bliss unwind,

Enamor mother, incredible presence in heart,

Sings a saint her attributes human mind act,

Consciousness, wisdom, sleep, hunger,

Shadow, energy,, thirst, forgiveness ever,

Caste, shame, peace, affection, aura,

Prosperity, profession, memory, kindness,

Content, motherly love, illusion, senses,

All are her symptoms rise in time sure,

Eyes, ears, mouth, skin, nose ensure,

Thought, intuition, intelligence, conscience,

Feelings manifest, divine or devour mind,

Her anger is fire ruins creation to ash,

Her angry tear is a cyclone, flood furry wash,

Her loving glance is silvery light of the moon,

Her caressing soft, autumn breeze woo,

Her milk, a mother’s milk, all living form,

A people worship cow as mother uniform,

Her milk human drinks in all age n grow,

Worships as a cow is a mother, purity in the glow,

Mother asked Lord, how she is superior,

Lord touched her divine feet in surrender,

Lord explain all knowledge of truth known,

One was lacking in Him mother has shown,

The creator never knew the quality of surrender,

Infinite bliss, tears,, rapturous pleasure,

Nothing as knowledge in Lord inhabits,

He has no feeling, attribute, or objective,

Surrender, trust the surest way to reach Him,

Mother’s practice of love, surrender clean,

Mother hugs creator as soul merges within,

The soul is the mother subtle in creation win,

Union of soul n supreme self witness,

Brighter than a lightening white harness,

As wave merges in ocean loses it quick,

Mother unites with creator ever intrinsic.

The inner vision of the human mind festival of light,

Celebration in erasing darkness; the truth is a delight.  









Friday, November 13, 2020



Awesome time mind has gone wild,

Discipline, decency miss prey child,

School life, family culture corrodes,

Hostel, friend circle innocence erodes,

Cyberspace, mobile corrupts haywire,

Ventilation to carefree life n desire,

Gone out of college, youth n career,

Ample earning urban life hooks seer,

A young mind, money machine work,

Polluted mind for space, forgets clock,

Intoxicated mind, tearaway to dance,

A mixed crowd in pack wine and song,

Mad life loses tomorrow path is wrong,

A dead bone, a bag of inert flesh, sleep,

In time to the idiot box, as a slave do clip,

The mind loses in codes acts as a machine,

Half a day lost in finger loses sunshine,

Neither parent, family, friend nor is home,

Money machine, slavery well awesome,

Overseas life, trips frequent in youth,

Tearaway adolescence Misses kid smooth,

Broken homes, deserted parent A mute,

Beautiful human life as a butt under the boot,

Modern times globe trotter migrant tribe,

A laptop, pen-drive, mobile gazette thrive,

Temptation, rich overnight, wife bruits,

The world under feet, nations lure n recruit,

Booze parlor, solitude tearaways depress,

The thrill of life, scenic bond miss, suppress,

Weak mind, sickbed, aimless future,

Overwork in a box, void mental feature,


Complete with coder tribe, tearaway more,

Masonry worker, water pipefitter, welder,

Nurse, hotel boy, sweeper, driver, teacher,

Youth in skill love, be tearaway wanderer,

Live in the slum, alien prison, cruelty to labor,

Tearaway in self destruct path life insecure,

Serene rural life without the glamour of the city,

Simple life in the village, freedom is beauty,

A migrant is a tearaway youth in a nightmare,

Poverty, sickness, lack of shelter dare,

Among millions of migrant life none to care,

Innocent youth lacks a job, tearaway hare,


The lure of youth reel life as an actor, singer,

Metro’s pull for glamour, wealth clamor,

Jobless youth hope hooks tearaway clean,

Success overnight goes viral, smiling face,

Innocent mind, name n fame, rich life lead,

Corruption of character, sinful, wild deed,

Failure in screen tearaway lost mind, bleed,

Glamorous actor’s life rots as animal indeed.


At tender age a youth sail overseas,

A century ago amaze a nation in surprise,

His nation, people of snake charmer not,

Ancient Vedic culture in life realizes most.

A teen eight-year-old left home as a traveler,

Erase conflict of mind in ancient faith pure.


Thursday, November 12, 2020



Enamored once with beauty,

Of a village girl looking exotic,

Her ring, color frock, ankle chain,

Bare her feet, long hair, ribbon,

Round face, sparkling eyes, smile,

Took a glance remote village in the mile,

Early morning cowherd ringing bell,

Farmer moving to the field, bullock in the tail,

Village barber with a toolset hark,

A child calls a vegetable vendor park,

Black smokes in the cottage of an ironsmith,

Hammer red iron, charcoal underneath,

Carpenter cuts wood in the saw for a cart,

Village pond females with pitcher first,

Plumber dries earthen pots, idol, lamp,

Weaver dyes cloths in color, cotton damp,

Goldsmith with bangle calls in the road,

Female crowds, in delight for gold,

 Pulls cart vendor shouts on goods,

Follows a trolley moves with wood,

Thatched roof in smokes, kitchen fire,

Aromas of spices magical inspire,

Mango groves with flower bud smell,

Summer ripe mangoes children swell,

Paddy ripe looks golden sway in the breeze,

Villager busy in the harvest in night freeze,

Wintertime evening village home light,

Lantern, lamp, women worship delight,

A cottage old villager reads Bhagavat,

Villagers listen in silence at the night,

Green hill around the village, a river flows,

Cornfield extends to the riverbank in rows,

Boatman with boat catches fish, ply goods,

There is a narrow road to a town near woods,

Bullock cart ferries villager n product,

No electricity, vehicle, motor, lonely most,

Impressive is village life in nature,

Small a school, clinic life is secure,

Utopia saw in life never forget in life,

Decades passed in city utopia strike,


Once on a visit to the metro saw urban life,

Towers of sky scrapper motors drive,

People are busy in rustle to move,

Milling crowd in the bazaar, in park look,

A different world from the rustic village,

Cinema, college, office, hospital, sewage,

Stood speechless first I saw life,

Utopia is here with comfort luxury,

The desire of the human mind loots treasury,

Television, phone travel by train,

Bus, car, plane ply people in rain,

Move ahead to city limit, a river flows,

Heaps of plastic, dirt, a bank in rows.

Huge slum mile long with tiny shed,

Picture of honeycomb, human beehive,

Dirt, filth in space sock me kid’s look,

Spoilt her face in neglect smiles hook,

Innocence is god’s image village or town,

Utopia for kid’s game, food, black or brown,

Return to suburb witness high rise flats,

Humans live in dungeon moss or dirt,

Life in flats, local leads a busy working life,

Education, career, travel, elder often sick,

Search utopia here, if in mind lurk,

Found in dark gully lost myself murk,


Soul seeks village life serene in silence,

Innocence lives yet people in negligence,

Nature cares in love silence beauty at par

Concludes utopia exist in glory do inspire,

The joy of human heart peace in mind,

Blissful evenings scintillating night,

Sun-kissed cornfields, a full moonlit pond,

Pass till last day in utopia, an earth bond.



Wednesday, November 11, 2020




Witness simile in life mind is the ocean,

The thought is a forest, console as lotion,

Smiles impress as love, tear to hurt,

Whispers like the idea, an oasis in comfort,

Metaphor projects pictures matching,

Effects of magical impression expressing,


National culture includes a metaphor,

The message of the father of the nation, in life, adore,

Three monkeys mute, blind, deaf décor,

Intimated as gurus, principle enamor,

A most difficult task, human life practice,

Eyes, ears, mouth close for evil notice,

Leaders of nation, press, eminent fail,

Generations awe to notion, mean detail,

Few understand metaphor, Bapu’s gift,

His aim for rulers, motive social uplift,

Rejection of evil as input to mind firm,

Expressing evil out of the mental block as an arm,

Ruler, citizen yet to decipher a metaphor,

In the practice of massage, life rare ardor,


Three monkeys, not humans as an idol,

One deaf, other mute, rest blind all,

Monkey is a symbol of a restless mind,

Jumps ceaseless among trees find,

The tree is a metaphor of thought often,

The branch is a feeling, triggers motion,

Human behaves as monkey restless,

Mind in agitation rare as thoughtless,

Eyes, ears feed to mind, view, hear,

Self restrain, discipline never near,

Sight for lust, greed, hatred or envy,

Hundreds of attitude trap mind savvy,

Love for hearing self-flattery, insult,

Condemning other, rebuttal, assault,

Lies rumors fabrications, mind spoilt,

Input through the eye, ear, conscience melt,

Indiscriminate use of sight voice ruins,

Deaf and blind metaphor ignore wins,

The mouth is twin gate, close, well it means,

Word is deadlier than a weapon, the soul feels,

A hurt, wound by sword heals well fine,

Meer word affects deeper bleeds lifetime,

Evil word is a curse, insult, scold or lies,

Tongue to be blocked, teeth lips defies,

Never nation saw Bapu, words caustic,

Ever slashing tongue, silence realistic,

Wisest to be mute than evil retaliation,

Conscience rules mind purity reflection,


The metaphor of three monkey wisest move,

Stable mind discriminates purity wove,

Metaphor detached life path to realizing,

Mahatma showed a path of life precise.