Thursday, November 12, 2020



Enamored once with beauty,

Of a village girl looking exotic,

Her ring, color frock, ankle chain,

Bare her feet, long hair, ribbon,

Round face, sparkling eyes, smile,

Took a glance remote village in the mile,

Early morning cowherd ringing bell,

Farmer moving to the field, bullock in the tail,

Village barber with a toolset hark,

A child calls a vegetable vendor park,

Black smokes in the cottage of an ironsmith,

Hammer red iron, charcoal underneath,

Carpenter cuts wood in the saw for a cart,

Village pond females with pitcher first,

Plumber dries earthen pots, idol, lamp,

Weaver dyes cloths in color, cotton damp,

Goldsmith with bangle calls in the road,

Female crowds, in delight for gold,

 Pulls cart vendor shouts on goods,

Follows a trolley moves with wood,

Thatched roof in smokes, kitchen fire,

Aromas of spices magical inspire,

Mango groves with flower bud smell,

Summer ripe mangoes children swell,

Paddy ripe looks golden sway in the breeze,

Villager busy in the harvest in night freeze,

Wintertime evening village home light,

Lantern, lamp, women worship delight,

A cottage old villager reads Bhagavat,

Villagers listen in silence at the night,

Green hill around the village, a river flows,

Cornfield extends to the riverbank in rows,

Boatman with boat catches fish, ply goods,

There is a narrow road to a town near woods,

Bullock cart ferries villager n product,

No electricity, vehicle, motor, lonely most,

Impressive is village life in nature,

Small a school, clinic life is secure,

Utopia saw in life never forget in life,

Decades passed in city utopia strike,


Once on a visit to the metro saw urban life,

Towers of sky scrapper motors drive,

People are busy in rustle to move,

Milling crowd in the bazaar, in park look,

A different world from the rustic village,

Cinema, college, office, hospital, sewage,

Stood speechless first I saw life,

Utopia is here with comfort luxury,

The desire of the human mind loots treasury,

Television, phone travel by train,

Bus, car, plane ply people in rain,

Move ahead to city limit, a river flows,

Heaps of plastic, dirt, a bank in rows.

Huge slum mile long with tiny shed,

Picture of honeycomb, human beehive,

Dirt, filth in space sock me kid’s look,

Spoilt her face in neglect smiles hook,

Innocence is god’s image village or town,

Utopia for kid’s game, food, black or brown,

Return to suburb witness high rise flats,

Humans live in dungeon moss or dirt,

Life in flats, local leads a busy working life,

Education, career, travel, elder often sick,

Search utopia here, if in mind lurk,

Found in dark gully lost myself murk,


Soul seeks village life serene in silence,

Innocence lives yet people in negligence,

Nature cares in love silence beauty at par

Concludes utopia exist in glory do inspire,

The joy of human heart peace in mind,

Blissful evenings scintillating night,

Sun-kissed cornfields, a full moonlit pond,

Pass till last day in utopia, an earth bond.



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