Saturday, December 12, 2020



Distant deep space finds the blue planet,

Unique visible in cosmos, rare replicate,

Planet owes splendor of Oceania bluish,

Incredible living forms islands flourish,

Human heart questions heaven, a fiction,

Paradise of nature, great pacific conviction,

Emerald islands, flora, fauna, foliage,

Color birds, flightless penguin image,

Giant whales, shark, dolphin awesome,

Great ocean vastness horizon to horizon,

Lone Crevasses, vertical cliff, volcanic rock,

Midst of pacific, un-spoilt, myriad life sock,

Brooks crystal clear, impregnable greens,

Creature uncommon, mysterious means,

Specter of a castaway, shipwreck novelty,

Dreams busy life bore, human travesty,

Infinite peace, calm mind, solitude call,

Metro of lights, noise, high rise tower tall,

Modern mind in fracture seeks to silence,

A dark night in the forest, stardust influence,

Miles of golden beach, cocoanut grove,

Alone a soul, family, tensions dissolve,

Million world trotters converge amiss,

Scuba dive in coral islands goldfish,

The thrill, romance with beautiful nature,

Stories of shark, underwater crater,

Reel life projects mesmerizing scene,

Rare fortunate people witness clean,

Tourist’s lifelong memories visit album,

Astonishing realities in amber churn,

Great land in pacific, Australia inspire,

Vast desert highlands, cactus, bushfire,

Primitive tribal boomerang catch notice,

Kangaroo pleasant surprise, coral reefs,

Vast continent host mysteries in splendor,

Discovers lone traveler, paradise wonder,

Melancholy in wind shrills, desolations,

Bald mountains brown taunts Martian,

New Zealand, Philippines, Japan scenic,

Volcano in Pacific Rim ash n fume terrific,

Tourist hot spot captures the rare landscape,

Tsunami often plays havoc, one fail escape,

Cyclones, earthquake, Pacific Ocean surge,

Coastal belt in Oceania face a flood, submerge,

Beauty with beast goes story proverbial,

Beautiful blue pacific turn monster critical,

Great pacific trench depth fathomless dark,

Everest will sink, mysterious depth stark,

The human mind has lost in wild dreams,

The underwater planetary world thrives, seems,

Fanaticize people in silver screens often,

Parallel life hidden exists, stories in motion,

Oceania splendor mesmerizes curios mind,

Beauty n beast, exotic species, volcano rewind,

Incredible people, amazing life, pristine pacific,

Happy New Year welcomes first, glimpses ecstatic

Friday, December 11, 2020




Beautiful earth, orient superlative,

Civilization ancient, culture exotic,

Himalayan heights to Hindukush,

Tibetan platitude glows golden roof,

Down the plains, fertile rivers flow,

Billions of humanity struggle, grow,

Great Plains’ rich culture inspires,

Prime people of globe future declare,

Spread over, world intellectual mind,

Enrich oriental vision friendly find,

Quick in adopting alien culture, nice,

Contribution to nation enormous price,

Peace, progress, growth, hospitality,

Orient shine in matchless quality,

Goods, knowledge, medicine excel,

Busiest commerce, transport well,

Leadership, lifestyle, economy rises,

Industry, people, hardship surprises,

Orient builds structures, Middle East,

Desert sand blaze, technology beast,

Pearl islands in the Indian Ocean, Pacific,

Maldives to Indonesia, Japan exotic,

Flora fauna, beach, Srilanka attracts,

World fascinate islands, trip interacts

Futuristic Japan industry flourishes,

Orient dazzles, products ravishes,

East Asia pacific ring in business,

Hong kong, Singapore, Bangkong city,

Tourist place, holiday, maritime beauty,

 New millennium, dense people develop,

Song of orient silent serene ocean throb,

Incredible impact on a global dimension,

Orient globetrotter, economy impression,


Orient song sweet to listen recent,

Past is a tear, blood, poverty insistent,

The dark period of colonial rule, bondage,

Vast richness, craft, wealth in a voyage,

Mongol or Mughal, orient in aggression

Inner partition, war, death devastation,

Last century was a melancholic song,

Tragedy captures, heart of a human long,

Expansion in war, ravaged continent,

Tragedies of partitions lost residents,

Orients was a canvas of horror etched,

Time was the healer, peace final fetched,


Orient sings on Buddhist preaching,

A simple, peaceful life, end of suffering,

Envisages truth, freedom from bondage,

Ancient Vedic teachings pain assuage,

Enlighten verses, preaching influence,

Globe attuned to resurrection essence,

Orient accepted Christian, Islamic faith,

Forgiveness, compassion, serve dwelt,

Peace and brotherhood, pious life,

Orient projects fine outlook, insight,

Mingled well with western culture dress,

Metros awake nightlong orient express.


Orient is populous, humans throng,

Enriches magnificent an orient song.







Thursday, December 10, 2020




Grew in life in absolute faith,

Surrender to Lord only wealth,

Neither material gain nor lust,

Neither greed nor revenge host,

Neither anger nor hatred ever,

Detachment for life pious ever,

Trust God, speak truth, peaceful,

Simple life, humble, forgive cool,

The attraction for female charms trap,

Gold, jewels, assets, desire wrap,

Divine mind, God loves who reject,

Embrace ascetic family life perfect,

Life passed, the river flows near the ocean,

Ever performed for rules in motion,

Pretension in guise, deceive somber,

Lies, negative attitudes ever allure,

Not me, not he, humanity adopt,

Forgot God-knowing, cover aloft,

Read sacred books in all faith clear,

Good deeds please Him, life secure,

Bad deeds, evil practice betray Him,

Comfort, luxury, passion grab clean,

Who dares, does shares name n fame,

God is fabulous hype practice insane!

Such is wild mind, the ignorant wise fool,

Deny forthright as truth, commit cool,

Birth of hypocrisy in human mind best,

Pain, misery, surrender to occult infest,

Escape from crime, misdeeds, mind con,

Occult practices sweep human awesome,


Lemon, chili string in homes wards off evil,

New vehicle burst lemon before runs wheel,

Red vermilion, glass bangles on a new bike,

The idol of God adores a new car, a protector like?

Wishes in life never achieved with effort,

Fasting, penance, rolling in street most,

Walking on burning charcoal win favor,

Needles on mouth, nose, perforate cure,

Young women marry dog, animals, tree,

Only to ward off the evil planet, later get free,

Cat is a domestic pet, humans love, care,

Same people on the journey back, a cat stare,

Treat as an ill omen, fear failure, accident,

Incredible human mind occult is decent,

World over in all culture, faith nice accent,

Slaughter of animals, sacrifice to Goddess,

An offer of saving hair for baby, widow impress,

Vermilion circle at the forehead, bangles secure,

Sacred wristband, symbols, life feel pure,

Tarot, parrot, horoscope future details,

Occult practice welcome, trust prevails,

Under ban Sati, the self-immolation of the widow,

Eon of dark faith, surrender to occult shadow,

Power corrupts, absolute power blinds,

Human temptation corrodes, occult minds,

Supernatural powers, mind hallucinates,

Pleasing through occult practices satiate,

Through the blood of the living, self pain immense,

Fasting, penance, acquire boon in sense,

God’s abode is the brightest, dark world stealth,

Without seeking the divine, leads happy in filth,

Happiness, sorrows, smile, comfort, tear, pain,

Realized surrender to Almighty, occult insane.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020



The heart is a honey bee searches tireless,

Love resembles honey, tests sweetness,

Teenage budding senses, heart blossoms,

Feeling, sound, sight, taste, touch awesome,

Love as honey satiate heart hungry most,

Childhood budding mind, love never lost,

Mature life gradual, love own fascination,

Searches from family, friend, communication,

The mind loves demeanor, care, time, fondness,

Heart seek closeness, loving gesture impress,

As adult realized love never overwhelm,

Purity yes, silent expectations in the chain,

Father loves son, for discipline, obedient,

Mother loves child for exam result decent,

Teacher loves student found the least indecent,

Friend love on the share, matching sentiment,

Elders love a kid, humble, simple, silent,

Neighbors love friendly smile, lack incessant,

Grandpa’s love immense without motive,

Loving time, shares, mood quite emotive,

Remember childhood grandmother’ love,

Matching with mother’s love, anger dissolves,

Undiluted, always, her askance mean little,

Never saw her angry, patience least brittle,

Teenage life, tears, hurt, ma, papa got angry,

Mistakes prone in life, accident or hungry,

Crestfallen in poor result, teacher rebuke,

Felt insulted before a friend, threw a notebook,

Quarrel with a neighbor mate, get scold a lot,

Denied request, father forget promise most,

Mother visit away from home, leaving alone,

Sit sullen brood, protest in fast most often,

Decades after wonder, clueless how all melt,

Grandmother’s caress, loving whispers dealt,

Assure friend Grandma, night s were a charm,

Stories of kings, princess, prince, in bed warm,

Sleep creeps stealthy, her presence secure,

Fear of ghost, demons, punishment disappear,

Remember sharing snacks with her, fun,

Walking in the park hand in hand under the sun,

Sleeping in her lap, paradise in dreams,

Quick asleep takeover like milk n creams,

Her evening prayers, utterances with bead,

Her visit to the temple, company none to head,

Remember her simple life, pious, much kind,

Her fasting every month, simple diet remind,

Adult age surprises, her pain, sadness hide,

Her eyes so much loving, smiles, rules decide,

Century ago Grandma as a goddess was living,

Group family was our home, demeanor enchanting,

Parents respected her, her words respected,

She was family head, advises motivated,

Century fade with her charisma in course,

Generation see family fractured, atom worse,

Adulthood seeks life partner, kids only,

Couple seeks my way or highway selfishly,

So often broken homes collapse kid’s life,

New aspiration, dreams, family under the knife,

Grandparent, parent all vanish from the kid,

So sad, heart, throb, lost a time indeed,

Inquire, mind nostalgic, encompass slow,

Demeanor's grandmother loves heart glow.









Tuesday, December 8, 2020




Boyhood an age, mind ever restless,

Interaction with elders, warn distress,

Heart spring forth sudden, run wild,

Headmaster eyes in school turn mild,

His looks so fearful, never scold child,

Punishments kneel down, anger hide,

His class pin drop silence, chalk speed,

Blackboard gets full, notebook to read,

Class missed, well remember, question,

Mindful for students, answers do listen,

Gentle, soft-spoken, never with smiles,

Alert always in class, simple in styles,

A pen in pocket, long sticks, a register,

Enters class, all stand, attendance usher,

Senior boys, girls respect as God in mold,

Teachers all obedient, treat advice as gold,

So also students get inspired alike well,

Distances from head master rings a bell,

Bell is in mind curios a heart never task,

Never witness tired, in class least relax,

Half a century ago, small town know,

A person modest, truthful, decent show,

Never saw a quarrel with any, pacify nice,

Well behaved with parents, great surprise,

Failure in exam, disturbing children,

Infinite care, guidance, melts harden,

Interaction brief, office ever silent work,

Results, sports, picnic, functions as a clock,

Clean school, dress, the image brought pride,

Small town honor demeanor, well preside,

Decades after a student, look back, amaze,

Humble, modest life, ideal, his knowledge,

His demeanor steam press our upbringing,

Turn doctor, politician, lawyer, engineer wing,

Search within us, compare with demeanor,

Assets, positions, fame flourish, match minor,

Never realized in life ethics matchless rare,

Ponder intensely retired, why we can’t share,

Our certificates of honor owes all credit,

Prime age headmaster tendered till exit,

A huge world-traveled lot, met nice people,

The demeanor of the teacher built us simply
