Tuesday, December 8, 2020




Boyhood an age, mind ever restless,

Interaction with elders, warn distress,

Heart spring forth sudden, run wild,

Headmaster eyes in school turn mild,

His looks so fearful, never scold child,

Punishments kneel down, anger hide,

His class pin drop silence, chalk speed,

Blackboard gets full, notebook to read,

Class missed, well remember, question,

Mindful for students, answers do listen,

Gentle, soft-spoken, never with smiles,

Alert always in class, simple in styles,

A pen in pocket, long sticks, a register,

Enters class, all stand, attendance usher,

Senior boys, girls respect as God in mold,

Teachers all obedient, treat advice as gold,

So also students get inspired alike well,

Distances from head master rings a bell,

Bell is in mind curios a heart never task,

Never witness tired, in class least relax,

Half a century ago, small town know,

A person modest, truthful, decent show,

Never saw a quarrel with any, pacify nice,

Well behaved with parents, great surprise,

Failure in exam, disturbing children,

Infinite care, guidance, melts harden,

Interaction brief, office ever silent work,

Results, sports, picnic, functions as a clock,

Clean school, dress, the image brought pride,

Small town honor demeanor, well preside,

Decades after a student, look back, amaze,

Humble, modest life, ideal, his knowledge,

His demeanor steam press our upbringing,

Turn doctor, politician, lawyer, engineer wing,

Search within us, compare with demeanor,

Assets, positions, fame flourish, match minor,

Never realized in life ethics matchless rare,

Ponder intensely retired, why we can’t share,

Our certificates of honor owes all credit,

Prime age headmaster tendered till exit,

A huge world-traveled lot, met nice people,

The demeanor of the teacher built us simply




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