Sunday, March 28, 2021





Tell tasteless saga, life rustic,

Born amid a verdant hill music,

Enthrall childhood call forest,

Recline on rock eyes lost rest,

Steals crystal-clear brook lot,

On pebbles, it murmurs most,

Colorful bird strange whisper,

Gentle breeze leaves shudder,

Silent valley aroma wildflower,

Seclusion creates a love to shower,

Small village community close,

Parent uncle brother sis owes,

Time-tested tranquil verdure,

Quit when young miss nature, (1)


Blind city-light dazzle traffic owe,

Tall skyscrapers avenues life bow,

Milling mall busy bazaar n Park,

Cement road clean lot cars, park,

Heart amazed, university, college,

Big office building or knowledge,

Neatly dress n school kids fluent,

City on first visit all sink affluent,

Amazes mostly, wealthy and wise,

Nestled in village-hut  in surprise,

Speechless fearful in sock begin,

College, university degrees win,

Luck job promotes a better life,

Nestle in city life with a kid wife, (2)


Forgot mud cottage a sweet home,

House on brick cement mansion,

Small garden, two floors windows,

Balcony nice asset furniture owes,

Due course car in garage n bikes,

Life prosper in years desire hikes,

Food cloth travel ornament family,

Never conceived to happen simply,

Bank balance life insured in craze,

Opulent lifestyle luxuries purchase,

Air-condition television all gadgets,

Conceivable pleasure all confiscates,

Life accrue luxury comfort in strife,

Miss peace recluse nestle in city life (3)


A sleepless night in cushion tension,

Worries fetch illness diet is a reason,

Oil, spices, rich food tastily savors,

Tour late night workloads harbors,

Pollution noise add health worsen,

Wish quit job return to village own,

Recall fresh air, peace of mind, joy,

Tranquil fields in greeneries enjoy,

Crowd, noise, dust, busiest life, miss,

Enamor rustic teenage, again kiss,

Time never revisit past start again,

Nestles in city life, desires in vain,

Call of a village not audible in strife,

Fate end enamor nestle in city life. (4)







Saturday, March 27, 2021





Love your motherland intense,

People mean it few in pretense,

Lifelong witness soldiers guard,

Guard frontier hostile forward,

Hostile if weather, land, water,

Day n night alert nation secure,

Spare often life, performs duty,

Sans leaves, impress assiduity, (1)


Peasants work hard, year-wise,

Meager income poorest life-size,

Face unpredictable weather lot,

Billion plus people happy most,

Bountiful crop harvests farmer,

Never condemn nation n rumor,

The spine of a nation serves beauty,

Ever cultivate impress assiduity (2)


The backbone of the nation daily labor,

Build city road, bridge all eager,

Far from home works in a shelter,

Summer rain fail to deter n winter,

Hard work meager income faces,

Family sacrifice self need traces,

Amazes glass towers long bridge,

Icy slopes mountain range freeze,

Desert heart blisters in the bridge,

Hats off the strength of nation n duty,

Migrant life hurts impress assiduity, (4)


Countrymen ever wonderful most,

Plumber carpenter ironsmith lot,

Weaver fishermen handicraft lure,

Women force work villages allure,

Salesman peddler news paperboy,

Vegetable vendor myriad life enjoy,

Earnings a pittance land progress,

Employment catchword n impress,

Happiness factor of the national scene,

Game festival event functions win,

Yearly income family sustain, witty,

Misses notice n impress assiduity, (5)


Youth future of nation study well,

Builders of all infrastructure swell,

Most modern futuristic inventions,

Space, defense, data n vaccination,

Strength engineer, doctor research,

Scientist literature think-tank art,

Nation progress dimensions smart,

Salute a people only hope is gritty,

Amazing devote impress assiduity (6)



A nation without women limelight,

Dissolves strength, betrayal fright,

Corruption, cruelty, anger, act violent,

The root is home women build decent,

Respect, security, freedoms bestow,

Women educated fit character glow,

The character of a child or of nation same,

Greed, jealousy, cheats bribery tame,

Women equal to men work is beauty,

Mightier is nation impress assiduity (7)

Friday, March 26, 2021





Blue planet invest in unique nature,

Blue skies, blue ocean n verdure,

Brown earth white beach entices,

The greenery of a forest, floral impress,

Icy peak snow-white fears molten,

Dawns at icy slopes excite, golden,

Sunrise sunset crimson lot spray,

Bountiful golden crop wind sway,

Lake, pond acquire stars n moon,

Placid river glisten sunlight soon,

Bridal dress, charming lady cites,

Perplex life apprehension intuits, (1)


Earth being thrills path of roses,

Born n walk, depict poesy poses,

Bridal dress fades out n thunder,

Lightening, strike blitz if shudder,

Flood flurry sudden cyclone, twit,

Peace, tranquility erase loses wit,

Scintillating beauty smacks quit,

Life alerts, apprehension intuits, (2)


Happy people, merrymaker loft,

Peaceful landscape lovely most,

Life progress, well mirth shower,

Busy life pattern wealth power,

Power of pink health, joy travel,

Wonderful time human unravel,

Night finds awake, dance parlor,

Game, festive season mind savor,

Dawn break, good news forecast,

A dark cloud hangs tense overcast,

Pandemic viral, people if clueless,

Infects, system collapse, distress,

Wildcat nation strike violent hot,

Arson, fire, destruct angers most,

Life n death deal protest recruits,

People hope apprehension intuits, (3)


Daydreamer shrugs from a window,

Apprehension, intuition gut show,

More thought clouds mind terrify,

Live in present calm future notify,

Intellect wise memory experience,

Find survival path solve, immense,

Close eyes ears tight lips pretense,

Life safe focus, thoughtless hence,

Attitude nature feeling sensations,

Positive n negative call indications,

Positive is courage hope calmness,

Steel nerve knee jerk effort traces,

Negative is lethargy, lies, a careless,

Myopic, fearful, tremble paralyzes,

Better late than never, now or never,

Life ever surrender or safe secure,

Open eyes coin rotates duet suits,

Head or tail apprehension intuits. (4)


Thursday, March 25, 2021




Sojourn of the soul often torment,

Journey of life tests different,

Intense desire sensuous thrill,

Diminish controls, mind drill,

Conserve courage, detach fade,

Lust, greed, ego n anger raid,

The opaque mind fails to visualize,

Intoxicate mind drunk precise, (1)


Dreary desert, hot sands hurt,

Passionate heart thirsty worst,

Crawl puzzles on slopes rest,

Floats mirage of fountain, test,

Parched lips seek to drink cool,

Oasis mirage, melt hopes full,

Why O’ Lord watch alert muse,

Plead insouciance seeks refuge, (2)


Merciful ever love care often,

Caring, help near compassion,

Never anger touch cleans sin,

Pour peace, bliss, joy ever win,

The heart is your abode conscious,

Ever whisper, guide righteous,

Sick mind, body, spirit search,

Infinite grace feel, heals touch, (3)


Creator, dust feels your breath,

The life you bestow, precious wealth,

Birth on earth offers correction,

Death cleanses ill habit, emotion,

Cruelty, jealousy, greed perishes,

Spirit quit dear limbs vanishes,

Transient world n illusive ruse,

Realize insouciance seeks refuge, (4)


Blue-planet paradise in the universe,

Gold, jewel, pearl entices of course,

Blue Ocean, emerald islands invite,

Blue skies, among clouds delight,

Evergreen forest, serene verdure,

Brook crystal clear, waterfall lure,

Earth, landscape canvas changes,

Rain, lightning, thunder ravages,

Weather, elements wrought nature,

Steals heart, romantic spirit savor,  (5)


Summer, spring, winter influence,

Hungry limbs entangle confluence,

The fall, blossoms fragrant meet,

Wet earth aromas, seasons greet,

Enchanting beauty smiles in the cloud,

Unites if handsome youth proud,

Spirit loses self in quicksand lost,

Earth stories O’ Lord; watch most, (6)


Tells conscience to reject or detach,

Discard life, luxury comfort attach,

Ever commit romance in lust sinful,

Earth being plunders love wonderful,

Seeks help in pain, sorrow n illness,

Pain dissipates lifetime lot impress,

Heart search place happiness forever,

Life safe, no pain, trouble n secure 

Ocean of mercy, your glory infuse,

Grace insouciance seeks refuge. (7)


Wednesday, March 24, 2021





Honest truly opens heart,

Lifelong silent sober, fact,

Hurt covers face pensive,

Avoid word let aggressive,

Look away deflects abuse,

Abuse least mean self-use,

Soft-spoken, reply to heal,

Arrogance ego mouth seal,

Gratitude, heart tolerates,

The mind never greet balance,

Hot to feign nonchalance, (1)


Appear like fiction or novel,

Lifelong pain misery propel,

Seclusion selects vent cool,

Anger hurt tense tears rule,

The truth of life feels transient,

Tomorrow to erase n decent,

Men may come, men may go,

Little surrender reaction bow,

Keep my bruised heart tight,

Prays Lord for courage light,

Peace bliss love caring touch,

Precious life self treat vouch,  

Keep aloof to ego, arrogance,

Face shows feign nonchalance, (2)


Kids disobey, family quarrel,

Neighbor indecent terse well,

A friend quit abrupt or disgust,

People look down, hate most,

Service life staff, boss, senior,

Misbehave, filthy, treat ignore,

Family life needs endless lack,

Tension for money asset back,

Responsibility duty incapable,

Rational mind act as self able,

Clueless, solution in abeyance,

Patient lets feign nonchalance, (3)


Life witness illness price rise,

Home, marriage loan surprise,

Children need to study parent,

Meager salary n loans warrant,

Travel festival expenses accrue,

Lifelong clearing loans, so true,

Nightlong payment worries kill,

Family life of honest self kneel,

Corruption never trap pittance,

Saves clean feign nonchalance, (4)


Retired life ripe age contemplate,

Simple life led the mind to promulgate,

Life is accordance n discordance,

Bear, solve n feign nonchalance,

Morning walk alone n remember,

Peace calm mind brings slumber,

Real happiness, love, compassion,

Feign nonchalance, true passion. (5)


Tuesday, March 23, 2021





Spring arrives at the garden,

Red rose smile miss burden,

Beautiful creeper its flowers,

Dews on grass glint showers,

Showers peace happiness lot,

Youthful heart n limbs alert,

Rests drowsy mind’s garden,

Endless dreams of life again, (1)


Excellent in studies n career,

Name recognition to grow sheer,

Hard work n clean life simple,

Impeccable character n single,

Middle-class tag fade, famous,

Influential personality copious,

Admiration, applause, success,

Charms wife kids now impress, (2)


Bird chirps sweet awake mind,

Harsh life surrounds n rewind,

Rose petals miss dew dissipate,

Garden of life bleak hope wait,

Examination result hunt fear,

Success elusive lets pain tear,

Courage patience consoles self,

Effort hard work credits shelve, (3)


Nightlong table lamp lit books,

Intricate complex study hooks,

Dreams fade long hour’s labor,

Dawn breaks ready exam-hour,

Hours written test seem minute,

Satisfaction n result fear to dilute,

A week later, good news intimate,

Happy, n discordance dissipate, (4)


Discordance of mind reappears,

Again written test date, careers,

Future allures incredible service,

Tension anxiety failure precipice,

Months of practice and practice,

Exam-date arrives, n little notice,

No answer to hard labor, fruitful,

Confidence n interview wonderful, (5)


Excellent career wait for hope to dream,

Spring will return happiness brim,

Garden of mind rose will blossom,

Aspirations ah... demand ransom,

Visualize enchanting lady invites,

Sure proposes her wedding vibes,

Modulate conjugal life build home,

Happen, fervent prayers awesome, (6)


A sweet home, bitter truth, life test,

Break n make young heart invest,

Result out get appointment letter,

Youthful mind discordant, better,

Posts girlfriend, welcome intimate,

Reads, then discordance dissipate. (7)