Showing posts with label FEIGN NONCHALANCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FEIGN NONCHALANCE. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2021





Honest truly opens heart,

Lifelong silent sober, fact,

Hurt covers face pensive,

Avoid word let aggressive,

Look away deflects abuse,

Abuse least mean self-use,

Soft-spoken, reply to heal,

Arrogance ego mouth seal,

Gratitude, heart tolerates,

The mind never greet balance,

Hot to feign nonchalance, (1)


Appear like fiction or novel,

Lifelong pain misery propel,

Seclusion selects vent cool,

Anger hurt tense tears rule,

The truth of life feels transient,

Tomorrow to erase n decent,

Men may come, men may go,

Little surrender reaction bow,

Keep my bruised heart tight,

Prays Lord for courage light,

Peace bliss love caring touch,

Precious life self treat vouch,  

Keep aloof to ego, arrogance,

Face shows feign nonchalance, (2)


Kids disobey, family quarrel,

Neighbor indecent terse well,

A friend quit abrupt or disgust,

People look down, hate most,

Service life staff, boss, senior,

Misbehave, filthy, treat ignore,

Family life needs endless lack,

Tension for money asset back,

Responsibility duty incapable,

Rational mind act as self able,

Clueless, solution in abeyance,

Patient lets feign nonchalance, (3)


Life witness illness price rise,

Home, marriage loan surprise,

Children need to study parent,

Meager salary n loans warrant,

Travel festival expenses accrue,

Lifelong clearing loans, so true,

Nightlong payment worries kill,

Family life of honest self kneel,

Corruption never trap pittance,

Saves clean feign nonchalance, (4)


Retired life ripe age contemplate,

Simple life led the mind to promulgate,

Life is accordance n discordance,

Bear, solve n feign nonchalance,

Morning walk alone n remember,

Peace calm mind brings slumber,

Real happiness, love, compassion,

Feign nonchalance, true passion. (5)


Saturday, March 6, 2021





Young heart passionate n love,

Mind emotional, anger involve,

Human life social by nature act,

People, state, nation let impact,

Noise uproar statement remark,

Affect lives inflame group stark,

Political life game of power play,

Freedom of voice comment slay,

Slay mere remark image lifelong,

People sock, believe media song,

Landscape quiet under thunder,

Hail storm of personal blunder,

Lightening fright private family,

Exposed democracy ruin simply,

Melodrama costs the life of people,

Violence, arson destroy middle,

Nation halts total blanket ban,

Empty roads close city rail van,

Paralyze life of people business,

Education suffers, kids distress,

Election voter’s choice demand,

Voter suffer in violence expand,

Wise civilian feign nonchalance,

Silent aloof but hide reluctance, (1)


Middle-age people seek wealth,

Money multiplies quickly in a breath,

Mutual fund, betting bonanza,

Trap money miss extravaganza,

Invest in share market vaporize,

Rich lose overnight story precisely,

Complacent nature save regular,

Feign nonchalance safe singular,

Uncorrupt self-control life enjoy,

Far from bullfight of market joy,(2)


The nonchalant character within the wall,

Stepping stones on water enthrall,

Throws stone to calm water of the pond,

Watch ripple on the surface safely fond,

Calm mind carefree life so peaceful,

Safety security offer home wonderful,

Modern life alert mind in time react,

Complacent, inertia trouble, distract,

Watch turbulences life true elegance,

Exhibit wise a look feign nonchalance,

Keep aloof from social frenzy turmoil,

Tight lips mind cool, quit before boil,

People throw their life in gold, power,

Adventure brings fame people shower,

Adventure often fatal shatter dream,

Safe path stepping stones on stream,

Watch each step from swift water run,

Feign nonchalance trickster ever won. (3)


Parent taught in childhood pretend,

Never care for deeds of child intend,

Feign nonchalance save kid depress,

Routine exam result failure, success,

Mother knows before show ignorant,

Consoles erase tear, hugs repentant,

Father ask mischief deed in reluctance,

Worry hidden shows feign nonchalance.  (4)