Sunday, May 30, 2021




Devastate life trouble, endless,

My world collapse life depress,

Friend, foe discard feel useless,

Simple mind lonely n clueless, (1)


Incapable nit to accrue assets,

Insolvency, people lot dissects,

Fragile health jobless feel sad,

Home tags incompetent discard, (2)


Far from family people wonder,

How to survive hangs a future,

Complex-struggle of life defeat,

Sad exploited often ill fate, wit, (3)


Unsuccessful in studies reject,

Menial works hard works wait,

Sickness restricts income total,

Moneyless, no hope, fears fatal, (4)


Mysterious life desperate, wish,

Live longer get healthy flourish,

Hate untimed lonely death well,

Tearful never pray Lord, indwell, (5)


Merciless knows, mute n silent,

Simple heart little please decent,

Mocks a world fight unfinished,

Recover my hope undiminished, (6)


Fail human character n recluse,

Shelter amid nature help infuse,

Fresh wind clean water to heal,

Heal agonies sadness life fulfill, (7)



Erase stigma forget all blemish,

Her pristine beauty joy nourish,

Learn smiles of flower yet alone,

Sing like a whisper of wind morn, (viii)


Night sky intoxicate n stardust,

Silence becomes a song of life host,

Discover forest life animal bird,

Collect fish fruit future-forward, (9)


Listen to bird chirps to admire,

Innocent eyes of deer n inspire,

Discarded life surmises endure,

Paragon of wonderland enamor, (10)


Never sense inferior my nature,

Resembles pristine nature cure,

Peace, tranquility, bliss acquire,

Think to quit this world despair, (11)


Night covers dreams wait for dawn,

Endless night fevers high morn,

Thirst for water my spirits yearn,

Creep fears again miss, sunrise,

Conclude soul is immortal wise, (13)


Free from mortal limb to fly far,

Sweep like gusts of wind at par,

Distant Mountain invites spirit,

Mingle milieu natural n discreet, (14)




Saturday, May 29, 2021





Loving memory of a name visit,

With fame honor dwell discreet,

Dwell admirations respect love,

Dwell opulence powerful above, (1)


Name familiar across a land hit,

Famous face opinion remark wit,

Adore a people for knowledge lit,

Messages cross cities men greet, (2)


Ideal, a symbol for youth worship,

Family, relatives friend yet reap,

Busy life dawns last midnight,

Appointment a meet, date fright, (3)


Enamored long me a personality,

A great fan found noble quality,

Opulence, lifestyle, globe trotter,

Immature resemblance squander, (4)


Squander money n quick return,

Mutual fund, share market earn,

Spiral wealth to zenith n affluent,

Climax crumbles, nadir nascent, (5)


Shatters heart n my idol crashes,

Fragile glass idol, ideal smashes,

Remorse invade n mind clueless,

Ideal life in recluse soul depress, (6)


Memory fades painful idol vanish,

Never could guess guilty, blemish,

Forget a people weary land realize,

Colorful water bubble nice precise, (7)


Floats in the air, free dazzle attract,

A moment after bursts little contact,

Age gets wise to understand reality,

Death is sure to err rare life mortality, (8)


Wise mind how came to get blind all,

Betray conscience self-ego enthrall,

An entourage of ego blindfolds insight,

Fuel desires lust greed conspire nit, (9)


Tragedy anger burns on failure fire,

Ignores spirit reality rational share,

Depression anxiety tension awake,

Nightlong soul torment fear to break, (10)


Fear to lose name fame glamor best,

Fear to lose reputation shames rest,

The untimely death of a name self exists,

Banish self fails own world to resist, (11)


Recluse willful, unknown n content,

Allow  the name to sleep in the grave,

Fertile land memories garden place,

Sleep in peace name eternity grace, (12)


Creepers, fragrant flower yet sprout,

A fragrant entourage of ego easy rout,

Rout perseverance of the realized spirit,

 The loving memories of the name visit, (13)


Friday, May 28, 2021





Invite future survival to dictate,

Notions mysterious do frustrate,

Prejudice inborn is falsehood,

Prejudice sworn is deadwood, (1)


Predicament test untouchable,

Curse on humanity n horrible,

Caste color faith ethnic a race,

Eon suffer immeasurable face, (2)


Discrimination disturb nature,

Alienation fuel violence torture,

Rebellious mind despise, rabid,

Reject inferior class nit indeed, (3)


Servitude suffocate misery test,

Exploitation inhuman kill best,

Humiliate female slavery occur,

Plights of women kid lives suffer, (4)


Society stay mute dogmas rule,

Born upper caste n lower a fool,

Ignoramus dirty mind life unfit,

Savage attitude equalities delete,

Poverty hunger labor kid deplete, (5)


School dropout feeds labor camp,

Jobless life seek a freedom lamp,

Village-well temple function lock,

Inter caste marriage mingle sock, (6)


Torch violence torture face rebel,

The malice of social justice revel,

Dogmatic-mind uses brutal force,

Brutal power denies a right, curse, (7)

Stigma all constitution denounce,

Emancipate self dogma renounce,

Born equal caste creed color mix,

Unity prosperity of nations prefix, (viii)


Wall of hatred discrimination fade,

Amenity equal for all freedom paid,

Rightful citizen fails getting justice,

Emancipate dogmatic self, practice, (9)


Reformation need within laws fail,

Paradigm change social fabric nail,

Emancipate downtrodden revolute,

Human nature born equal resolute, (10)


New century, dogmatic self resolve,

Homogeneous society suits revolve,

Emancipation empower people all,

Chain of past bondage notions fall, (11)


Deprivation dismantles automatic,

Melt autocracy aristocracy lunatic,

Dream resurrect noble heart wish

School opens kid’s education kiss, (12)


Ignorance disappear by knowledge,

Emancipate dogmatic self, assuage.

Little a life belongs to future remote,

Innocence smile chokes me, I denote. (13)





Thursday, May 27, 2021





Land of temples kisses waves,

Golden beach stretch life raves,

Perennial stormy seas, cyclone,

Plummet surging spirits, moan, (1)


Agrarian coastal belt rural rich,

Immense rustic beauty bewitch,

Expands to horizon green field,

Paddy leaves sway wavy yield, (2)


Fertile land bountiful produces,

Enchanting village love induces,

Paradise on earth joyful prelude,

Simple peasant peaceful include, (3)


Rich cultures festivals celebrate,

Ancient Kalinga legacy intimate,

Mineral-rich forest product tale,

Handicraft executive textile well, (4)


Brass, ivory, chalk rock carving,

Merchants travel far n ravishing,

Sea lane annual crowd sail east,

Emerald islands wait, goods list, (5)


Time eases people, paragon miss,

Big ports modern era export kiss,

Wonderful ancient temples best,

Konark Lingaraj Puri temple rest, (6)


Large Asiatic brackish saltwater,

Lake charms migrant bird visitor,

Nature adds up pandemic horror,

Cyclone fierce invades people fear, (7)


Leaves villages quick safe shelter,

Food medicine stock force savior,

Motorboat ready rescue maroon,

Cyclone landfalls n yearly loom, (viii)


Wind force speed bullet train hit,

Blinding rain high waves explicit,

Break embankment crosses shore,

Sea sweep cornfield villages more, (9)


Disaster near to wreck monstrous,

Salvage wreckage effort enormous,

Cattle perish crumple village most,

Electricity communication all lost, (10)


Inundate roads submerge villages,

Sacrilege n nature’s wrath amazes,

Every year devastate human lives,

Miseries fever ruins family grieves, (11)


Wait well shaken disturbed heart,

A night few hours dread its impact,

Terror strike mind sympathy most,

Sad tearful state pray Lord almost, (12)


State benevolent men empathy nit,

Selfless service ready a weather hit,

Heartbroken, vaccine-drive, corona,

Paradise on earth devastate enigma, (13)


Console my shattered heart, future,

Courage to conquer, people enamor.

Cyclone dies pandemic death knell,

Juggernaut rolls in July tears swell.  (14)


Predicament preys weather destroy,

Flood furry add salt to injury envoy,

Rebuilds life faster, incredible people,

Fall big tree sprout again win simple (14)











Wednesday, May 26, 2021






Open secret chamber of heart,

Delicate frame smiles impact,

Fascinates whispers n assure,

Solitude dissipate voices cure, (1)


Cactus thorn loneliness pain,

A presence rosy thought gain,

Moonless night, scary torture,

Shine moon, face lights silver, (2)


Lifeless hard rock bed recline,

Blister anger romance decline,

Heart hardens love grass field,

Dry up soon, hurt agony yield, (3)


Mind etches summer afternoon,

Tired, hopeless, remorse groom,

Sleeps on lap soft petals touch,

Silk saree nit wildflower much, (4)


Fragrance intoxicate dreams lit,

Bedrock change meadows greet,

Silken feel entice romances bliss,

Heart fountain of joy oozes wish, (5)


Agony scary night recluse shroud,

Dreams dear, we float on a cloud,

Cloud rainbows colorpink, brown,

Beautiful garden of flowers down, (6)


Cool shade sweet fruits retrace,

Life blossoms peace n calmness,

Company bliss n intimacy lends,

Dream melts to mist night ends, (7)


A golden ray of a rising sun lurch,

Chirps bird, enthuse spirit search,

Fades presence dear misses much,

Instill love enchant feathery touch,  (viii)


Returns harsh world of mine test,

Remember enchanting night best,

Angel of fairyland little you know,

Anger ego greed jealousy is snow, (9)


Numbs delicate feelings n torture,

Love care share owes fade forever,

Bitter life dear hunger thirst visit,

Sonatas of melancholy in discreet, (10)


Fuel despair, crumple desire often,

Violent life hurt cruel fate if soften,

Attachments time snatches shock,

Stormy sea boat is life rocks mock, (11)


Disasters accidents rock lifeboat,

Oasis of happiness pleasures gloat,

Fantasies of earth-being fizzle soon,

Family fragile love friendship room, (12)


Friend disappear quickly life weep,

Little to convey a story fears creep,

Fear of age fragile, health, memory,

Endless night, awake, dawn’s worry, (13)


Anxious mind apprehend ill event,

Remember a night, dream nascent,

Nostalgic company mingle endures,

Ink melancholy passionately yours,   (14)