Saturday, May 29, 2021





Loving memory of a name visit,

With fame honor dwell discreet,

Dwell admirations respect love,

Dwell opulence powerful above, (1)


Name familiar across a land hit,

Famous face opinion remark wit,

Adore a people for knowledge lit,

Messages cross cities men greet, (2)


Ideal, a symbol for youth worship,

Family, relatives friend yet reap,

Busy life dawns last midnight,

Appointment a meet, date fright, (3)


Enamored long me a personality,

A great fan found noble quality,

Opulence, lifestyle, globe trotter,

Immature resemblance squander, (4)


Squander money n quick return,

Mutual fund, share market earn,

Spiral wealth to zenith n affluent,

Climax crumbles, nadir nascent, (5)


Shatters heart n my idol crashes,

Fragile glass idol, ideal smashes,

Remorse invade n mind clueless,

Ideal life in recluse soul depress, (6)


Memory fades painful idol vanish,

Never could guess guilty, blemish,

Forget a people weary land realize,

Colorful water bubble nice precise, (7)


Floats in the air, free dazzle attract,

A moment after bursts little contact,

Age gets wise to understand reality,

Death is sure to err rare life mortality, (8)


Wise mind how came to get blind all,

Betray conscience self-ego enthrall,

An entourage of ego blindfolds insight,

Fuel desires lust greed conspire nit, (9)


Tragedy anger burns on failure fire,

Ignores spirit reality rational share,

Depression anxiety tension awake,

Nightlong soul torment fear to break, (10)


Fear to lose name fame glamor best,

Fear to lose reputation shames rest,

The untimely death of a name self exists,

Banish self fails own world to resist, (11)


Recluse willful, unknown n content,

Allow  the name to sleep in the grave,

Fertile land memories garden place,

Sleep in peace name eternity grace, (12)


Creepers, fragrant flower yet sprout,

A fragrant entourage of ego easy rout,

Rout perseverance of the realized spirit,

 The loving memories of the name visit, (13)


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