Thursday, June 24, 2021






Confess life in shatter result,

Pretense adopt faces tumult,

Peril invites attempt, enamor,

Erroneous mind trap secure, (1)


Misguides spirit gold inflame,

Bitter fight grab-wealth tame,

Hook-by-crook accrues asset,

Addict adventure fuel pretext, (2)


Portray to the world innocent,

Benevolent heart help decent,

Squander plenty build image,

Reputation design craft craze, (3)


Laugh heartily worlds believe,

Guise intension claim receive,

Amazes lie, people trusts total,

Exploit suffer, console mortal, (4)


Help sufferer peanut proclaim,

Serve humanity, dedicate aim,

Elaborate clear, rise spiral, wit,

Pretend gentle soul ethics writ, (5)


Hit zenith a famous, poor root,

Manipulates world under boot,

Admire, applaud, feel sympathy,

Deceive wiser, drama empathy, (6)


Award reward accolade amuse,

Sultan of a dark kingdom ruse,

Listens to life builds an empire,

Greed rage least hesitates dare, (7)


Seen enough, cruel rules spirit,

Mask-faces smiles, yet discreet,

Luxury comfort opulence craze,

Year’s smooth maneuvers haze, (viii)


Bed-room glass wall fearful, lot,

Ugly ghost, reside behind n hurt,

Crude smile mischievous threat,

Arouses sight of a grave, create, (9)


Maleficent look predates in sleep,

Wake, cry-loud lone hunts deep,

Fear own face-masks n terrorize,

Adulthood creeps, an age precise, (10)


Paranoia pervade blood cell sink,

Reminiscence remind deeds link,

See victim disbelief, plead mercy,

Mirror, shows eyes little courtesy, (11)


Sock to watch lifeless eyes burn,

Earn money earn power lit horn,

Boast mighty deceive, credit win,

Crestfallen cretin, guilt tear twin, (12)


Imprisons dungeon build indeed,

Crumple, aspire, ego, hate, deed,

Futile repentance, fail path clear,

In vain, try, pray Lord, disappear, (13)


Sweet home n citadel of evil wish,

Serpent of own-deeds, amok hiss,

Death, knock loud fear, disappear,

Fail; see the image a heart somber, (14)


Snakes within reptiles hiss silent,

Tear dries up sock fizzle, resilient,

Commit crime, robbery, cheat fail,

Precious life never return, wit nail, (15)


Mortal-frame goes inert loses total,

Carries sin result wait repent royal,

Admit open to people beg to forgive,

Crestfallen cretin naïve, pens leave. (16)




Wednesday, June 23, 2021






Self-awareness bloom intimate,

Teenage enchant curiosity late,

Day unfold automatic progress,

World awake busy-life, impress,(1)


Events happen in time, miracle,

Dawn to dusk in orders, simple,

Morn call bird delights freedom,

Blue-sky bird circle lo abandon, (2)


Evening witness bird seek nest,

Humanity tiresome search rest,

Incredible dreamland manifest,

Night thicken canopy dark test, (3)


Noisy-world arguments conflict,

Anxiety aspersions scorn, inflict,

Hurt heart acid tongue complex,

Lies guise pretentious lives vex, (4)


Anger smolder mind act violent,

Conscience goad soul be decent,

Bright sunny-day entices mind,

Conspire to revolt rebel unkind, (5)


Influence teenage mind corrupt,

Evening prayer silences abrupt,

Peace calm mind divine ensure,

Reason focus error warn future, (6)


Unknown, unseen divine if talk,

Mind read a sacred book, walk,

Book details His presence clear,

Big-tree in seeds dreams future, (7)


Tiny-seed contain contours tree,

In time His wish translates free,

Air un-born wind travel endless,

Obey divine order breaths bless, (viii)


Rain collects water travels often,

Ocean obeys order share motion,

Raindrop nectar of life seed grow,

In-time in-command foliage glow, (9)


Feel His presence blossom smile,

In-time fruit ripen attach awhile,

Seed travel world-wide His mercy,

Landscape forest covers courtesy, (10)


Season follow in order, discipline,

Animal eat grass, flesh live clean,

Never betray nature to safeguard,

Species send a message, forward, (11)


Read book further truth, trust lit,

Conscience n intuition divine gift,

Attachment temptation duet sing,

Death-knell of human in end ring, (12)


Mind, gets blind, lead, paths fence,

Conjure miracles betray credence,

Evening prayer over I contemplate,

Why mankind doubt Lord n hate, (13)


Precious life Lord says, be humble,

Lead life pure, trust truth, simple,

Worship love care serve Earth nit,

Preserve nature His image explicit, (14)


Regularly irregular ignore a prayer,

Irregularly regular lo dream desire,

Indeed human deeds pay due result,

Mango tree ever give fruit cocoanut! (15)


Tearful pray Lord; give me patience,

Conjure trap, vow cardinal credence.

Greatest enemy, spirit doubt intense,

Betray very birth ends, in confluence. (16)







Tuesday, June 22, 2021





Tumults of thought memory storm,

Departures teenage reminder lorn,

Grow my existence under-shadow,

Limitless love care project window, (1)


Immaculate attention protect most,

Ignorance wild mind waylaid trust,

Trust watchful eyes advice respect,

Innumerable troubles save dissect, (2)


Umbrellas safeguard perilous time,

Grievous mistake commit I incline,

Wayward mind slips feverish swim,

Recall blue water of river warn win, (3)


Depth of river unknown whirlpool,

Undercurrent calm stern look cool,

Prowling nighttime unsocial harm,

Dusk initiate lantern-lit study arm, (4)


Conscious, his presence discipline,

Habit increase concentration clean,

Marvel student life exam result nit,

Excel career higher anchorage writ, (5)


Overwhelm influence nurture soul,

Sizzle paternal characters seize goal,

Simple life, reject opulence humble,

Truthful silent demeanor life gentle, (6)


Hardworking kind considerate soft,

Inherit all qualities conscience loft,

Innumerable hardships practice all,

Encounter troubles often yet enroll, (7)


Mental support brief guidance well,

Paternal love care goodwill to swell,

Face harsh world mutinous life rise,

Witness brute mind, savage precise, (viii)


Forgets noble heart indwells nature,

Anger, greed, jealousy, cruelty favor,

Revolt self paternal guides interfere,

Invisible chain lifelong feel superior, (9)


Quell mutiny repent feel guilty soul,

Citadel of fame, a name realize a goal,

Cement effort father’s stubborn roll,

Deny forthright any credit pats troll, (10)

Education higher affluence his gifts,

Obedience accrued my love, nil rifts,

Strongest bond invisible, lot cherish,

Giant tree father upon head nourish, (11)


Cool shades of foliage paternal grace,

Little exhibit his pride smile interlace,

Inner heart see temple his abode tall,

Father no more in mortal world recall, (12)


Eldest son did lit his pyre, cremation,

Solemn pledge adhere his ethics won,

Surrender my ego at his feet do pray,

Temptation in life corrode little betray, (13)


Never betray, father’s faith I offer grit,

My obeisance till death worship strict,

Dedicate my poem of love realization,

Cherish Father’s day n contribution, (14)


His presence lives in my frame adore,

Reminiscences father’s voice enamor.

Anchorage chains tight storm endure,

Awestruck anchorage lights his picture. (15)







Monday, June 21, 2021




 Indefatigable spirit savor success,

Rises storm world-ocean careless,

Violence anger add threats, peace,

Surging emotion evades precipice, (1)


Stubborn heart blunt capitulation,

Courageous instinct, spirit caution,

Depth of trouble fathomless socks,

Cruise life-boat sail security locks, (2)


Death snatch life, sudden vulture,

Drinks tear miss spirit life mature,

Learn tragedies of life n unreliable,

Lessons soak memories applicable, (3)


Boat cross vast ocean drift ashore,

Climax-of-survival, record sea lore,

Sizzle daunting test of life success,

Melancholy of missing soul access, (4)


Hurt, pain, agony all, melody wail,

Rhythms of valor, battles won hail,

Clarion call of birth, marriage loud,

Dance sailor of life-boat sing proud, (5)


Dance baby, kid, teen, youth, adult,

Gender, caste, creed, faiths if revolt,

Crumble concrete wall to dust noise,

Smile people celebrate life, nit poise, (6)


Drumbeats thunder add rain thrill,

Desire-wet soul intoxicate wine-will,

Erases past secure weave dream-lit,

Loss n gain thought, submerge right, (7)


Castle of paradise-in- air take shape,

Incredible soul-song pervade to help,

Nature, join nicely with soul ecstatic,

Deer-hop high cuckoo sing romantic, (viii)


Booming crimson, purple, red flower,

Joins in smiles, laughter loves shower,

Yellow, pink, green white dress tease,

Canopy of colorful earth join at ease, (9)


Golden-ray of sunshine match soul,

Gentle breeze whisper share lover all,

Warmth-of-morning beacon fair hair,

Warm lips invite, taunt kiss air share, (10)


Freshness energy vibe soul nature lit,

Exotic rhythm spring afford feel sight,

Bluewater of ocean, river, lake entice,

Green forest fruit, flower, bird notice, (11)


Beauty of maintains valley n enamor,

Matchless human life, reflect, endure,

Marvel lore-of-world mankind inspire,

Silence compete with music rain hire, (12)


Corona torment I evade, sing, melody,

Mingle World Music-day rhapsody.

Pour orchestra of life-glory Lord Fence,

Believes His plays n conspire credence.  (13)






Sunday, June 20, 2021





Engage mind rewind, stormy past,

Remote village small family, react,

Wanton poverty n meager income,

Parent, my life suture, nit caution, (1)


Year roll, season rebuild devastate,

Harvest food, flood dry spell relate,

Help parent in field n hot summer,

Cultivation lessons hope glimmer, (2)


Sickness visit, parent’s cares heal,

Fever, pain, headache go, love feel,

Study in school regular all caution,

Father cultivate n watch promotion, (3)


Mother, her school-education guide,

Check note-book pencil pen at, side,

Father takes to field sit under trees,

Share both, lunch inspires lot, frees, (4)


Heart run amok amid forest nature,

Inspire happiness, purity, life-secure,

Time, arrive, leave village study high,

Parent starve help education, I sigh, (5)


Father works hard in fields, earn, lot,

Mother works sewing machine effort,

Calumniate higher studies complete,

Education struggle aspiration intuit, (6)


Success brings abode of reputation,

Affluence, name-fame no commotion,

Assuage tired lives, parent’s sacrifice,

Help, securing their comfort, practice, (7)


Years pass, soon struggle fade, quick,

Parent’s dream fulfilled mild n meek,

Stubborn, stay at village lead simple,

Rustic fresh air solitude they mingle, (viii)


Reject city-life urban pollution crowd,

Only know, son his home feel proud,

Affluence entices opulence n lifestyle,

Reminiscence hunt mind often smile, (9)


Easy life wealth, comfort, luxury mate,

Arrogance ego, hijack conscience late,

Father expire quietly socks departure,

Never demand money help love pure, (10)


Mother writes letters, father’s advice,

Father conveyed for integrity practice,

Guide; reject flattery, corruption, vice,

Cautions his kid, ruination rot notice, (11)


Bode simple life guide children study,

Like father myself follow him embody,

Understand, immense worry, tension,

As a father know, all parents’ burden, (12)


Contribution, my parent lives nothing,

Sacrifice care serve dream enchanting,

Inherits father’s hard labor, simplicity,

Learn truthful difficult n well humility, (13)


I owe my success in life credits parent,

Mother first teacher goads transparent,

Father live honest, humble envy patience,

Ink I, own love commensurate credence. (14)