Showing posts with label AWESTRUCK ANCHORAGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AWESTRUCK ANCHORAGE. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 22, 2021





Tumults of thought memory storm,

Departures teenage reminder lorn,

Grow my existence under-shadow,

Limitless love care project window, (1)


Immaculate attention protect most,

Ignorance wild mind waylaid trust,

Trust watchful eyes advice respect,

Innumerable troubles save dissect, (2)


Umbrellas safeguard perilous time,

Grievous mistake commit I incline,

Wayward mind slips feverish swim,

Recall blue water of river warn win, (3)


Depth of river unknown whirlpool,

Undercurrent calm stern look cool,

Prowling nighttime unsocial harm,

Dusk initiate lantern-lit study arm, (4)


Conscious, his presence discipline,

Habit increase concentration clean,

Marvel student life exam result nit,

Excel career higher anchorage writ, (5)


Overwhelm influence nurture soul,

Sizzle paternal characters seize goal,

Simple life, reject opulence humble,

Truthful silent demeanor life gentle, (6)


Hardworking kind considerate soft,

Inherit all qualities conscience loft,

Innumerable hardships practice all,

Encounter troubles often yet enroll, (7)


Mental support brief guidance well,

Paternal love care goodwill to swell,

Face harsh world mutinous life rise,

Witness brute mind, savage precise, (viii)


Forgets noble heart indwells nature,

Anger, greed, jealousy, cruelty favor,

Revolt self paternal guides interfere,

Invisible chain lifelong feel superior, (9)


Quell mutiny repent feel guilty soul,

Citadel of fame, a name realize a goal,

Cement effort father’s stubborn roll,

Deny forthright any credit pats troll, (10)

Education higher affluence his gifts,

Obedience accrued my love, nil rifts,

Strongest bond invisible, lot cherish,

Giant tree father upon head nourish, (11)


Cool shades of foliage paternal grace,

Little exhibit his pride smile interlace,

Inner heart see temple his abode tall,

Father no more in mortal world recall, (12)


Eldest son did lit his pyre, cremation,

Solemn pledge adhere his ethics won,

Surrender my ego at his feet do pray,

Temptation in life corrode little betray, (13)


Never betray, father’s faith I offer grit,

My obeisance till death worship strict,

Dedicate my poem of love realization,

Cherish Father’s day n contribution, (14)


His presence lives in my frame adore,

Reminiscences father’s voice enamor.

Anchorage chains tight storm endure,

Awestruck anchorage lights his picture. (15)