Friday, August 6, 2021





 Multitude aspires acutely achieve,

Million, hope action pour, perceive,

Struggles people hard build, castle,

Basks satisfactions entice n nestle, (1)


Wait, desperate fruit shower secure,

Food, cloth, shelter, life seeks sure,

Gold happiness opportunity works,

Peace, progress confluence n lurks, (2)


Education moon in sky poor plead,

Cost distances further plenty need,

Literacy removes blemish prospers,

Freedoms, liberty, equality, covers, (3)


Dismantles class, caste, faith, bios,

National panoramas inch cautious,

Acclaim pride, democracy enriches,

Security, fraternity bond bewitches, (4)


History headline golden period well,

Search tomorrow inquisitive prevail,

School children learn discipline nit,

Observe rules strictly leaders greet, (5)


Elaborate speech defines discipline,

Maintain honesty n integrity refine,

Modesty, polite, decent, behavior writ,

Demeanor, suave plead leader treat, (6)


Great monument nation pride most,

House of lawmaker abode foremost,

National panorama canvases replay,

Wisdom learned honorable display, (7)


Intrigues nation hot debate floor hit,

Expose present crime defect explicit,

Highlight, loopholes of major-flaw all,

Bring amendment opposition sprawl, (viii)


Votes of consent approve bills to live,

Majority establish, motion win thrive,

Symbol of national honor session nit,

Live discussions glue people in spirit, (9)


Socks people watch disorders house,

Loud cries, shout noisy floors arouse,

Horror spread vast nation tear paper,

Turn piece of bills on ground scarper, (10)


Disobeys speaker orders crowds well,

Anger result, bitter fight frustrate, fail,

Washout complete sessions pass nit,

Less work bigger fight hit great-sight, (11)


Boast leaders self-pride intimate call,

Addresses people invite revolt vitriol,

Mass protests turn ugly, supremacy,

Puzzle citizen, anarchy n democracy, (12)


Chose-or-lose choice voter’s function,

Plots power-hungry, revenge caution,

School-teacher teach students, listen,

Sermon results loud-laughter glisten, (13)


Start huge-confusion laud shout cry,

Throw book chairs desk teacher sigh,

Burns university campus n placard,

Quit classes student protest hazard, (14)


Leader of people condemn instigator,

Students show, mirror n wild abettor.

Horns dilemma people faces, confuse,

Present or tomorrow’s leaders, muse! (15)











Splendid services human chose,

Often, catch admiration profuse,

Daring nature n selfless actions,

Surprise duty hour, all cautions, (1)


Ever prepared rescue operations,

Heart-rending cries, commotions,

Frightening sights bellow smoke,

Crowds gather traffic jam block, (2)


Intermittent fire engulfs high-rise,

Valuable asset burn, ash precise,

Loss of lives happen horrors trek,

Numerous families, homes break, (3)


Disaster strikes suddenly spread,

Firefighters appear like Godhead,

Long ladders extend, all windows,

Pour waters cannon spill sorrows, (4)


Breathless victims rescue daring,

Save precious lives loves sharing,

Empathy challenging, firefighter,

Risks own life services live glitter, (5)


Humanity shines raw courage nit,

Salvage properties as much greet,

Valuable papers goods worth gold,

Save from getting ashes, multifold, (6)


Hears occasional sirens blare well,

Emotion tension confluences wail,

Hour’s destiny ruins people’s lives,

Crowd sympathetic soul beehives, (7)


Rescues wounded or unconscious,

Search rubbles discover cautious,

Seconds matter precious life saves,

Thoughts bring painful sight craves, (viii)


Peaceful quiet residence n suburb,

Milling crowds, busiest life superb,

Remorse invade people dream, win,

Love actions capture all ages clean, (9)


Develop settlements exotic society,

Permeates friendly neighbor gaiety,

School kids play fun spreads, smile,

Aromas pervade streets let lifestyle, (10)


Disappears soon crumble high-rise,

Heaps human loss, disastrous-wise,

Spread heart-rending sights, horror,

Firefighters remove concrete safer, (11)


Discovers trapped lives hospitalize,

Save human lives searches precise,

Remote village oil deport forest fire,

Firefighter salvage daring-act, hire, (12)


Flood submerges life inundates nit,

Firefighter dive water currents, grit,

Rescues drowning lives marooned,

Tireless boats move, people moved, (13)


Great service persons dedicated all,

Mere sight, get applause to enthrall,

Praise as much insufficient enamor,

Saves unfortunate family lives lure, (14)


Incalculable losses disasters create,

Precious, human lives under threat,

Firefighter benevolent n unparallel,

Unique life-risk prone lets survival.  (15)





Tuesday, August 3, 2021








Benign thoughts wink often sail,

Melodious song rhythms prevail,

Enchants nature beautiful pure,

Soul, merge with nature enamor, (1)


Verdure excites forest attractive,

Plethora, of tree colors deceptive,

Magic-wand, spread color allure,

Paradise on earth, impress near, (2)


Green hills ravines meadows all,

Hypnotize human, mind enthrall,

Change seasons ornate earth nit,

Floral forest tracks blossoms gift, (3)


Fragrance spread wide thrills life,

Recluse from urban life, far strife,

Urban lives exotic fun flare strike,

Night never ends pleasurable like, (4)


Day manifest differ, human prowl,

Sunlight change, person act crawl,

Bus metro car crowds road speed

Busy life human breathless need, (5)


Need shelter food dress asset well,

Need, never meet expectation hail,

Milling crowd mall, offices, college,

Park restaurants hotels well craze, (6)


Rail station bus stand airport best,

Round the clock active, never rest,

Watch minute nature city life swell,

Draw pictures that interest n quell, (7)


Sit hours, allow, mind contemplate,

Record detail spectrum of life date,

Add nature’s bountiful poesy, neat,

Flow thoughts in orders n discreet, (viii)


Canvas completes nicely add color,

Pour liquid silvery gold thorn odor,

Splash color liquid bit metaphoric,

Perfects picture creative, magnetic, (9)


Search word to write pen less-move

Suitable; mind fails to coin improve,

Hundred-word cross, mind search,

Opens dictionary meaningful touch, (10)


Endless thought stretch night long,

Express wordless emotion hit song,

Clueless to ink ecstatic song’s lyric,

Word match, soothe heart mercuric,  (11)


Abstract feeling picture arouse love,

Fails heart to coin right word above,

Literature unique gift trickles word,

Brick by brick, build mansion prod, (12)


Night end pen halts dawn poem nit,

Mirror canvas reflects heart explicit,

Secrete nectar of mind heart solidify,

Cherish silent night ink script rectify, (13)


Literacy literature gift word, impress,

Condenses, feeling expresses wordless.

Poetic heart records everything intact,

Poesy depicts colorful, soothes, in fact. (14)


















Hope aspiration plays in my mind,

Game of chances fruitful less find,

Minaret of desire crash unnoticed,

Procrastinate results, heart evince, (1)


Awake-nightlong alert mind probe,

Aches desperate suspicion disrobe,

Opaque future, lids Pandora’s Box,

Mind dissects possibilities nice fox, (2)


Cons spirit convinces success neat,

Complexity life witness sprouts wit,

Wait patiently, quiet less think tall,

Little, expect unrealistic accept fall, (3)


Moments of wait cast spells, mystic,

Second, seems hour endless caustic,

Nightmare suffocate, guess ill omen,

Scary-moments feel year-long oven, (4)


Result-day arrive, perpetuity scare,

Heartthrobs upbeat result declare,

Success superlative overwhelm nit,

Moment rapturous joy, fastest quit, (5)


Hours of reactions mind drink total,

Hours resemble split-seconds regal,

The second in-imprint, life preserve,

Cast spells joy lifelong, well deserve, (6)


Result of school, college, university,

Success reflects perpetual intensity,

Failure scary moment’s heart forget,

Memories fade quickly relatively net, (7)


Unhappy moment day month speed,

Survival instinct cast hypnosis need,

Wipe tear, bottom-up agony in, chest,

Aspires hope manifest rainbow best, (viii)


Dreamy nights wish never ends well,

Butterfly sensitizes bright dawn, nail,

Blank-page of life just open time roll,

Intense scrutiny pensive mind scroll, (9)


Hard work challenge, roadblock test,

Courage, ingenuity, wiser active best,

Dawn progresses, dusk arrive-quietly,

Twelve hours steal magic if minutely, (10)


Worry tension life, bristle thorns cut,

Colorful-night music, dance all avert,

Sensuous limbs catch rhythm drink,

Few hours memorizes endless, blink, (11)


Forgets spirit mysterious time stand,

Relativity soul unaware magic wand,

Ecstatic moment electric sparks joy,

Service, salary, marriage baby enjoy, (12)


Milestones unforgettable everlasting,

Relativity exhibits perpetuity casting,

Momentous period run in-flash miss,

Perpetual memories spirit want, kiss. (13)


Pain, sorrow, horror scary-past hide,

Forget tears bottle up lids tight pride,

Mystic-life play, time run-faster slow,

Stand quietly wait for perpetuity glow.  (14)










Sunday, August 1, 2021





 Awestruck decent people polite well,

Rational speak understanding swell,

Gentle behavior cooperate rules feel,

Obey passionately find mistake reel, (1)


Stubborn, keep ruled accept failure,

Teach parent, kid community allure,

Disciplines, social customs life best,

Reflects-peaceful prosperous, invest, (2)


Corruption-free integrity bold stand,

Utopian, concept touch magic wand,

Reflects rigidly, layers-of-population,

Systematic, mechanical lives motion, (3)


Reforms influence n alter prejudices,

Malpractice old blind faith practices,

Hunts evil social custom regular nit,

Performs people all offensive, exhibit,(4)


Sacrifice goats public celebrate holy,

Crowds defying pandemic bans only,

Faces disaster, unrepentant, sacred,

Iron-hand of crowd control betrayed, (5)


Illegal, transport drug gold currency,

Traffics child obscenity concurrency,

Concurrent consent, allow authority,

Corrupt meant gold, overnight gritty, (6)


Black market fuel, price hoarder bet,

Sad spectators public rule confiscate,

Malpractice examination delay result,

Teachers school blame summersault, (7)


Corrodes national life, anarchy trade,

Bargain every concession bribe head,

Astonish common people’s hypocrisy,

Silent, tolerate all endure supremacy, (viii)


Leader ruler business eminent fellow,

Commit mistakes, denies error follow,

Fragment peoples walls build suspect,

Boldly gloats proud, divide disrespect (9)


Disrespect constitution nation notice,

Transparency of life declines n suffice,

Lost-paradise utopian story submerge,

Disappoint future fear terror converge, (10)


Autocracy demonic nature brutal call,

Weep motherland children betray fall,

Freedom equality sinks nepotism hail,

Crude selfish lust for power equal tail, (11)


Nation resemble occupied dependence,

Son of soil turn enemies rule influence,

Remember all yesteryear’s colonialism,

Nation gives in fear obstinate solecism, (12)


Election manipulated threats aversion,

Malignancy spread weaken direction,

Opposition defunct democracy dwindle,

People suffer most rebellions rekindle, (13)


Democratic right mightiest decide firm,

Miracle a myth electric result, affirm,

Destroys obstinate solecism iron hand,

Index finger inked, touch magic wand,  (14)


Clean transparency rules ballot select,

Obstinacy solecism bad honesty reflect,

Dark-cloud dissipate bright sun,, shine,

Independence true concept ballot define. (15)


