Tuesday, August 3, 2021








Benign thoughts wink often sail,

Melodious song rhythms prevail,

Enchants nature beautiful pure,

Soul, merge with nature enamor, (1)


Verdure excites forest attractive,

Plethora, of tree colors deceptive,

Magic-wand, spread color allure,

Paradise on earth, impress near, (2)


Green hills ravines meadows all,

Hypnotize human, mind enthrall,

Change seasons ornate earth nit,

Floral forest tracks blossoms gift, (3)


Fragrance spread wide thrills life,

Recluse from urban life, far strife,

Urban lives exotic fun flare strike,

Night never ends pleasurable like, (4)


Day manifest differ, human prowl,

Sunlight change, person act crawl,

Bus metro car crowds road speed

Busy life human breathless need, (5)


Need shelter food dress asset well,

Need, never meet expectation hail,

Milling crowd mall, offices, college,

Park restaurants hotels well craze, (6)


Rail station bus stand airport best,

Round the clock active, never rest,

Watch minute nature city life swell,

Draw pictures that interest n quell, (7)


Sit hours, allow, mind contemplate,

Record detail spectrum of life date,

Add nature’s bountiful poesy, neat,

Flow thoughts in orders n discreet, (viii)


Canvas completes nicely add color,

Pour liquid silvery gold thorn odor,

Splash color liquid bit metaphoric,

Perfects picture creative, magnetic, (9)


Search word to write pen less-move

Suitable; mind fails to coin improve,

Hundred-word cross, mind search,

Opens dictionary meaningful touch, (10)


Endless thought stretch night long,

Express wordless emotion hit song,

Clueless to ink ecstatic song’s lyric,

Word match, soothe heart mercuric,  (11)


Abstract feeling picture arouse love,

Fails heart to coin right word above,

Literature unique gift trickles word,

Brick by brick, build mansion prod, (12)


Night end pen halts dawn poem nit,

Mirror canvas reflects heart explicit,

Secrete nectar of mind heart solidify,

Cherish silent night ink script rectify, (13)


Literacy literature gift word, impress,

Condenses, feeling expresses wordless.

Poetic heart records everything intact,

Poesy depicts colorful, soothes, in fact. (14)














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