Friday, September 10, 2021




 For whom ancient land weeps,

Who feel her pain past sweeps,

Great civilization future yearn,

Watershed of past time mourn, (1)


Vast mountain range trek call,

Emperors of continents prowl,

Ferocious invaders horse walk,

Defeats dauntless tribes, bask, (2)


Rugged mountain pass mystic,

Ancient past battles nostalgic,

Blood soaked soil, brave heart,

Culture worship sacred thwart, (3)


World, recognize freedom loves,

The air simply smells, absorbs,

Undefeated keep freedom rare,

Paid, heavy prices blood share, (4)


Let defend powerful, surrender,

Left sacred nation n volunteer,

Peace prosperity secular stone,

Caves carve rocks, incarnation, (5)


Cross-road continental culture,

Famous trade route life mature,

Hospitable lives, neighbors love,

Fascinate ancient past dissolve, (6)


Tribal amity brotherhood, miss,

Weeps great nation never wish,

Watch fraternity annihilate nit,

Self-killings surprises discreet, (7)


Germ, of neighborhoods, infect,

Blind sick-mind, venom inject,

Poison sons of soil less identify,

Address brother enemy crucify, (viii)


Unseen fratricide erupts, sock,

Mean vultures wait flesh mock,

Where Lord reside contemplate,

Mute deaf rudderless, indicate, (9)


His flags flutter, weapons greet,

Children of soil stone fear neat,

World community alarmed tell,

Keep aloof from feared soil fail, (10)


Watch freedom meet death nit,

Slay, ancient wings free defeat,

Last, peace force leaves, begin,

Trauma-of-holocaust raise win, (11)


Change piles of killer-machine,

Booty annihilates protest mean,

Huge, question nation faith big,

Either marvels paradox league, (12)


Faith less preach dishonor soil,

Crime, confiscate land embroil,

Support fratricide behest alien,

Terror less-love people sharpen, (13)


Bullet gun-powder scripts holy,

Sacred nation, get melancholy,

Refugee exodus leaves mother,

In chain weeps faiths blunder, (14)


Hide fleeing soul pose salience,

Liberation why surreal silence,

Independence motherland, ask,

Recognize her child, bind bask. (15)







Thursday, September 9, 2021







Expresses my heart chamber well,

Quietude encompass birthday tell,

Somber feelings raise fascinate lot,

Where I began where moves forgot, (1)


Immense emotions swell rhythmic,

Remind childhood, entice hypnotic,

Golden un-spoilt beach, sea allure,

Infinite thrill games fun disappear, (2)


Remember thoughts match waves,

Fantasy future creates, neat caves,

Misses school friend, feel nostalgic,

Intimate memories resurrect tragic, (3)


Dusk dawn merge study, continue,

Drowsy limb pleads neat sleep rue,

Success brought, result deserve all,

Fuel aspirations high college recall, (4)


Schoolteacher, patronage care, nit,

Keep my heart, lock n key, discreet.

Teary farewell of school college call,

Cary education higher life enthrall, (5)


Mesmerizing seconds, achievement,

Lifelong feel necessary but relevant,

Career epitomize hard-works, labor,

Less promotion, meager income for, (6)


Serve lifetime soil service clean life,

Enough trouble struggle face strife,

Small family n a son, settle modest,

Sweet home built on toils, proudest, (7)


Dream colorful of youth n realized,

Adulthood, have experience prized,

Worry, tension, anger, bottled up nit,

Pain tears sorrow agony drink neat, (viii)


Electric moment of fatherhood hire,

Day of retirement let memory scare,

Parting moment of town, office-table,

Fellow staff endless work quit novel, (9)


Year rolls find new horizon curious,

Future loom bigger life mysterious,

Senior technical acumen blunt feel,

Pen, takes shape black n white will, (10)


Seven decades on wonderful earth,

Lesson most intrigue access worth,

Felt pangs of love, care, compassion,

Find anger, greed, ego, evil, aversion, (11)


Soul-is-living, abode experience all,

Least aware of events thinks recall,

Soul still searches sojourn essence,

Parent n teacher superior-credence, (12)


What move heart prick millennium,

Nineteenth twentieth-century mum,

Paradigm changes n earth different,

Discovery life pattern climate scent, (13)


Horns of dilemma future’s question,

Twilight year translates lives listen,

Midnight strike complete poem, see,

Open heart, ink life story lock n key.  (14)









Wednesday, September 8, 2021





Rise human from slumber, fight,

Fear paper-tiger roar spell fright,

Harbinger spreads future horror,

Molds peaceful lives tense sheer, (1)


Anxiety worries inject invite well,

Utter Lord’s name His abode fail,

Cites vociferous, force cleans life,

Destroys land of peace fuel strife, (2)


Snatch idol’s flowers n fragrance,

Pour inflammable sermon trance,

Vogue notions poison people well,

Turbulence gather storm unravel, (3)


Violence takes shapes humanoid,

Guns replace positions paranoid,

Feel threat, from innocent-public,

Hideous nature angry irk, prolific, (4)


Throng streets create horror hail,

Gun protects Lord dedicate, trail,

Amazing, sight puzzles time train,

Mass youth mobilize turn insane, (5)


Leave home parent neighbor wait,

Adopt, brainwashed life dedicate,

Surrender supreme sacrifice prod,

Total belief afterlife abode of Lord, (6)


Precious human life forsake quiet,

Alarm nations parent lose respite,

World speechless witness trouble,

To blind rage, see nation crumble, (7)


Heath education job forfeits right,

Trains n battle cry face day night,

Public think one trainer otherwise,

Ruler cowers over faithful exercise, (viii)


Scenarios prick conscience future,

Raging inferno burn to ash suture,

Little solution for mankind devour,

Happiness n leisure, comfort sour,  (9)


Faith upon Lord’s doctrines peace,

Love care living spirits nit practice,

Isolate mind dowse raging fire feel,

Cost of silence solitude quit, reveal, (10)


Human birth inherit freedom-equal,

Lifelong, pursuit of Lord all enthrall,

Walk singing glory of Lord seduces,

Follows human cast spell produces, (11)


Transform violent landscape, silent,

Returns to normalcy incandescent,

Human-mind realized bright within,

Encompass mankind, peace divine, (12)


Courage counter win stigma dogma,

Sequester fear nature bright-enigma,

Peace tells progress true-knowledge,

Violence killings ruthless sacrilege, (13)


Worst crimes against souls corrupt,

Acquires sin unpardonable abrupt,

Sad happening corrode tranquility,

Sequester fear secure vulnerability (14)









Tuesday, September 7, 2021





Lead wonderful human life think,

Budding childhood naughty link,

Unmindful playful friends allure,

School life thrilling, fun play lure, (1)


Memories often hunt, ecstatic nit,

Stealing ripe mangoes orchard fit,

Travel group bicycle speed longer,

Nearby forest scenic beauty sheer, (2)


Group feast gossips warmth pour,

Fun intoxicating, laughter n roar,

Examination nearer feel shudder,

Vanish, friends busy study hour, (3)


Find pensive weeks, studies hard,

Results bring efforts, less reward,

Remember crestfallen weep heart,

Forget fulfilled lives repents start, (4)


Caught unaware teacher notice it,

Wipe tears console advice all neat,

Soft voice soothes guide recollect,

Inspiration overwhelm n intellect, (5)


Discover wasteful time practice it,

Guidance for practice, practice fit,

Teacher clears doubts, problems,

Loving hand caress tear moistens, (6)


Inflame his words feel bible strict,

Works lot parent surprise restrict,

Class regular finishes homework,

Accustomed with study, feel stark, (7)


Examination times to end school

Result hits spellbound, wonderful,

Ran, met teacher, touched his feet,

Unaware tears rolling felt discreet, (viii)


Express speechless eyes message,

Thankful for guidance to assuage,

Hour, we talked, listen to his word,

Followed rules lifelong strict-hard, (9)


Never forget success, trust spark,

Inner conscience guides n hark,

Halt suddenly find mistake often,

Correct wrongdoings lives soften, (10)


Name fame education career-best,

Owe immense guidance trust test,

Distant city, busiest lives burden,

Remind teacher at school sudden, (11)


Simple life learned build spirit nit,

Allow bird fly distant sky all greet,

Each feather shines his lesson all,

Award accolade admiration, recall, (12)


Feels bask in his glories indebted,

For, guidance love care nit excited,

Incomparable service, save in time,

Indebted for guidance reform shine, (13)


Worship him my god respect at par,

At par with parents recollects scar,

Less inclined to mother’s requests,

Little impacted father’s all threats, (14)


Magic spell transformed soul neat,

Remember offer flowers at his feet.

Ideal-person the most ethics adore,

His principles give peace I prosper. (15)






Monday, September 6, 2021






Dream for freedom soft water flow,

Water stream flow smooth bestow,

Find crevice percolate stone, crack,

Freedom let thoughts, water stark, (1)


Discover fracture of rock bondage,

Change boulder to sand, envisage,

Withers strength, powerful, strong,

Crumble, resemble sands prolong, (2)


Sand fails to block swirling rivers,

Burst dam repression disappears,

Flood, appear freedom spread well,

Life hopeless chained, worry quell, (3)


Sweep, uproot trees, notions clear,

Chain, simple belief n slavery fear,

White sand beach waves embrace,

Freedom, raise voice, aspire solace, (4)


Resounds people’s roar, intoxicate,

Gentle stream writing promulgate,

Water influence life, rock, crumble,

Write, freedom transform grumble, (5)


Object message-of-guns extremist,

Make aware of people act optimist,

Reject ultimate terror, acute anger,

Denounce treacherous hate, killer, (6)


Freedom choose ruler, right equal,

Class creed faith color one secular,

World, see human cherish, hatred,

Blind belief adulterate souls tread, (7)


God’s language compassion share,

Serve humanity love, sufferer care,

Abode of Lord, Paradise peace glow,

Happiness prosperity serenity flow, (viii)


Curse of human races fights bitter,

Fratricidal massacre, find less-cure,

Freedom supreme law rock n sand,

Process impossible no magic wand, (9)


Education usher knowledge costly,

Spare life absolute freedom mostly,

Hardship struggle water find, story,

Centuries of motion enables glory, (10)


Rock, resemble invader, mighty fail,

Occupiers fracture defeats prevail,

Pen mightier-than-sword inflames,

Sing price of freedom lack blames, (11)


Exposes cocoon lives, slumber nit,

Accept brutal rules, forces explicit,

Hibernates nation, fear, psychosis,

Close eyes to tyranny, share crisis, (12)


Paralysis strikes n character ruins,

Begs mercy live survive, slave wins,

Lost freedom dictator independent,

Flood links pen, people’s movement.  (13)


 Tolerance cooperation integration,

Solemn pledge sacred constitution,

Secular democracy, betray seldom,

Not faiths, nation price of freedom. (14)