Monday, September 6, 2021






Dream for freedom soft water flow,

Water stream flow smooth bestow,

Find crevice percolate stone, crack,

Freedom let thoughts, water stark, (1)


Discover fracture of rock bondage,

Change boulder to sand, envisage,

Withers strength, powerful, strong,

Crumble, resemble sands prolong, (2)


Sand fails to block swirling rivers,

Burst dam repression disappears,

Flood, appear freedom spread well,

Life hopeless chained, worry quell, (3)


Sweep, uproot trees, notions clear,

Chain, simple belief n slavery fear,

White sand beach waves embrace,

Freedom, raise voice, aspire solace, (4)


Resounds people’s roar, intoxicate,

Gentle stream writing promulgate,

Water influence life, rock, crumble,

Write, freedom transform grumble, (5)


Object message-of-guns extremist,

Make aware of people act optimist,

Reject ultimate terror, acute anger,

Denounce treacherous hate, killer, (6)


Freedom choose ruler, right equal,

Class creed faith color one secular,

World, see human cherish, hatred,

Blind belief adulterate souls tread, (7)


God’s language compassion share,

Serve humanity love, sufferer care,

Abode of Lord, Paradise peace glow,

Happiness prosperity serenity flow, (viii)


Curse of human races fights bitter,

Fratricidal massacre, find less-cure,

Freedom supreme law rock n sand,

Process impossible no magic wand, (9)


Education usher knowledge costly,

Spare life absolute freedom mostly,

Hardship struggle water find, story,

Centuries of motion enables glory, (10)


Rock, resemble invader, mighty fail,

Occupiers fracture defeats prevail,

Pen mightier-than-sword inflames,

Sing price of freedom lack blames, (11)


Exposes cocoon lives, slumber nit,

Accept brutal rules, forces explicit,

Hibernates nation, fear, psychosis,

Close eyes to tyranny, share crisis, (12)


Paralysis strikes n character ruins,

Begs mercy live survive, slave wins,

Lost freedom dictator independent,

Flood links pen, people’s movement.  (13)


 Tolerance cooperation integration,

Solemn pledge sacred constitution,

Secular democracy, betray seldom,

Not faiths, nation price of freedom. (14)







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