Monday, September 20, 2021






Traveler record memory incidence,

Pleasant times, happiest credence,

Suddenly life takes mode careless,

Mistake horrendous spirit distress, (1)


Instant reactions, without thought,

Disaster invite innocent lives-hurt,

Years after realizes lives shattered,

break family dispersed life altered, (2)


Death capture fragile heart, sorrow,

Tortured family know no tomorrow,

Desperate wait, help reconciliation,

Minor argument sides truth notion, (3)


Hurt anger enrage no compromise,

Revenge horrendous abuse precise,

Inflict mere word acute like a stab,

Never heals deep wound tear crab, (4)


Bondage thicker than blood break,

Incident mere happen lives wreck,

Words slip out of mouths undone,

Snaps relationship n never return, (5)


Families face certain hunger ruin,

Torture past humiliation, entwine,

Faces dare dangers in front, accept,

Stand stubbornly with truth inept, (6)


Traveler mistake-prone life realize,

Much later in life admits cuts size,

Miss relation, love, care, compassion,

Haughty egos deceive little caution, (7)


Horrendous the mistake, life wake,

Search desperately relations shake,

Break wall of distrust strikes, head,

Bleeds soul repentance ignores red, (viii)


Meets distant relation begs pardon,

Reverently accept lies, offense own,

Adopt, true humility assuage heart,

Empathy overtake acute pain react, (9)


Coherence surrender forgive victim,

Conscience clear mind high esteem,

Never mistakes can bring back past,

Years of pain, sick, death, nit cast, (10)


Repentance dark horror harbor nit,

Memories dark lanes shadow greet,

Flood tears lonely moment content,

Accepts mistake pure heart decent, (11)


Consoles conscience, rectification,

Essence, of human nature caution,

Who annihilates ego bold capable,

Momentous victory impressionable, (12)


Foster courageous heart lesson nit,

Test face thorny path pass upbeat,

Horrendous mistakes few clear all,

Stupendous self will act n enthrall, (13)


Past mistakes raw courage dissect,

Impressionable inclinations detect!!!

Mysterious life traveler indicates,

Courageous, admit error vindicate. (14)





Sunday, September 19, 2021






Dark chamber treasures, memory,

Life sutures decent needle misery,

Cream layer embroideries ecstasy,

Steal colors spectral, neat fantasy, (1)


Past events experience soak, cloth,

Survival exhilarates, liberty worth,

Threaten rare, eventually succeed,

Book of life, treasure trove indeed, (2)


Bottom of heart dark chamber nit,

Tongue little utters words opens it,

Closed windows light never enters,

Open-air of realm window closures, (3)


Unspoken guilt n blunder, commit,

Convinces conscience hurts spirit,

Rectify blunders repentance clean,

Mistake wrecked life least, forgiven, (4)


Broken hearts ruined life innocent,

Wrong notion culprit exists repent,

Impossible to repair, broken heart,

Pink glass pieces can’t join restart, (5)


Error creeps slowly mind disobeys,

Attachment physical love nit preys,

Captures mind reign bridles desire,

Success, bring pleasure life, admire, (6)


Failure cause anger, fire rage well,

Greed egos vanquish wisdom, fuel,

Not-one not-twice hundred repeat,

Lost close friends love care retreat, (7)


Happiness, elude mirage dear melt,

Pangs of writhe, fragile frame knelt,

Forgiveness silvery-line feel touch,

Wounded lives suffer distant much, (viii)


Unintentional mistake crime same,

Knows harm near n dear evil tame,

Occupies mind rules, loses control,

Momentary ecstasies despair stroll, (9)


Know consequences of harm tear,

Sock speechless eyes replies hear,

Why, why, why insane betray often,

What achievement accomplish won, (10)


How much gain looting trust, relieve,

Plunder for eternity exist nit believe,

Truth; plunder least exist longer fly,

Realization descends evil quits sigh, (11)


Ruined life total evil rejects shelter,

Least tolerate repentance hurt fear,

Short life conscience whisper wake,

Attachments first error lives wreck, (12)


Detached stands n automatic liftoff,

Mind soars higher to space nit huff,

Console heart, forgive, forget past all,

Life, in essence, priceless learn recall, (13)


Reject untouchable egos, anger total,

Dying moment satisfies, feels mortal,

Open closed chamber ventilate wish,

Confess guilty deeds sinful feel bliss, (14)


Leave book of treasure trove hidden,

Spirits get light wings afire smitten.

Confess unruly mind lifetime lesson,

Where is heart! in graves with lotion … (15)













Surreal feeling intrudes torture,

The national panorama culture,

Scenarios exhilarate, mind most,

Horrors of past floats never lost, (1)


Cost of freedom, sacrifice notice,

Grueling prison life deny justice,

Humiliations, fear of life prolific,

Independence story tells horrific, (2)


Famine human creations reveal,

Million-lives perish let upheaval,

Bountiful fertile soil grain divert,

Colonial ruler executed the plot, (3)


Bountiful fertile soil, rivers flow,

Rich harvest regular little know,

Cripple famine, the people stark,

Millions perished, deathly mark, (4)


Empty village rotten body smell,

Hungry dies rural fields felt hell,

Eastern people suffer rulers will,

Weaker a-people suffers n kneel, (5)


Poverty illness strike often cruel,

Poignant reminder sad past fuel,

Pang of freedom right, burn afire,

Like insect jump to fire life dare, (6)


Hunts struggle demand freedom,

Motherland in chain or dungeon,

Shout, objection result imprison,

Surrender fails face prosecution, (7)


Hang till death order crime right,

Threat to colonial rule savage fit,

Lack, education, illiteracy a curse,

Social vices female lost of course, (viii)


Untimely death ill pregnant dies,

Babies die for fevers nation fries,

Ancient nation, once prosperous,

Face, situation future disastrous, (9)


None listen to, cry for help shout,

Perpetual darkness, without root,

Century, after feels land surprise,

Development at top rock precise, (10)


Illiteracy diminishes women feel,

Freedom today real less to kneel,

Return feminine dignity n equal,

At par with men lead nation pal, (11)


No more untimed deaths, to baby,

Health education grow well savvy,

Billion-heart applaud democracy,

Colonial ruler, gone like intimacy, (12)


Constitution safeguards equality,

Chose electorate leader, maturity,

Peace prosperity surplus harvest,

Memory generation to know best, (13)


Soil sings flesh blood sacrifice all,

Pay million lives fruit nit, enthrall,

Let future-citizen waste not, time,

Realize costs, sacred freedom, fine, (14)


Watch nation, dungeons in-chain,

Never to get free dictator, do reign,

Subjects people forces surrender,

Realize youth, poignant reminder.  (15)







Friday, September 17, 2021




 Autumnal phenomenon grace,

Miss great nation births trace,

One in billion seed sprout tell,

Amid soil, dirt grow omen hail, (1)


Destiny child motherland lap,

Secrecy shrouds mystery clap,

Unknown corner child listens,

Most ancient land nit glistens, (2)


Freedom democracy supreme,

Know poverty hunger extreme,

Colonial rule exploitations all,

Skeletal figures shadowy, troll, (3)


Illiteracy scar of partition stay,

Untimely death sickness prey,

Fights earnestly great nation,

Peace progress access motion, (4)


Industry education health nit,

Drives people urban, rural grit,

People post-independence feel,

Unity disappears, politics kill, (5)


Greed for power poisons, mind,

Plants divisive seeds n unkind,

Hunger for power corrupt neat,

Caste creed religion region eat, (6)


Nations move treacherous trek,

Faced naked aggression wreck,

Thrice war-ravaged refugee lot,

Destiny child renounce life hot, (7)


Education over, dedicate spirit,

Services to people motto greet,

Selfless volunteer travel track,

Length breadth of nation walk, (viii)


Mingle half-century with folks,

Vast nation meet people jerks,

Bare means to survive, travel,

Anomalies of societies unravel, (9)


Lifetime pass youth learn well,

Book, less offer association tell,

Knows person people n nation,

Destiny offer leadership notion, (10)


Shining glory state flourish nit,

Amazes clean life hard work lit,

Failed nefarious plot to defame,

Without basis outcry no shame, (11)


Misled world community failed,

Victorious rule nation n sailed,

Massive electoral battles defeat,

Opponent bites the dust admit, (12)


Trusts people paramount hold,

Policy nation first declare, bold,

Corruption free single life aloft,

Supreme leader world love soft, (13)


Worship mother motherland fit,

Selfless untiring efforts discreet,

Silent, humiliation, abuse, hate,

Face speak little hide pain wait, (14)


Services to people cardinal rule,

Decades leaves records nil mule,

Work, work and work till sleep,

Departure, of friends seen weep, (15)


Loving, compassionate life bold,

Strong decision character hold,

Heart of steel least knows fear,

Daring steps surprises, secure, (16)


Autumn wishes greet birthday,

Destiny child save mother pray.

Health happiness leadership nit,

Nation, world look, future treat. (17)





Thursday, September 16, 2021




Introspect benefactor tree, provide,

Under cool-shade rest thinks wide,

Fruit sweet n saucy freely furnish,

Leaf fragrant flower, useful, wish, (1)


Marvelous existence n benevolent,

Root trunk branches serve decent,

Human, animal, bird, creature all,

Find, permanent friend trees rival, (2)


Living plant dead wood, serve-well,

Promote luxuriant lives, care, dwell,

Surprises mind huge orchards nit,

Variety of fruits forest shows exist, (3)


Long road trees cover, traveler rest,

Seasonal fruits provide pluck best,

Riverbank fertile orchards plenty,

Village find places destroy, scanty, (4)


Places provide shade festival sites,

Weekly trading venue best excites,

Watch populous countryside right,

Huge-plantations pond wells sight, (5)


Serpentine path earthen roads nit,

Thick lines of trees cover life treat,

Shelter places brick mansion find,

Provide traveler’s night halts kind, (6)


Enquire benevolent person in vain,

People nearby fail to say the name,

Unknown in history myth, describe,

Inspire future-generation, prescribe, (7)


Selfless service deeds enable grace,

Person quits in time serve timeless,

No one knows details of benefactor,

Anonymous soul say example lure, (viii)


Inspiration permeate tell awesome,

Human-heart perceive compassion,

Transcend generation after imitate,

Build rest shades unknown donate, (9)


Provide drinking water clinic more,

Remote-villager get benefits, procure,

Free education school college open,

Charitable trustee unknown alone, (10)


Nobles spirit prefer obscure status,

Never seek fame, gratitude, famous,

Resembles like trees provide fruits,

Anonymous best nameless n roots, (11)


Never stop n benevolence spreads,

Orphanage shelters old persuades,

Huge donations maintain charities

Shelter home destitute less-worries, (12)


Galaxy of stars, anonymous bright,

Human nature noble, marvel sight,

Inspire people wealth fame provide,

Fame few ignore but wealth divide, (13)


Wise-person prefer anonymous nit,

Timeless services benefit free, exist,

Symbolize plant a tree serves after,

People enjoy anonymous superior. (14)