Showing posts with label IMPRESSIONABLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMPRESSIONABLE. Show all posts

Saturday, December 2, 2023






Astonishes human life wildflower,

Vibrant and colorful short hire power,

Confluence creator's intention lit,

A profusion of talents exist, exiplicit, (1)


Disbelieves, unpredictable places,

Sprout out of the rock life graces,

Comparable windswept surround,

Loners in the wilderness abound, (2)


Uncared, unguarded, unattended,

Beautiful flower yet apprehended,

Splashed colors spread across the globe,

Lifeless rock wildflower live probe, (3)


Million years rock stayed, to stay,

Wildflower blossom today dismay,

Become a part of the life cycle, last,

Images, the creation, fragrant cast, (4)


Sing the glorious existence winds,

Rock wears at places yet reminds,

Human society resembles rocky fit,

Dire poverty rock bed child bright, (5)


Speechless scrutinize wordless lit,

Oration spontaneous eloquent wit,

Who taught this child, at a tender age,

Continuous answers, query craze, (6)


Probe like a wildflower, God-gifted,

Dirt road muddy cottage it shifted,

Migrate from palatial mansion, tilt,

Reject jewelry servant wealth built, (7)


Temple of learning simple, serenely,

Surpasses a million students keenly,

Crosses all records bold and bright,

No answer, answers wildflower right, (viii)


Destined to exist, stay a human life,

Achievement phenomenal disbelief,

Illiterate parents, shocked, amused,

Today's child tomorrow's bemused, (9)


Defied, every opposition, victorious,

Raised proud head top anonymous,

Tearful touch wildflower fragrance,

The child is the leader significance, (10)


Leads from the front, a billion lives,

Mold the future of the country believes,

History is astonishingly simple a sight,

Thousand years, rock etched delight, (11)


Carry the message of divine wish clear,

Propagate happiness, love, or no fear,

It visits at the dawn sunset duly tell,

Winds when begins, where ends fail, (12)


Kneel down, the sun, sink to the west,

Orange glows, overpowers heart, at rest,

Wildflower to wild human life stress,

Wilderness is civilization lot impress, (13)


Stay grows defies rules reality wildly,

Impressionable might show mildly,

The story goes on and on stays tearfully,

Watched the wildflower rock really, (14)


Universal truth simmering sizzled,

Mysterious universe heart puzzled,

Sun rises wildflower obey blossom,

Impressionable Lord's realm home. (15) 



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Impressionable

Themes: Wildflower to golden human soul

Written: 2nd December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Monday, September 20, 2021






Traveler record memory incidence,

Pleasant times, happiest credence,

Suddenly life takes mode careless,

Mistake horrendous spirit distress, (1)


Instant reactions, without thought,

Disaster invite innocent lives-hurt,

Years after realizes lives shattered,

break family dispersed life altered, (2)


Death capture fragile heart, sorrow,

Tortured family know no tomorrow,

Desperate wait, help reconciliation,

Minor argument sides truth notion, (3)


Hurt anger enrage no compromise,

Revenge horrendous abuse precise,

Inflict mere word acute like a stab,

Never heals deep wound tear crab, (4)


Bondage thicker than blood break,

Incident mere happen lives wreck,

Words slip out of mouths undone,

Snaps relationship n never return, (5)


Families face certain hunger ruin,

Torture past humiliation, entwine,

Faces dare dangers in front, accept,

Stand stubbornly with truth inept, (6)


Traveler mistake-prone life realize,

Much later in life admits cuts size,

Miss relation, love, care, compassion,

Haughty egos deceive little caution, (7)


Horrendous the mistake, life wake,

Search desperately relations shake,

Break wall of distrust strikes, head,

Bleeds soul repentance ignores red, (viii)


Meets distant relation begs pardon,

Reverently accept lies, offense own,

Adopt, true humility assuage heart,

Empathy overtake acute pain react, (9)


Coherence surrender forgive victim,

Conscience clear mind high esteem,

Never mistakes can bring back past,

Years of pain, sick, death, nit cast, (10)


Repentance dark horror harbor nit,

Memories dark lanes shadow greet,

Flood tears lonely moment content,

Accepts mistake pure heart decent, (11)


Consoles conscience, rectification,

Essence, of human nature caution,

Who annihilates ego bold capable,

Momentous victory impressionable, (12)


Foster courageous heart lesson nit,

Test face thorny path pass upbeat,

Horrendous mistakes few clear all,

Stupendous self will act n enthrall, (13)


Past mistakes raw courage dissect,

Impressionable inclinations detect!!!

Mysterious life traveler indicates,

Courageous, admit error vindicate. (14)