Tuesday, October 5, 2021






Exhilarating life sense experience,

Everlasting fascinate quit essence,

Assimilates notions friend relative,

Adopt service to humanity believe, (1)


Jubilation after effect empathy nit,

Suffering people create pain admit,

Modest income manageable realm,

Moderate aspirations n overwhelm, (2)


Secure content food shelter health,

Cloth family happiness joys wealth,

Means for survival work time ravel,

Accept storms struggle save swivel, (3)


Family-bond link society n wonder,

Healing process heart savor allure,

Greif remorse often visit sink spirit,

Share family friend sympathy neat, (4)


Face illness occasional distress nit,

Care heavenly doctor attends treat,

Discover doctor’s help sister’s love,

Hospital unforgettable white solve, (5)


Day and night fights, secure life all,

Medic beaming smile tear enthrall,

Cooperation goodwill welcome, feel,

Short life infinite emotion nice reel, (6)


Earth paradise nature bridal dress,

Autumn fragrances spring, impress,

Sweep idle heart, kidnap unknown,

Paradise dreams manifest n shown, (7)


Wonder happiness drift, fail length,

Plunder gem peace liberty strength,

Ecstasy mind writes yet tearful life,

Why Lord deprive people face strife, (viii)


Speechless socks soul brittle world,

Fragile hope desire tyrannies scald,

Captivity prison window life search,

Helping hand Lord desist, feel lurch, (9)


Askance tiny baby eyes glisten well,

Chokes heart while ink, detain hell,

Float pictures migrants walk miles,

Less, food cloths shelter lost smiles, (10)


Harsh weather, sun blisters, rain nit,

Clueless miss words destiny defeat,

Less shout neighbor threats protest,

Migration force sacred soil quit test, (11)


Hunger insecurity drives mad often,

Alien soil camps surprise n caution,

Childhood youth city school distant,

Miss childhood root culture instant, (12)


Alien language sympathy perplexes,

Curse burden of life mortal reflexes,

Future dark sacred soil enchant nil,

Accept grave with honor freedom ill, (13)


Ill feeling foreign freedom scant real,

Motherland overwhelm scar surreal,

How savage human turns beast fun,

Best wishes goodwill transform gun, (14)


Fratricidal cruelty limits cross slain,

Bleed pen, burden-of-life will, in vain.

Humanity at crossroad pricks spirit,

Lord initiates quarrel nations ignite? (15)









Monday, October 4, 2021







Gift of Lord, family, rejoices best,

Daughter’s birth n enchant rest,

Erase anxious mind parent feel,

Sweet face smile pain neat heal, (1)


Disappears void happiness fuel,

Love, flow unceasingly sad quell,

Arrive, softness tender life pour,

Transformation parents discover, (2)


Girl child father’s precious gold,

Solace, discover heart toils bold,

Education skill imparts time tell,

Daughter performs, lead life sail, (3)


Succeed pride of parent, prosper,

Art, dance, music, song, literature,

Vanish, obscurities fame shows,

Name, bring repute parent owes, (4)


Get applause recognizes parent,

Society admits, contribute decent,

Examples bright show path neat,

People follow, educates girl greet, (5)


Brick of nation women prosper,

Education strength grow proper,

Health sheer wealth cement-nice,

Daughter, wear bridal dress wish, (6)


Link, between society family trim,

Daughter in law protects nit win,

Protects culture customs secure,

Educate children; develop future, (7)


Community offers freedom-equal,

At par with son studies, enthrall,

Co-education daughter acquires,

Shows born leadership, inspires, (viii)


Vogue notion fragile strength ire,

Infinite patience steel nerve hire,

Struggle immaculate strong feet,

Mother of brave sons shows wit, (9)


Daughter-of-mountain river run,

Enrich twin banks, fertile shown,

Civilization, grow nourishes river,

Nation flourish, replica daughter, (10)


Culture customs intermix sweet,

Daughter enriches nations treat,

Blind-customs ancient practices,

Block future of daughter notices, (11)


Rot behind curtain deprived tell,

Lacks education restrict life hell,

Heath doubtful equality deprive,

Dark life confine, feel less strive, (12)


Agonies untold misery interacts,

Daughter suffer son little reacts,

Enjoy freedom ignore equal best,

Son address motherland n attest, (13)


Forget motherland daughter nit,

Daughter of civilization discreet,

Dishonor daughter insult mother,

Uncivilized savage fates insecure, (14)


Disrespect gift of Lord, insult nit,

Hurt countenance, divine explicit,

Daughter suffer ignominy curse,

Dark future wait, ill fate remorse.  (15)







Sunday, October 3, 2021






Exhilarations abundant appear neat,

Rains persistent, gone summer heat,

Greeneries fresh n lush energy flows,

Cultivations finish green field shows, (1)


Intermittent squall hurricane threat,

Frighten peasants heart fears create,

Wet season heart excites, busy work,

Rural landscapes look paradise-lurk, (2)


Overwhelm cornfields pleases nation,

Year of surplus foods prosper notion,

Autumnal ecstasies blossoms profuse,

Fragrant air intoxicate evening muse, (3)


Jasmine creeper hint festival nearer,

Riverbanks pampas grasses feather,

White plumes steal hearts omen well,

Arrival, of Goddess mother, love fuel, (4)


Billion hearts get, ready welcome fine,

Nine days engage, nation pray hymn,

Coherence of symptom visible n clean,

Pampas sway in winds dances define, (5)


Nature foliage color scintillate, ravish,

Arrivals of Mother welcome hypnosis,

Rivers in spate, waves dance ecstatic,

Waterfall rainbows indicate, magnetic, (6)


Mother descends ancient lands, now,

Colorful-festival envisage rhythm bow,

Mature cornfields pregnant usher nit,

Symbolize, best harvest hope complete, (7)


Mother witness children feast satiate,

Tearful gratitude harvest promulgate,

Once in year crucial time future show,

Dussehra, celebrate billion people owe, (7)


Festival of light night lamplights glow,

Time forgets sorrows happiness show,

Departure, of Mother Idol immersion,

Processions enchant drums beat, won, (viii)


Firecrackers previous night celebrate,

Diwali autumnal coherence, intimate,

Night festive occasion, families unite,

Happiest moment memories reignite, (9)


Autumnal ecstasies land waits, eager,

Nature ornate profusely shows vigor,

Panorama visible jubilations opulent,

Diminishes corona scars translucent, (10)


Mother grace, anticipate health cure,

Nation rides, peace prosperity sheer,

Forget flood storm cyclone loss neat,

Aspirations autumn brings life greet, (11)


Symbol of Durga, kill evil nature well,

Human agonies torment enough hell,

Cruel nature turn human beast total,

Feminine nature supreme power fatal, (12)


Beastly tendency chains motherhood,

Demonic tendency ban freedom good,

Deprives equality n women freedom,

Treat motherhood commodity drum, (13)


Festival commemorates devils killer,

Autumnal coherence, concur thriller.

The Mother symbolizes procreation,

Nature relates timings exhilaration. (14)










Saturday, October 2, 2021






Witness gaiety proliferation pleasant,

Blossom autumnal ecstasy resonant,

Ornate nature spread soft happiness,

Eloquent messages decipher impress, (1)


Impress secret heart feels passionate,

Escapes spirit from dungeon liberate,

Glisten morning dews sunlight spray,

Wet soaks tear shines spirit dismay, (2)


Excites heavenly earth sings freedom,

Enchants forest colorful rule autumn,

Passions surge invite human, captive,

Break, lose chain mitigate pain active, (3)


Mingles, species watch free birds sing,

Blue sky cloud rare life spreads wing,

Intimate, friend-in-slavery forget neat,

Grazing animal proliferate, time great, (4)


Cool-air summer heat past disappear,

Rain, merciless thunder lighting clear,

Warm sunlight golden valley effulgent,

Liberty essays transparency emergent, (5)


Joy mirth happiness gaiety, free equal,

Torture conscience humanity unequal,

Awestruck bird, animal lack fear proof,

Jovial jubilant creatures butterfly roof, (6)


Mansion of nature species plead spirit,

Invite human race lack divisions, treat,

Passionate request friends find, sequel,

Beg mercy dictator, quit finish quarrel, (7)


Deprive people born equal blood speak,

Doctrines fake baseless arresting weak,

Come anarchist look birds sing mingle,

No restriction proliferate free feel tingle, (viii)


Autumn proliferation overwhelm, mind,

Enchant freedom liberty equal rescind,

Dungeon imprison truth notion wrong,

Captivity of people worse crimes hung, (9)


God’s will obliterate sinful, faces curse,

Ocean of tears inundate feel of course,

Slavery, O’ cruel powerful know clean,

Allow citizens chose life love work fine, (10)


Lands belong to people, right message,

Ornate nature eloquent message craze,

Denounce absurd lordship glowworms

Ignorance nights blind hatred swarms, (11)


Watch autumn spring flee winter rule,

Spring of terror tyranny perishes cool,

Freeze harsh outlook warmbloods ice,

Snows decipher peace white rules nice, (12)


Burry pain torture deprivation, frozen,

Burry distinct race caste creeds vision,

The falls signify, diminish threat power,

Remind divine wish avalanche shower, (13)


Bury savage mind blind fails, decipher,

Nature address culprit crimes whisper,

Thoughts sad painful write, deliberate,

Cipher, linger heart passion proliferate. (14)