Saturday, October 2, 2021






Witness gaiety proliferation pleasant,

Blossom autumnal ecstasy resonant,

Ornate nature spread soft happiness,

Eloquent messages decipher impress, (1)


Impress secret heart feels passionate,

Escapes spirit from dungeon liberate,

Glisten morning dews sunlight spray,

Wet soaks tear shines spirit dismay, (2)


Excites heavenly earth sings freedom,

Enchants forest colorful rule autumn,

Passions surge invite human, captive,

Break, lose chain mitigate pain active, (3)


Mingles, species watch free birds sing,

Blue sky cloud rare life spreads wing,

Intimate, friend-in-slavery forget neat,

Grazing animal proliferate, time great, (4)


Cool-air summer heat past disappear,

Rain, merciless thunder lighting clear,

Warm sunlight golden valley effulgent,

Liberty essays transparency emergent, (5)


Joy mirth happiness gaiety, free equal,

Torture conscience humanity unequal,

Awestruck bird, animal lack fear proof,

Jovial jubilant creatures butterfly roof, (6)


Mansion of nature species plead spirit,

Invite human race lack divisions, treat,

Passionate request friends find, sequel,

Beg mercy dictator, quit finish quarrel, (7)


Deprive people born equal blood speak,

Doctrines fake baseless arresting weak,

Come anarchist look birds sing mingle,

No restriction proliferate free feel tingle, (viii)


Autumn proliferation overwhelm, mind,

Enchant freedom liberty equal rescind,

Dungeon imprison truth notion wrong,

Captivity of people worse crimes hung, (9)


God’s will obliterate sinful, faces curse,

Ocean of tears inundate feel of course,

Slavery, O’ cruel powerful know clean,

Allow citizens chose life love work fine, (10)


Lands belong to people, right message,

Ornate nature eloquent message craze,

Denounce absurd lordship glowworms

Ignorance nights blind hatred swarms, (11)


Watch autumn spring flee winter rule,

Spring of terror tyranny perishes cool,

Freeze harsh outlook warmbloods ice,

Snows decipher peace white rules nice, (12)


Burry pain torture deprivation, frozen,

Burry distinct race caste creeds vision,

The falls signify, diminish threat power,

Remind divine wish avalanche shower, (13)


Bury savage mind blind fails, decipher,

Nature address culprit crimes whisper,

Thoughts sad painful write, deliberate,

Cipher, linger heart passion proliferate. (14)



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