Thursday, October 28, 2021





Amazes society introspect detail,

Parity of genders unequal derail,

Men’s world, sycophant demand,

Occupies power, rule reprimand, (1)


Deprive education skill sport nit,

Force menial domestic life, treat,

Confined behind wall sorrow tell,

Discontented-heart suffers rebel, (2)


Anger volatile, sad family nature,

Reflects, rebellious, evil character,

Lose politeness soft heart tender,

Silently poison society surrender, (3)


Surrender love passion intention,

Suppressed mind hit depression,

Children lose humanity to, beast,

Imagine youthful stage fear least, (4)


Less fear precious lives, tortures,

Nations witness killing fractures,

Divides society manifold, enmity,

Bitter fight destroys peace, petty, (5)


Offense cross limits heinous feel,

Watch, men dictator autocrat kill,

Rare female turns butcher sadist,

Motherly tendency inhibits, racist, (6)


Fail, discriminate gender murder,

Passion compassion heart suture,

Love flows in blood, soft soul-sick,

Men’s cruelty, watch closer prick, (7)


Fearful keep silence ill cooperate,

World watch, wicked people, hate,

Rot, friend starts from childhood,

Fail mother teach humanity good, (viii)


Allows, kid play with guns bomb,

School massacre sight feel-numb,

Present-world infested with terror,

Shout, lauder hue and cry, furor, (9)


Mindless-violence killing witness,

Suicide attack shocking, depress,

Create mass death bleeds critical,

O’ man ever saw female killer pal, (10)


Eliminate innocent place worship,

Railway, bus, air passengers ship,

Innocent people families wipe out,

How many blast twin-tower, scout, (11)


Angry on my ink writer male, sad,

Exposes male chauvinist less-dad,

Kid future for nation educate love,

Care mankind one fraternity dove, (12)


Rejects gun volunteer life kill, kill,

Kids know surprise, reveal anthill,

Deep down anthill, anger embroil,

Womanhood, feel freedom turmoil, (13)


Freedom only escape, nation grow,

Mother first teacher children show,

Reveal anthill explode mirth peace,

Root prosperity kid swarms notice, (14)


Mother motherland enchant smile,

Beautiful life believes if for a while.

Save female modesty vanity admit,

Detect anarchy n autocracy defeat. (15)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021





Proudest moment travel country,

Spirit discover, challenges entry,

Young life heart thrilling intense,

Curious mind search duly sense, (1)


Rail journey, romance disbelieve,

Pass alluvial land panorama live,

Scrutinize landscape enchanting,

Moving scenes scenic mirth sing, (2)


Behold bewilder nation beautiful,

Unknown people village life mule,

Thrives, nation, fragrant, intricate,

Rustic lives enamor fade, dictate, (3)


Watch through windows silently,

Rhythmic noises shake violently,

Pass, cinematic sceneries excite,

Revolts young heart, miss recite, (4)


Imagine, free bird, fly over forest,

Spell sock beauty below interest,

Fly out of window find lost enjoy,

Mingle with nature pain destroy, (5)


Journey for interview far off city,

Train, carries hopes opportunity,

Dreamy eyes mesmerize dictate,

Life stretched longer n frustrate, (6)


Comfortable life wish settle fine,

Secure feels, family lead routine,

Dream where ends fail estimate,

Human life, so young intoxicate, (7)


Pass quickly big cities milieu test,

Benign unknown town manifest,

Wish visit let mingle with people,

Find lifestyle custom mix simple, (viii)


Make friendship life discover all,

Train rolls speed past job recall,

Yes, complete duty, service wait,

Life not midway reach sing duet, (9)


Earn sufficient establish decide,

Family friends accompany, ride,

Train best mate feel convenient,

Wish experience country decent, (10)


Railway stations glitter clean fit,

Amenities of all, kind litter greet,

Train schedules in time comfort,

AC sleepers-coach dining escort, (11)


Faster travel, express train time,

Right time maintains, move, fine,

Spider net railways connect well,

Thousand each minute leave tell, (12)


Online booking, communication,

On train let possible satisfaction,

Year passed settles life n family,

Vacations, family travels simply, (13)


Day first journey for job remind,

Train get part of lives do rewind,

Unforgettable experiences sweet,

Inseparable nostalgic the twilight, (14)


Part and parcel of national lives,

Carry hope essential goods lives,

Run-run round the clock design,

Accident sadly maligned benign. (15)







Tuesday, October 26, 2021





 Swept out of feet flushed spirit,

Wonder, encounter life ecstatic,

Lack everything yet heart fuels,

Seems as if, richest pain quells, (1)


Disappear hunger, food negate,

Hungry for love pours intimate,

Wane solitude satiate company,

Unite soul two sings symphony, (2)


Share eagerly wound hidden lit,

Mix, warmth, of tear love defeat,

Open heartbreak untold words,

Self least like to hear, cut odds, (3)


Failure frustration mingle neat,

Humiliation, deprivation, greet,

Class, color, caste, faith, divide,

Discover, love wall apart reside, (4)


Discriminate not love transpire,

Love thicker than blood inspire,

Human-heart never choose some,

Captivates automatic lives lorn, (5)


Attraction instant, explains, fail,

Never judge class, skin, prevail,

Love nature care, polite posture,

Gentle, decent clean demeanor, (6)


Mystery, fail explanation, bond,

Unites love couple intense fond,

Find, love sweep sorrows doubt,

Assurance, germinate to sprout, (7)


Flush, life shy resolves stronger,

Fight, harsh-world grows allure,

Education weapon, heal secure,

Confluence, fame position pure, (viii)


Society respect, forget root neat,

Credits achievements, duty feet,

Honesty, integrity, service-equal,

Admiration, accord lives normal, (9)


Just, engrosses career objective,

Propose love her hand n captive,

Success in life inspirations, love,

Overwhelm moment, unite solve, (10)


Dove of peace, happiness, wings,

Surprise watch poor heart sings,

Reminisce, past sorrows wound,

Contemplate in silence a sound, (11)


Dare heart approach parent nit,

Disclose lingering relation treat,

Mutual acceptance, past covers,

Wait patiently for the day lures, (12)


Name details inform to propose,

Accepts parent marriage pause,

Date schedules finalized, sweet,

Upper-class love belongs, greet,(13)


Higher caste, fare, color, angelic,

Surprises community, pathetic,

Strong protest criticizes parent,

Threat society boycott indecent, (14)


Enduring heartbreak opens up,

Poverty, class-castes show, top,

Marriage lackluster completed,

Parents of love stood delighted, (15)


Life begins at new note reprieve,

Enduring heartbreak less revive,

Conjugal love establish, confide,

Melt enduring heartbreak pride, (16)





Monday, October 25, 2021





Golden color silver aura diamond,

Crown studded with jewels, bond,

Mademoiselle win shines, electric,

Touch human cast spell hypnotic, (1)


Forgets mind get wild, mesmerize,

Mankind search ever yet, polarize,

Lady-win quite elusive n invisible,

Game exhibit throne win possible, (2)


Sits elegantly, sight match patient,

Greet match-winner, smile decent,

Won mademoiselle team hug wild,

Erupt, pavilion ecstatic lives yield, (3)


Electric currents, victory transmit,

Witness nation national teams hit,

Hit best capture victory pride roar,

Perform, finest outwits competitor, (4)


First-minute whistle, push motive,

Damsel’s sword, playtime captive,

Captivates audience players strive,

Game for throne alert nation drive, (5)


Telecast hours paralyze hit, nation,

Crowded bazaar avenue Mille lorn,

Disappears in time thin airs silent,

Surreal empty roads silence, scent, (6)


Scent every move of team run, run,

Runs heart of audience and nation,

Choke heart tenterhook, feel throb,

Opposition gains advantage to sob, (7)


Match time costs emotional infect,

Young, old male-female feels affect,

Knows intricacy of game, ignorant,

Match capture all equally, enchant, (viii)


Play, shout, play loud-roars a goal,

Other bench breaks laughter troll,

Shouts, a mighty six, hit pavilion,

Least-understood public, question, (9)


You laugh I smile national spirits,

National-flag flies higher inflicts,

Players nearing sure defeat fights,

Pin drop silence run goal insights, (10)


One run or goal extra victory end,

Final hours nation pray, pretend,

Jesus Allah God whispering, trail,

Billion heart stops revive, yet fail, (11)


Winner one team defeats by-goal,

Victor one team by run wins soul,

Spreads victory like wildfires kill,

Erupts, nation overjoyed tear feel, (12)


National honor world cup in-year,

Few-years after, rescheduled fear,

World cup gold jewel-studded nit,

Hypothetical mademoiselle, greet, (13)


Remain in captivity, a few years,

Celebrate winner keep souvenirs,

Stadium ticket cricket bat n ball,

Football jersey ball boot enthrall, (14)


Museums, wax image legendary,

Success let player legend history.

Cricket hockey goal play miracle,

Lose sorrow pain unite spectacle. (15)





Sunday, October 24, 2021






Incredible ignites, fierce cricket,

Cricket-empire n sun never set,

Atlantic to Pacific, spread game,

Infectious hot favorite hit name, (1)


Nations link relations historical,

Color tongue race meet magical,

Culture lifestyle in, hemisphere,

Globe mesmerize, glory whisper, (2)


Generation inherit, legends stay,

Vivid memories crystal clear say,

Cricketers retire new crops-raise,

Obscure face gets known, in age, (3)


Spreads fame name, household,

Brand crazy mind pay, feel gold,

Lives game in heart for, century,

Game each a story looks silvery, (4)


Test match one-day match play,

Twenty over each team hit, stay,

Batter, bowler, fielder n captain,

Eleven players, two referee gain, (5)


Stick three, opposite, field center,

Sticks hold two bells, hits cover,

Cross, boundary, in air six, count,

Rollover boundary, four, mount, (6)


Catch in air ball batter gets out,

Stadium shakes uproar n shout,

Catch out sixes add team finish,

Last-batter goes out runs notice, (7)


Game opposition play, equal over,

Run total, greater, win, game, sure,

Indian subcontinent play, cricket,

Match, national telecast intimate, (viii)


Subcontinent match thrilling kill,

Brings win, wildest mind anger fill,

Defeated team encounters, furry,

Sleep out airport run, in a hurry, (9)


Wins, decorated road-show carry,

Crowd shower flower praise glory,

The tears, laughter, shouts, hit yell,

Incredible cricket fever casts, spell, (10)


Billion plus humans addict infect,

Intoxicate match nation to detect,

Empty roads malls n nation halts,

Hours of game, hook to TV n jolts, (11)


Across age gender interests sickly,

Child study steal glances, meekly,

Fever grips for hours heartbeats,

Nation experience a game treats!!! (12)


Decade seven passes my life saw,

Infected, addicted by fever, I allow,

Allow my heart nostalgia get alive,

Alive again throbs warmth thrive, (13)


Tearful young heart thrill remind,

Forgets age, twilight years unkind,

Jump, jump, feel, wait impatient,

Minutes seem hours, air indecent, (14)


Begin match nation surreal silent,

Incredible cricket hour, a moment…

Write incredible, life experience, feel,

Evening today reminiscence, reveal. (15)