Thursday, October 28, 2021





Amazes society introspect detail,

Parity of genders unequal derail,

Men’s world, sycophant demand,

Occupies power, rule reprimand, (1)


Deprive education skill sport nit,

Force menial domestic life, treat,

Confined behind wall sorrow tell,

Discontented-heart suffers rebel, (2)


Anger volatile, sad family nature,

Reflects, rebellious, evil character,

Lose politeness soft heart tender,

Silently poison society surrender, (3)


Surrender love passion intention,

Suppressed mind hit depression,

Children lose humanity to, beast,

Imagine youthful stage fear least, (4)


Less fear precious lives, tortures,

Nations witness killing fractures,

Divides society manifold, enmity,

Bitter fight destroys peace, petty, (5)


Offense cross limits heinous feel,

Watch, men dictator autocrat kill,

Rare female turns butcher sadist,

Motherly tendency inhibits, racist, (6)


Fail, discriminate gender murder,

Passion compassion heart suture,

Love flows in blood, soft soul-sick,

Men’s cruelty, watch closer prick, (7)


Fearful keep silence ill cooperate,

World watch, wicked people, hate,

Rot, friend starts from childhood,

Fail mother teach humanity good, (viii)


Allows, kid play with guns bomb,

School massacre sight feel-numb,

Present-world infested with terror,

Shout, lauder hue and cry, furor, (9)


Mindless-violence killing witness,

Suicide attack shocking, depress,

Create mass death bleeds critical,

O’ man ever saw female killer pal, (10)


Eliminate innocent place worship,

Railway, bus, air passengers ship,

Innocent people families wipe out,

How many blast twin-tower, scout, (11)


Angry on my ink writer male, sad,

Exposes male chauvinist less-dad,

Kid future for nation educate love,

Care mankind one fraternity dove, (12)


Rejects gun volunteer life kill, kill,

Kids know surprise, reveal anthill,

Deep down anthill, anger embroil,

Womanhood, feel freedom turmoil, (13)


Freedom only escape, nation grow,

Mother first teacher children show,

Reveal anthill explode mirth peace,

Root prosperity kid swarms notice, (14)


Mother motherland enchant smile,

Beautiful life believes if for a while.

Save female modesty vanity admit,

Detect anarchy n autocracy defeat. (15)

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