Wednesday, January 19, 2022






Heart surreptitiously hanker best,

Best things elusive in world quest,

Fate, fortune, destiny, mysterious,

Dreams thread desire miraculous,(1)


Human conscience forbade warns,

Desire resemble floating kite arms,

Temptations thread pull tighter fit,

Soars kite higher swinging delight, (2)


Swings dream heart delighted, feel,

Empties entire threads, finish reel,

Thread curl up in-air free flies nit,

Kite lost from sight melt dream lit, (3)


The fever, urge, acute-wish reality,

Begs human, mind surrender pity,

Tiny kid wishes n extends old age,

Youth-adult too sufferer it, amaze, (4)


May happen miracle exam winner,

Dream in threads hanging, prayer,

Believes it satisfy throbbing-heart,

Kid’s heart, rhythm match impact, (5)


Success, Lord’ heard prayer grace,

Failure flies lost kite, in disgrace,

Youth begs for career, promotions,

Unemployed pray for job emotions, (6)


Adult’s passion female beaut loves,

Lovelorn, dream hanging dissolves,

Not all pigeon wish captured forget,

Lord may be smiling, threaded fate, (7)


Job, career-promotion divine grace,

Dream under tree hanging impress,

Unfulfilled, kite-forgotten wish lost,

Unmerciful God turned deaf, must, (viii)


Female wishes, link children n love,

Red cotton peace symbolize, absorb,

Soaked with acute prayer hanging,

Never knows grace fate life singing, (9)


Old human ties cloth piece prayer,

Good health, peace, happiness care,

May tiny cloth graces God gifted,

Old banyan tree before idols tilted, (10)


Burden-of-desire-dream prayer lit,

Red cotton pieces bear trust meet,

Mysterious human, mind love God,

Symbol of love, true belief, absurd, (11)


Eon human trust dreams hanging,

Lord plays, fate fortune all-singing,

Threaded cloth piece soaked sheer,

Human emotions pervade, assure, (12)


Short human life cloth numerable,

Action weaves hope, reality simple,

Old-tree symbolizes helpless spirit,

Less prejudice, for Lord trust-neat, (13)


Threading dreams before lord pray,

Pacify thought floating end dismay,

Cloth piece, red, hanging, life quits,

Incredible threaded life, time intuits. (14)





Listen, listen alerted dear soul,

Whispers from eternity enthrall,

Existed, exists will be, existing,

Earth, sky, sun, moon, shining, (1)


Surreal presence creation best,

Mountain fields lonely n quest,

Pervades quietude n beautiful,

Lifeless attractive, wonderful, (2)


Silence eternal music, thin air,

Sight vast expanse link, share,

Immerse in thoughts, mystery,

Transcend, long-past a history, (3)


Queries futile extinctions-real,

Resurrect unknown times seal,

Desolate, earth existed lifeless,

Divine power raise, life impress, (4)


Sun-n-moon witnesses human,

Birth divine realm wished one,

Belief image of Lord say oracle,

Intelligent perceptive if, simple, (5)


Naked, human walked earth fit,

Capable tamed hill fields greet,

Sense divine presence miracle,

Discover through fire struggle, (6)


Felt, light thunder Lord’s arm,

Deed against divine wish harm,

Eyes Sun moon see day-night,

Differentiates test wrong right, (7)


Arms of Lord punishes killing

Recover wound mercy healing,

Unknown time, humans learn,

Prayer to Lord eons heart lorn, (viii)


Atlantic vanished, followed lot,

Civilization divine cursed alert,

Greek-Roman Mayan Egyptian,

Sank, ocean of time, magician, (9)


Grew prospered powerful men,

Vanish without a trace, omen,

Deeds if, notorious, life’s devil,

God’s image denies totally will, (10)


Pyramid, Parthenon, Lamanai,

Jerusalem, Rome singing high,

Lifeless earth communicate lit,

Human deeds, destroyed, delete, (11)


Lord’s grace human resurrect,

Divine realm wait, view correct,

Wait, green earth to vanish feat,

Wait, planet lifeless moon greet, (12)


Wait, divine realm play melody,

Life and death cyclic if tragedy,

Humans intelligent never learn,

Power selfish motive kill scorn, (13)


Existed Roman Greek favored,

Existed Mongol Mughal, erred,

Hatred, anger, black deeds, hit,

Lord’s arm strike thunder light, (14)


Explosion replicate savage arm,

Boast, ghost spirit divine realm,

Doubts Lord’s exist, devil’s den,

New Year chimes alert Big Ben, (15)


Do-or-die a time-critical urgent,

Fight for climate, earth cement,

Oblivion in-sight earth n moon,

Divine realm sings, listen, soon.  (16)




Immutable qualities n character,

Eon inherit personification pure,

Fare appearance flair demeanor,

Ocean of love kindness life favor, (1)


Soothing voice heals wound feel,

Astonish humanity test on-anvil,

Serve lifelong, dues less bargain,

Harsh words hurt deeply regain, (2)


Emanates heart divinity forgives,

Silently tolerate insults believes,

Key; critical factor for family tell,

Brick of nation-building, prevail, (3)


Rock to strength-of-nation a fort,

Incredible soul mother construct,

Admit human yet mother evasive,

Noble services, cement, adhesive, (4)


Each role sister, wife n daughter,

Includes roles mother or teacher,

Spotless existence shines, allure,

Sparkles culture custom enamor, (5)


Charm, civilization shiny elegant,

Beauty manner-hospitality chant,

Owes to womanhood symbol, fine,

Ever human acknowledge, define, (6)


Ever accord equality honor, greet,

Son daughter at par equal treat,

Ever respect voice-of-girl freedom,

Ever allows female read skill lorn, (7)


Fantasy, wretched mind discover,

Splash, naked limbs loving flavor,

Shameless sneak voluptuous evil,

Flesh ever brings peace lust devil, (viii)


Claim freedom, liberty, humiliate,

Languages to feminine grace wait,

Civil society conservative n vogue,

Branded criticize, condemn rogue, (9)


Class of culture, custom, lifestyle,

Contempt ignores perverse smile,

Ban adult scenes protect children,

Pollute tender soul, life embolden, (10)


Heart-rending let female unveiled,

Justice-late denied life devastated,

Family, society, neighbor, unable,

Look down if victim, untouchable, (11)


Honor snatched bleak future hire,

At crossroads, women stand, share,

Questions son, brother, husband,

Feel, male vanity not magic-wand, (12)


Treat commodity female prejudice,

Toys for pleasure market hell vice,

Modesty cloth of woman beautiful,

Molested by savage mind, terrible, (13)


Education, knowledge, wisdom lit,

Never teach character, teacher fit,

First teacher human your mother,

Builds, nourish character, prosper, (14)


Mother loses modesty humiliated,

Feel wealth powerful self-satisfied,

Feel poorest, weak-ordinary spirit,

Touched her feet birthday n greet, (15)


Taking care of, senior age mother,

Sympathy service offer life secure,

Modesty ornament of woman feel,

Sapphire, Lord’s gift glazes; kneel.  (16)


Thursday, January 13, 2022





Redeem blemish enigma hunt

Commit life blunder yet taunt,

Heart guilt-ridden lament ink,

Secrete aspiration mind blink, (1)


Scorns self-defeat sinking life,

Spring courage, let fight strife,

Struggles take entire life, cost,

Live repentance life never lost, (2)


Survived write ordeals sequel,

Inner-anguish candlelit quell,

Confide secret-of-life, emotion,

Tempts mind, commit, poison, (3)


Lose sleep, lack peace, passion,

Money yearn, money devotion,

Make money accumulate well,

Money only Lord, power dwell, (4)


Mighty coin empower, inquest,

Dies conscience avoid interest,

Insane, blind mind lorn money,

Leave family friend rest honey, (5)


Seen friend ever, wives tearful,

Ladies richest seem respectful,

Dazzling ornaments n jewelry,

Colorful saree, smile n revelry, (6)


Closed chamber, woman weep,

Heart locked missed love deep,

Lost love, lively children, flight,

Meant money, passionate light, (7)


Palace, servant, orderly, adore,

Life in twilight year encounter,

Alone, depressingly lonely life,

Mountain of gold at feet, strife, (viii)


Strife, absence-of-strife crying,

Torture me, hurt life shouting,

Missed love loving kids lonely,

Fail to reconcile a ghost solely, (9)


None hear heartrending cries,

Money, deaf, mute, blind, lies,

Less trusted friend blood link,

Stolen life happiness life sink, (10)


Friend, writing inner anguish,

Trapped life, rest know perish,

Tear none to shed burn lamp,

Tragedy end, never to revamp, (11)


Forgotten Lord within, repent,

Invisible, abode within decent,

Money locked heart n willfully,

Feel blunder life commits silly, (12)


Worldwide human insane run,

Run, running incessant scorn,

Neither me nor he or another,

Inner anguish, worst sufferer, (13)


Burns candle prays in silence,

Feels repentance, lit influence,

Awaken ink, feels magic wand,

Slipping sands emptying hand!   (14)


Wednesday, January 12, 2022




Cherish heart-throbbing lost,

Flies kite, thread cutoff trust,

The expanse of sky pleasure,

Float wingless abandon lure, (1)


Rejected control thread miss,

Desire heart intense life kiss,

Forget hurt humiliation pain,

Lost life lusty favorite insane, (2)


Wild, sheer-wild mind moves,

Song enchants dance proves,

Minds refuse, rejection weep,

Block, stubborn worry creep, (3)


Departs friend on pyre burn,

Left dear n near, less mourn,

Convinced heart, living soon,

Time beautiful night if, boon, (4)


Enough, harsh life struggled,

Peace n happiness smuggled,

Beg for mercy prayed to Him,

Invisible-Almighty loves, win, (5)


Melted into thin air loves, cry,

Melancholy dances wine dry,

Bleeding feet less lament, fit,

Live in realm forgot Lord, nit, (6)


Hunger stalked, painful fade,

Lost home family fate invade,

Presume only fate command,

Lifelong felt life, less demand, (7)


Agony gave company, solace,

Sing life rhythm less morass,

Lost smiles, bright sunshine,

Intoxicate moonlit night fine, (viii)


Solitary soul misses solitude,

Wine woman seem quietude,

Beautiful woman, like heart,

Detached to theater, impact, (9)


Feminine-image lives drunk,

Lost female modesty shrunk,

Lost name, integrity, dancer,

Wanderer life, never future, (10)


Jobs drink sorrows, sobered,

Life lasts night long, favored,

Real happiness surely-dawn,

Follow behind pain life earn, (11)


Laugh at life dancing, sings,

Morn, soul lit, spread wings,

Attains freedom, liberty kiss,

Drunken life escape cherish, (12)


Illusion play, of greed-anger,

Colored hatred-jealousy fear,

Lies, love care limb attached,

Physical, meant be snatched, (13)


Wine filters pain, agony total,

Wine, merely dream magical,

Sobriety clouded, feels night,

Beautiful dancer heart right, (14)


Hypnotized ink hallucinated,

Dancing human, intoxicated,

All music song-rhythm, tune,

O’ listener may reject fortune, (15)


Intoxicated, life feels civilized,

Ever admit truths n vitalized,

Admission fetch if, liberation,

Inebriated sobers intoxication. (16)




Projects paradise dream realize,

Treasure trove love care precise,

Less belongs to earth transcend,

Wildflower smile, gravel pretend, (1)


Fragrance spread in-air pervade,

Witness sky, peace below, invade,

Life touches skin, doubts reality,

Human life toils daydream sweet, (2)


Barren fields, dry river bed frigid,

Winter cold wanes life stays rigid,

Bird hover in happiness enjoy it,

Valley, dried grass glistens, exist, (3)


Seeks young heart, mate intense,

Wildflower kisses bee, eyes sense,

Enjoys blue sky hides sun proud,

Light n shadow dance, gaily cloud, (4)


Dry weeds sway wind plays wish,

Bring moisture kind-hearted kiss,

Green leave, shiny glaze brilliant,

Melt dream twilight feel remnant, (5)


Bewitching beauty wildflower nit,

Bridal dress nature wears defeat,

Defeat worries tension fear total,

Sleeping on loving earth natural, (6)


Immortal soul subtle experience,

Links earth and sky abode sense,

Accept soil earth provide frames,

Sensual limb ignite thrill flames, (7)


Time witness truth curtains real,

Pleasure limb senses feel surreal,

Living form, take identity illusive,

Project dream earth n sky believe, (viii)


Stage to live, work tireless yearn,

Dawn to dusk daylight night lorn,

Name address family child allure,

Bondage of life chained nit secure, (9)


Forget soul, ever mingled with air,

Nameless existence skies soil hire,

Physical pleasure honey oozes nit,

Blossom flowering tree mate greet, (10)


Physical attraction pull infinite lit,

Feminine charms enchant delight,

Earth sky romantic heart narrate,

Conjugal expanse both deliberate, (11)


Bright sun dawn twilight radiates,

Moon spread silver light indicates,

Life unites n embraces projection,

Soul, less feel, overwhelm emotion, (12)


Wildflowers get alive unreal heart,

Mind hums honey bee love intact,

Earth mortal frame sensation sky,

Man-woman sketching paints shy, (13)


Love physical, earth steals please,

Love ethereal subtle n sky precise.

Life temporary, soul eternal, join,

Earth n sky link both side-of-coin (14)