Showing posts with label DIVINE REALM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIVINE REALM. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2022




Listen, listen alerted dear soul,

Whispers from eternity enthrall,

Existed, exists will be, existing,

Earth, sky, sun, moon, shining, (1)


Surreal presence creation best,

Mountain fields lonely n quest,

Pervades quietude n beautiful,

Lifeless attractive, wonderful, (2)


Silence eternal music, thin air,

Sight vast expanse link, share,

Immerse in thoughts, mystery,

Transcend, long-past a history, (3)


Queries futile extinctions-real,

Resurrect unknown times seal,

Desolate, earth existed lifeless,

Divine power raise, life impress, (4)


Sun-n-moon witnesses human,

Birth divine realm wished one,

Belief image of Lord say oracle,

Intelligent perceptive if, simple, (5)


Naked, human walked earth fit,

Capable tamed hill fields greet,

Sense divine presence miracle,

Discover through fire struggle, (6)


Felt, light thunder Lord’s arm,

Deed against divine wish harm,

Eyes Sun moon see day-night,

Differentiates test wrong right, (7)


Arms of Lord punishes killing

Recover wound mercy healing,

Unknown time, humans learn,

Prayer to Lord eons heart lorn, (viii)


Atlantic vanished, followed lot,

Civilization divine cursed alert,

Greek-Roman Mayan Egyptian,

Sank, ocean of time, magician, (9)


Grew prospered powerful men,

Vanish without a trace, omen,

Deeds if, notorious, life’s devil,

God’s image denies totally will, (10)


Pyramid, Parthenon, Lamanai,

Jerusalem, Rome singing high,

Lifeless earth communicate lit,

Human deeds, destroyed, delete, (11)


Lord’s grace human resurrect,

Divine realm wait, view correct,

Wait, green earth to vanish feat,

Wait, planet lifeless moon greet, (12)


Wait, divine realm play melody,

Life and death cyclic if tragedy,

Humans intelligent never learn,

Power selfish motive kill scorn, (13)


Existed Roman Greek favored,

Existed Mongol Mughal, erred,

Hatred, anger, black deeds, hit,

Lord’s arm strike thunder light, (14)


Explosion replicate savage arm,

Boast, ghost spirit divine realm,

Doubts Lord’s exist, devil’s den,

New Year chimes alert Big Ben, (15)


Do-or-die a time-critical urgent,

Fight for climate, earth cement,

Oblivion in-sight earth n moon,

Divine realm sings, listen, soon.  (16)