Saturday, August 6, 2022




Black hole vast country resembling,

Darkness perpetual it seemed in the pit,

In-surmountable poverty, illness, illiteracy,

Slavery only means working for rulers,

Kings, Mughal emperor, British rule,

Flourished with resources land rich,

Exploited, sucked to bone marrow,

Lacking energy, courage to revolt,

Never could perceive freedom of life,

What does it mean to stand on feet,

Dreams of the birthright of human equality,

King subject at par, rulers serve people,

Unaware of human dignity, beg mercy,

Not decades, a millennium visible,

People in the morass seemingly inescapable,

Hunger perennial, die early, sick,

Malnutrition, stigmatized color, race, faith,

Curse of the land caste, untouchable class,

Despicable women, grown up under veil,

Deprived freedom of the worst kind, hell,

Living within four walls, disallowed travel,

Inter-caste marriage banned, ostracized,

Ban water fire from community, function,

Temples blocked from lower castes,

Inauspicious, looked down upon, aloof,

A community to serve upper caste,

No wage, benefit, cultivate, produce,

Landlords plunder everything merciless,

In this pitch-dark human society, a lamp,

Burning bright, the teacher, scholar,

Knowledgeable in culture, literature, ethics,

Scripts of the book of knowledge conversant,

Oratory skill, organized, disciplined,

Teaching pupils truth, courage, struggle,

Schools in a cottage, then college, spread,

Removing illiteracy, giving tongue voice,

Life understanding to write, letters,

Letter crossed the length n breadth of the nation,

Mother tongues marveled, books many,

Reading educated society get enlightened,

Mass movement, people learned,

Communicate with communities far-flung,

Quickly light spread entire nation, bright,

Obscure village teacher now professor,

Teaching science, technology, medical,

Teaching laws of the land right deserved,

Focus, social evil, practices rampant,

Suggested social healing, reforms, fight,

Great teachers, the land is blessed till date,

Coaching youth, tiny children, old alike,

An enormous contribution to independence,

The core strength of struggle, fight to rule,

Blazing fire equivalent poems ignited,

Mass read, agitated, heightened movement,

Sir, only name, simple dress, clean life,

Taught purity, character, freedom, equality,

Sit after seven decades of a free country,

Watch teacher of my nation-leading,

Brightest students dazzle the world,

Teachers stay insignificant, obscure,

Serve society invaluable benefit less,

Indirect builder of the nation, precious,

Teacher’s day, the birthday of the president,

Symbolizing simple teacher magnanimous,

Glorifying art, culture, ancient customs, past,

Lighting lessons, values like gold,

Signifies the enigma, lighthouse in emanation.


@ Bijayananda Mishra




Friday, August 5, 2022




Lethargy overtaking inert body,

Drowsy, dormant sleep covers,

Like darkness, a night under sunshine,

Losing the sound of a neighborhood,

The moving automobiles, horns,

The noise of the crowd, up roaring, shouting,

Comfortable on cozy bed lying,

Windows closed, room air-conditioned,

Sad yesterday, life event disappointing,

Unfulfilled aspirations, I quit from job,

Lost private life, happiness, love,

Busy day and night, traveling for years,

Tired visiting places, meeting people,

Talk convincing, unyielding was a war,

Business, profit, loss, turnover,

Life settles on ifs, dot, but, sure,

Wake up whole night planned and planning,

Making money, life flourishes,

Dreaming of wealth to provide security,

Secured in a beautiful mansion in focus,

Beautiful cars, furniture, gadgets,

Floating pictures of my luxury comfort,

Ended suddenly in loss, demoted,

In shame, quit the job in protest, angry,

I had given life, energy, and passion totally,

Lost family life, parents call for help,

Forgotten anniversary, birthday to greet,

Evaded tearful faces of near ones silent,

Gave dress, goods, costly gifts,

Shouted at them, they rejected all,

Give us time, your love, care,

Not goodies, you are so important to us,

We love you and care for your health rest,

Talk to us about our feelings, emotions,

Forgotten quickly work alcohol in blood,

Drunk was running foolishly, kicked out,

Not worse fate, bad luck, my choosing,

Sleeping alone in a closed room,

Summing up the pros and cons of a journey,

Alone today, lost the sympathy of family,

Parent thinks they have lost me,

Now I find friends tag me selfish,

So sad, felt tortured, gloomy in front,

Searching for escaping route and failing,

Hours passed, I  got up, evening it was,

Came out, breathing the heavily fresh salty air,

Sun below the horizon, street lights on,

Watched my watch jump a step,

It is my birthday, I promised,

Promised to daughter to be with her,

The whole day family must be waiting,

I missed lunch with them,

I drove my car, wishing to be at home,

I need family as never before,

Watched through window, family,

Wife immersive, children silent,

Daughter holding my photo, weeping,

Candles unlit, silent was my house,

Cat’s paw, I silently entered,

Behind the daughter closed her eyes,

She was shaking, uttered Papa,

Knew instantly hugged closely,

Happy birthday Papa, waiting we are,

Brighter becoming light, music playing,

The gleaming face of my wife and children,

They started singing, dancing, clapping,

I was crying happy tears, laughing,

Hugged everybody, kissed profusely,

Felt the spark of life I now get back,

So could get my drear ones.


@ Bijayananda Misha


Wednesday, August 3, 2022





Singing my heart happy occasion,

My land escapes morass of slavery,

A millennium exploited life was in chains,

Ancient land rich, prosperous, captured,

Looted, plundered peace, happiness,

Razed thousand temples city burnt,

Converted forcible by the sword, faith,

Mutilated ancient customs practices,

Horror was prowling under Sun and moon,

Alien culture divided society, lifestyle,

Homeless in their own country suffered,

Seven decades after O’ my nation,

Homeless still roaming in streets,

Under blistering Sun, facing cold, severe,

Pouring rain, drenched, shivering,

Lives in the open, street children,

Begging a curse for life reminds us,

Orphans, widows, old citizens insecure,

To the street thrown out, the law fails delayed,

Still, underworlds exist, depriving life,

Snatching property, blackmailing openly,

Homeless migrant laborer, hungry,

The left village, landless, migrating to the city,

Under polythene sheets, life survives sadly,

Landless, villages lost, dams were built,

Industry, cities growing, highways cover,

Forest disappearing, tribal homeless,

Inspires happy occasion watch time,

Dissipates sorrows, poor settled most,

Secure street children, study, grow,

Forget living in the open, begging no more,

Respect homeless feelings, electing ruler,

A rare wealth of humans exercising vote,

Poorest, homeless aspires to big,

Amasses wealth, gets position, prosperity,

Dismantles caste, sin in society,

Leadership achieves by equality existing,

Emancipation of womanhood protected,

No more weal, fearful fighting spirit,

Leading the great country, tribal face,

Salute O’ my nation, I truly believe,

Believe mighty army securing the border,

Massive security spare lives, protect,

Homeless still waiting for a good day for me,

Watch children with tricolors running,

Fluttering national flag over city,

Spreading happiness and confidence visible,

Get now shelters city authority invite,

Social service, free food, health check,

New clothes, rehabilitation moving,

Children find shelter homes, security,

Old citizens were given free lodging, food,

Homeless departed get cremated, with rights,

Social organizations envy people,

Selfless cheap food, free clinic, helps,

The government watches, obliges, helps,

Ah... my life as a homeless person,

Still hoping to get voting rights, identity,

Consoles me, nation waking up,

Cleaning countryside, collecting people,

Bringing transformations, self-sacrifice,

Given to me a tricolor, I am kissing,

Love you, motherland, you are free,

Looking at me now, feel sorrow,

Trying to mingle with billions, borrow,

Borrow hope, courage, strength,

Changes life, diminishing homelessness,

Homeless happened to be a bad dream.


@ Bijayananda Mishra


Tuesday, August 2, 2022





Wildly mingling with friends, playful,

Intoxicates childhood schooldays,

Abide by our tricolor, we march,

Salute hoisting national flag alert,

Holiday Independence Day, joyous,

March-past over sweets distributed,

Melts crowds school get empty at morning,

Cycling town in a cycle amazed,

Tricolor fluttering at every house,

Generation enjoying freedom,

After a millennium of subjugation,

Forefathers missed this jubilation,

Invaders, kings, colonialists no more,

Vanished from famished land for good,

Self-rule by ordinary people achieved,

Honor freedom fighters who sacrificed life,

Nation gets free children, not in a chain,

Slavery, they dig the grave cremated,

Bonded laborer got their land in disbelief,

The landlord lost the property of commoners,

Vanished collecting royalty total,

Kingdoms king queen subject irreverent,

Citizens of big country equal,

Without discrimination, caste, creed,

Equal rights for all faith, language region,

Watching paradigm changes,

Impossible yesteryears, visible, reality,

Promised to serve our country,

Growing soon into the youth of a nation,

Vowing to dismantle caste system practice,

Witness harmony and amity among faith,

Youth united got educated working,

Left out remote villages, illiteracy hunting,

Poverty, sickness, school dropping,

Land missed freedom development,

Decades after decades, poor villagers looked,

Hoped consoling freedom achieved,

Expecting poverty illiteracy buried,

Females behind veil evil practice dropped,

Sighs at twilight years, seventy years,

Saw freedom, democracy, our independence,

Still, girls drop school en-mass,

Early marriage is prevalent, illiteracy exists,

Female of our land still in a chain,

Custom culture vice, tightly roped,

Decent living, self-respect, independent,

Dream far off vision tribal women,

Lower caste some faiths bear the shame,

Females of the land still waiting,

Brighter days, the freedom offered, study,

Educated, decide their life, happy,

Laborers leaving villages with no work, landless,

Flies for cotton jute mills industries,

Construction cities, highways, farmlands,

Engages at a pittance, just survive,

Life in the struggle for getting freedom,

Dream of settled life, food, shelter, cloth,

Boasting megapolis educated rich,

Leaders of country singing democracy,

Voters truly God, decide ruler first,

Forget upper both houses fight bitter,

Not to serve people, serving party,

Serving self, family, predominant notion,

Serve people, I touch Bible, Gita, Quran,

Serve, I hold the constitution sacred,

Dedicate my life to the service of the nation,

Golden time observes ordinary citizens,

O,’ house-of-law give us your life,

Selfless, no personal benefit, duty,

Forget family, community faith,

Now dedicate my life to the people,

I vow it is sacrosanct.

Both houses are adjourned, empty chairs silent.


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Monday, August 1, 2022




Mesmerizing moment earth spinning,

Life of nation changes prosper rolling,

Pervades peace n spreads happiness,

Generation after generation realizes,

Freedom of life democracy touching,

Freedoms are precious after millennia,

Overwhelms a people, amazes the world,

Bewilder world arena vast plurality,

Coexistence cemented realized deep,

Languages, culture, and lifestyles vary,

Ancient famous literature, art, and crafts,

Festive period colorful dance songs,

Length and breadth of the land mingle,

Intermixes for centuries civilization one,

From the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean,

Connects people east and west intense,

Spider web of road, railways, skies,

Traffic busiest big nation moves,

Prosperity wealth sharing illuminates,

Rising industry, education hub, hospitals,

Agriculture, bountiful as never before,

Children youth hopeful dream of paradise,

Wonderfully cities cropping up visualize,

Rustic villages, cartwheels, kerosene lamps,

Muddy roads, underdeveloped, illiterate,

The picture after independence vanished,

Megapolis highrise towers light at night,

An unknown world before a generation,

Born before independence fascinated,

Independent nation, mighty to protect,

Influence later generation youth shines,

Spreading worldwide, impressive,

Settling in different countries, happy,

The golden age of India is remembered,

Praying whole nation, its usher,

Fluttering tricolor independence proud,

Celebrates a billion people decades after,

Metamorphose lifestyle, most modern,

The digital age, blue energy in the offing,

Mindboggling communication contact,

Invention revolutionizes life and its meaning,

Born after independence, I watch earnestly,

Behold changing children, youth girls,

Self-confidence unseen our time in spirit,

Building vast country disbelieves a time,

Twilight years, the fading sun of my time,

Tearful thinks about Indians of the past,

Fought, sacrificed their life, achieved,

Got independence, their children secure,

They pay gratitude, honor, sing fiery,

Overwhelms countryside rural scenes,

Rich, phenomenal growth, peasants feel,

Changes in digital lifestyle gadgets status,

Tricolor seventy-five years old preserved,

I keep it touching my bosom and sit in silence,

May precious freedom never be lost,

Glorious future land emancipation of women,

I prayed in silence,

Hindustan stays and feels blessed.


@ Bijayananda Mishra