Tuesday, January 10, 2023




Who calls every night wakes up alerted,

Listens to the flue playing a tune, unique,

Entangles heart overwhelm but invisible,

Floating in the air pervading nature sweet,

Looked outside through the windows cold night,

Freezing night full moon dark clouds floating,

The surreal panorama instrumental dreamy,

House near the river bends near tranquil,

Silence night is fragrant melodious distinct,

Incessant the rhythm flute intoxicates me,

Inviting in doubt reaching me seducing,

Every fiber tissue blood vibrates attuned,

Why am I crying, flowing freezing tears,

Glistening with moonlight, silvery, mystic,

The invitation, a mystery, a place known,

Ignorant me, who plays the flute is extraordinary,

Attenuate the silence of night unparallel,

Stood for hours in the dead of night,

Listens to the melody magnetic flowing,

The cold winds of January are mind-blowing,

Hurting every bone through the window,

Closed it, slept under a thick blanket, shivers,

Gradual the warmth crept dreams,

Saw a handsome youth playing the flute,

Encompassing the green forests floral scene,

Creating a specter of heavenly peace,

The cows crowd around the young man,

Visible the hypnotic melody quieting all,

The birds throng the branches still,

The river in waves gentles as if playing,

A gentle breeze, grassy fields, river bank,

Minutely witnessing the flute touching all,

The tranquility of unearthly mingle rhythm,

The youth is like a pied piper controlling all,

Bewitched, bewildered, baffled, the surround,

Everything immobile attuned enjoying,

Captive to the tune flute plays slowly,

Unmoved neither day nor night in a haze,

The witness is my soul to the spectral haze,

Slept that night at dawn and jerked awake,

Distinctly remember the dream unforgettable,

Clear to me the music of flute speechless,

It continues playing when alert or in dreams,

Who plays this note overwhelms wordless,

Crossed the river near the village search,

Weeks and months passed I roamed every village,

Nobody could answer me on such a youth,

Sits among cow herd on a rock plats flute,

Failed in my attempt left the efforts,

It struck all of a sudden that I encountered,

Met this youth when a child decades ago,

Playing his flute, herding a hundred cows,

The bells of cows ringing beautifully,

All of the cows follow the youth to the field,

Stood electric moments first heard a melody,

Forgotten the scenes, dustbowl golden,

The setting sun orange red hued sky,

Failed as a child, and where I am,

Is it me dreaming smiled so real,

Behind the dusty haze, disappeared by now,

Forgotten the tune, its infectious melody,

Grew up years saw seasons distracted,

Youthful female fantasy stole my heart,

Settled had a family life, fatherly experience,

Clouded childhood serenity, innocence,

An age arrived past twilight years sensed,

It is time to connect life in a cycle of secrecy mist,

Someone playing the flute revived memory,

Dawn to dusk, midnight, if my life the flute,

Playing my tune that I can listen to,

Pervading the ether  beyond the window,

Soul only felt it was that magnetic.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Magnetic

Themes: If life was not the flute

Date: 8th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite.



Sunday, January 8, 2023






Write when life sinks uplifted quietly,

Unforgettable unbelievable is realistic,

Human life, mysterious, entwines events,

When socked to see life shattered yet not,

Sprouts green leaves couple, a stem roots,

Decayed the dead trunk soils absorbed,

The stem shapes into giant tree foliage,

Unspoken words just indicated eternity,

How many houses, reduced to dust, forgotten,

Eyes watch everything, sighs build a new one,

It crops up at different times, places, destiny,

The last page of the story, speechless, ends,

The girl loved by her neighbor, uncle,

Grew before him, her parents acknowledge,

Uncle's house, her home aunty adores,

The pretty girl grew to beautiful young,

Completed post-graduate degree good,

The family celebrated her marriage in a pump,

The bridegroom, neighbor's son, friends,

Uncle could know her husband, decent was rich,

Happy life continued for a few years, sweet,

In a childless couple, sadness was invisible,

Uncle's son visits the girl occasionally,

Relations after her marriage kept cordial,

Dawn wrecks life and plays havoc sadly,

Unseen master plays climax to tragedies,

Uncle from the newspaper came to know,

The husband of the girl met an accident,

Expired that night at the hospital,

Talked to his son being uncle wanted to meet,

Father and son both visited her,

Heartbroken, a skeletal shape sunken,

Disarrayed long black hairs knee length,

Ornaments, gold jewelry taken out,

Her life as if standstill, ghostly future,

She was still young, wearing a vacant look,

Hugged uncle cried intolerable a sight,

Uncle's son equally in tears, death of a friend,

They were close friends from childhood,

Uncle knows the man, simple, qualified,

Untimely death accidents are frequent,

But picture unseen are ruined lives, homes,

Who note these incidents remember, sad,

For a moment, see humans stunned, forgotten,

Uncle didn't forget to tell her, are you coming home,

She confirmed to return to her parent's place,

There I chose to write this tragic poem,

How come; it changed so suddenly, overwhelmed,

Her uncle decided to conduct a remarriage,

Accepted the girl to be the bride for his son,

Before that is confirmed by him,

Arranging the marriage ceremony for his son,

Just the neighbor, the girl's parents disbelieved,

First wordless, then speechless, in a nod,

The show of love beyond answers sealed,

The girl heard the news awestruck,

Ran to her uncle's house  and met him,

Why, how come, uncle, you proposed,

Her white sari, cut-off long hair, no jewelry,

Bare feet, without bangles, less vermilion,

A marble statue I beholding white life,

erased the color of life, fragrance, rosy,

No tears, sorrows, resentment stinking,

Life just turned like stone white,

Felt wet tears in my eyes and thanked Lord,

What a master to make break then make,

Mountain to pebble, pebble to palace,

The white life white cotton sari grace!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: White Life

Theme: Remarriage of widowed life

Date: 7th January 2023

@ Copywrite

Saturday, January 7, 2023





Anonymous love to exist in this world,

Pseudo, the address identity helped enables,

Not a criminal life from the underworld,

Famous is in his city, wealthy, wife, children,

Respected in society grew prosperous well,

Then have true name identity in an order established,

Head of the family, he dominates if questioned,

The family knows his sensitivity, honor quietly,

Children showered with his love, care, respect,

His wife, closer to his heart, knows to an extent,

Personal identity immense pain she marked,

The truth behind a sad past she never dare to,

Seen his loneliness, the pale face ashen,

Many a time, those surfaces prefer seclusion,

The bedroom with no picture except his mother,

He used to sit for hours, achieved a composed state,

Only his wife knows his mother is no more,

She passed away when he was young, a laborer,

He never discloses his mother's name, place,

How he grew up, where till arrived in this city,

A closely guarded secret where his place is ignorant,

His name identity, father and mother's names,

All manipulated long ago, not accepted known,

His only friend in this world, I know everything,

Promised prefer to be anonymous a writer here,

Confused watching similar cases, life ruined,

Perished in shame, shattered family so real,

Class, class-based society, gold differentiates,

The color, yellowish metal, emits poison,

Decimates have-not having wealth assets,

Possessions, prime factor, ensure power,

A breeding ground of ego subtly controlling heart,

It is the discrimination, devastating lives,

Life of young enacts love soaked the heart,

The elixir of the human heart far beyond a border,

No color, caste, or class, walled people,

Loves a man with woman eons continues,

Gets pregnant, the female deserves recognition,

Man and wife must be before the wedlock,

A child before sacred marriage, sanctity null,

Wall forcefully separates both a baby in roll,

Die? should it die? What for humans condemn?

Life invited only your culprit can't kill,

It is the Lord's grace sanctified union of heart n body,

No remorse, invite the soul to this world boldly,

My friend's mother, the courageous lady, didn't kill,

Gave birth to her child, her husband rich failed to marry,

This story of poor, ignominy inborn, hatred, unspoken,

Scorn their poverty condemn pregnancy,
Separated lived his mother, her neighbor sheltered,

He knew the sad events enrolled the child,

Declared as the father of the child, his mother's name,

The child of the past living today as an aristocrat,

His mother quit the world was young,

His heart protects the secrecy, loves his mother,

She saved her son and allowed him to grow long,

His secrecy never pitters out gratuitous a song. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of the Poem: Secrecy ( Fiction)

Themes: When a father denies a baby

Date: 6th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Friday, January 6, 2023





Sings overwhelmed life ashore,

Knew as an orphan, adopted long ago,

Grew in flourished, educated society,

Refined culture English my tongue,

Completing graduation in literature,

Write often my feelings, perceptions,

Growing provided maturity surprised me,

So much love, adopted mother caring,

Never could know necessity she knows,

Keeps precisely in order surprises me,

My sickness remembers her infinite care,

Mom and I alone in the big world,

She is all in my life, her only son link,

Our lives intermingled close contented,

Tell, she prepares the dishes I liked well,

Observe minutely happiness swells,

Her pleasure my study health, happiness,

Think, how come, Lord was graceful for me,

Decades ago visited the ancient land,

She, in her visit to an orphanage, chose me,

I grew in her lap from just a year old,

Life, I confess, fortunate, she confided,

Thankful to her, know my origin, land,

Unknown to me, the people, the panorama,

My friend and teachers do not know this,

The friendly gestures, love, and bond,

Realize me the country is supreme,

Wonderful people, families, children,

The family somehow choked me once,

An orphan child who leaves her son, reason,

What happened died on accident a family,

Left only a bay living kept orphanage,

Divorced a couple, separated, of course,

Dropped the child in a shelter home,

Perused their future forgotten baby,

Sheltered for nine months in the womb,

How is it possible a mother allows,

Watch her baby is separated, sleeps,

It is the unwanted child of an unmarried girl,

Or forced her to be pregnant, left,

Left her son on a dustbin, railway platform,

Or pavement of a road at night chosen,

Sat near the harbor on a bench,

I felt tears running warm in a stream,

Why? why does human civility humanity dies,

Leaves a newborn baby know very well,

Speechless, entangled my mind to one,

Where is my mother, given birth to me,

Where is she? Why did she leave me? a fate,

Where must be she is living, how is she,

It choked me and involuntarily uttered, Ma,

Alone on the big harbor road mid-day,

Crying bitterly, surprised, why, I am crying,

So much love, mom is everything to me,

I am her life, understand she trusts me,

Returned home and told her the lookout,

She hugged me, kissed me, confessed,

Baby, I am your mother but a woman,

Understands your curiosity, pain,

Go and search to find your mother,

Come back soon, home after meeting her,

vast is the country, a billion people,

Lookout for my Ma, know the orphanage.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Lookout (Fiction)

Theme: Orphan search mother

Date: 5th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, January 5, 2023





Confess my heart surprises life well,

Why eyes are attracted, rebellious often,

Stand inert, forgets place, time, walking,

Halt suddenly near the wall look at,

Minutes feel second look around alert,

Try to observe if anyone notices me,

Thank God no one noticed walked home,

The poster still lingers in heart thunder,

How beautiful that model, attire attractive,

Wonderful village girl looks behind intense,

Her cotton printed cloth, nine yards,

Catch sight of her picture magnetic more,

The dark eyes, famine waist, black hair,

Tied with colorful ribbon flower beads,

Bare feet, tiny, youthful gait postures,

Color brown complexion, long nose,

The attractive face piercing look enough,

The pitcher on the waist holds a hand rounded,

The colored glass bangles, shiny eye rings,

The incident minor that day is never forgotten,

The face of a village girl, she was a model,

Highest paid actor, model fashionably famous,

But the dress, her look, poses capture me,

The innocent emotive eyes probing,

Wait and turn, watching the figure,

The question, for whom, her lover,

Her child behind or friend was calling,

Listless questions floated in me, lingered,

I smiled, ashamed a bit of what is doing,

Remember how I left the place like a thief,

Was it a crime my heart rebellious fought,

What's wrong watch a poster on the wall!

Years progress, but not forgotten her,

Where the rich model, me an ordinary man,

Matured, educated, understood life,

Forgotten youth, its notoriety rebel,

Eyes mischief, ears quarreled, tongue tasty,

Mind behaved as if a sage wink at a poster,

Encountered dreams factious sit idle,

Floated this executive frame, imaginary,

She talks to me, gossips with me long,

Breaks the cruel dawn disappear like mist,

How sad, pseudo, missing  could know,

Love, attractions physical, infect a young heart,

Age advances, world illusive failed frustrated,

Gained now calm mind quietude demeanor,

Less reactive to attractive women, dresses,

Their eyes and nose, colored lips, slender a body,

Overtook politeness, respect womanhood,

Mischief monger the mind chained decent,

Move, in the car halt poster girl, perpetual youth,

Laughed silently, an aged man looking at her,

Dropped jaws through his glass glances,

Moves a rickshaw puller halts attentive,

Lit a cigar, smoke for a while, move further,

Hay, a group of boys are standing talking,

Know the center of the topic, the poster girl,

Ah, human life err, men's life hunted,

Back home on a sofa, think newspapers,

Television adds happily, the face for years,

From cigars, cloth, earrings, perfumes,

Listless merchandise urban life sick,

Her cajoles, enticing eyelashes, biting lips,

A cigar, one rupee foolish heart smoke,

Millions for the pose, poster girl, no joke!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Poster Girl

Theme: Alas, the naughty men's hearts...

Date: 4th January 2023

@ Copywrite

Wednesday, January 4, 2023





Remorse shrouded the child with a book,

Unfit in merit list rejected admission,

The school is packed with parents agog,

Find their children are announced jump,

A few were in tears, checking emotions leaving,

Notices tender age kids  going out of school,

Thought, what will happen to these kids,

A year will be lost, no hope for study,

Caught sight of a child, dark eyes shining,

Ironed school dress tie, boots, book in hand,

His parent and elder sister telling to return,

He refused to go home, stay at school,

Difficult make him understand,

He is getting angry, trying to run inside,

Get keeper checked him, denied entry,

I, an onlooker virtually crying, wordless,

His father lifted him, kissed him a lot,

Look, baby, I shall get you admitted,

In another school far better, he was lying,

To see a tiny child get broken-hearted,

Standard seventh-class admission cost,

In private schools, glassy shine the best,

Magnificent compound buildings, a few,

The city boasts the best education talent skills,

Admissions cost per child a few hundred thousand,

Per year only, hostel boarding expenses,

Added a few more add donations two,

Half a million per year for a student,

Fixed were my eyes with the face of a child,

Now crying bitterly, shouting loudly,

I want to study, please, dad, please allow me,

The sight broke my heart fled soon,

Is it a crime to marry, get children,

This is an age so different than us,

No selection, donations, school free less,

With less family income, the fee was free,

I read till high school with a scholarship,

Twelve rupees per month in the sixties!

Large amount compared to the present time,

All my books, pen, pencil, geometry box,

Met from scholarship money, tuition,

Coaching class for matriculation for division,

It was free too optional for better results,

Could not remember children missed years,

Co-education of existing girls was encouraged,

Saw girl students are going back rejected,

Sad that day, I felt sorry this time,

Education has gone costly disbelieves,

Lost years for children, parents clueless,

Impossible to meet the cost of private schools,

Money sharks extract, proxy many,

Black money can only support reality,

The time, the current generation crucified,

Education now the business kids netted,

Sits on the sofa, watches television shows,

Highlighting the school, labs, libraries,

Hostels if a five-star hotels, class modern,

The gadgets, rows of computers, play fields,

Come here and join us, the school to know,

College, technical institutes, medical,

All are open later at a hundred million,

Per degree purchase contest a game show,

No more in tears, angry with time,

Appeal the system how money is siphoned off,

Is this way to build my country,

Promotes, rich, black money, tax cheats?

Got information institutions exist,

Poor students, free education, free boarding,

Inviting them embracing wholehearted,

No government help inland overseas donations,

Upliftment, children, education is free and fair,

Thank these unseen heroes, Lord cares.   


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Upliftment

Themes: Child Education

Date: 3rd January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite