Saturday, February 11, 2023




That was the busiest street, lighted,

Flows of traffic, relentless, hypnotic,

Resemblance the lifestream lighted,

Matching color spectrum myriad mind,

Urban-human intoxicated, hues mingle,

Infect city noise, bustling with people,

Crowded malls, hotels, bars, restaurants,

Eateries, exotic, aromatic, magnetic pull,

The evening covering dense mist weaves,

Thickening family bond fluorescent homes,

The laughter, fun, roars of hearty invitations,

Uniting people at home from hard work,

Tired limbs demanding to relax calmly,

Quiet fountains of love spring forth,

Escaping out of windows music, gossip,

A bystander  resembles a ghost looks,

Vanished in a few seconds a few days after,

Hard to recognize the city, its beautiful street,

No trace of these crowded market buildings,

No trace of high-rise residential blocks,

No traces of narrow lanes once romantic,

Heaps of dust rubbles strewn half hazard,

Evening settles, freezing temperature, dark,

No electricity and a few are sitting huddled,

Watching the bricks and cement slabs topple,

Their families are under the ruins lying,

Never could know living or dead pray,

Wait to be rescued search continues,

Piercing darkness torchlight focused,

Sniff dogs are moving to sense life,

Pokes nose into every crevasse hole,

Paws remove dirt tried hard to detect,

Sensing barks the dog a feeble sound,

Tearing the cement slabs escapes a cry,

Judge rescue teams drilling concrete,

Removes sand and mortar from space,

Pressed in clothes a child's head,

Moving slightly in a small gap, news,

These steel nerves fight tooth and nail,

Come out a little girl alive surrounds local,

The happiness unearthly in disbelief,

The smell of life now realizing stunned onlookers,

A puppy, a few more children, dead bodies,

Scramble these daredevil men to ruins,

Sense, detect, fight to enter, mindboggling,

Time shows humans to sense the aspect,

Life, only life, is so important to rescue,

Accepts the fact survival is most urgent,

The watch tower in a distant city noted,

Ringing the second-hand alerts a sniffing army,

Every second is critical save a life,

The remnants  tomorrow may surprise,

May surprise the world community shaken,

Century's biggest disaster earthquake,

Decades will roll, forgotten, the departed,

Just a sad memory of the past, a tear, and love,

Lost parents, children, relatives in heart,

Life surprises to rebuild the city boulevard,

A new generation has never seen the holocaust,

Only heard and by reading a heart-rending story,

The second hand still ticking impassionate,

Neither in sorrow nor ecstatic but hypnotic,

The lifestreams eternal resurrect again and grows,

The fountain of life pierces a hard-rock flow,

But life notices, but an important aspect,

Today's surviving girl will be a mother,

Cooking aromatic dishes for the family,

Children are singing, making fun,

The evening approached arrived,

Here is her love, handsome husband,

Tired and relaxing at home, sipping wine,

The wine to intoxicate, second-hand chime.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Second Hand

Themes: Every second alert a life waits

Date: 11th February 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, February 9, 2023





When life is asleep comfortable and satisfied,

The country where born once believes,

Most fortunate soul, the birth sacred,

Infinitely beautiful land adds its people,

Hardworking, hardened, believe in the Almighty,

Offered everything a human needs plenty,

Joins the Asia and Europe pristine cultures,

Prosperous people most ancient enamor,

Bustling cities, family, bond very tight,

Peace and happiness ensured progress,

Beautiful boulevards, wide streets intersect,

Magnificent residential buildings, offices,

The architecture traffic busy life exists,

Undertone a great people  less anticipate,

Crowded markets, roads, houses disturbed,

Earth was moving extensively, roaring noise,

Gas lines burst open, caught fire inferno,

A pack of cards reflected, buildings tumbled,

Dust thunderous sounds death announced,

Erasing life in seconds obliterated cities,

Vanished family life in split seconds,

A man watches in horror, family crushed,

A child in the street knows lost parents,

Perished brothers and sisters, elders,

How could in second, become an orphan,

Never believed life could make sharp turns,

Lost family, children, the man, and female,

Numb and mute realizes alone in the world,

Time has snatched everything home, kids,

Male and female passed life on the soil trusted,

Grew up here, the wind, water, food plenty,

Mesmerizing moments, marriage, the birth of a child,

Prayed a lot to Almighty, thanked for land,

To him, or her, the best in the world,

Magic wand, what never asked got in life,

The land provided security, pleasure, peace,

Nature, a rare paradise, hypnotizing one,

World trotters throng every year, enjoying,

The exotic cuisine malls, hotels, lifestyle,

Aromas of life unique for land magnetic,

No more visible, it was sudden, instantly,

Changed to ruins, deathly, silence, cries,

Rubbles in heaps pile up, search people,

Listening cries of children and youth wounded,

Living, utterly living, breathing, and under,

Under concrete slabs, cement, bricks,

Each rescue every second pass noted,

Etching history, an impossible survival found,

The blackened face rescues force in sweat dust,

Tricked hot tears streaming a baby rescued,

Life unharmed under a large pillar, disbelieve,

Life, ever defeat death, rare, patronized,

Pack of cards, families fell instantly,

Homeless, lost members of family stay,

Life romantic, happy, amused, city proud,

Gloomy graveyards lined the streets sadly,

Just at this hour of the holocaust, humanity rise,

Giant aircraft of medicines and rescue teams soar,

Flight after flight mission DOST raised,

The human race is a brotherhood to help,

World over countries pouring into,

Saving crippled, wounded, and dying,

Every second is urgent for searching life,

Rescue round the clock, not help, duty,

Life toppled like a pack of cards to dust,

Survival, recovery, dutiful humans trust.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Pack of Cards

Themes: Turkey earthquake

Date: 9th February 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, January 23, 2023




Dream girl, dream girl, listen to me,

Sickening the beauty feel thirsty now,

Nothing, not to touch you, even kiss,

Just love your scintillating charms,

How could lord spend enough time,

His crafty fingers graced the clay idol,

Just touch life ushered into the soft clay,

Smooth as feather touch glows skin,

Fair the skin, white mixed with honey,

A few drops of rose color added hues,

Softly petals of rose fitted as lips, God,

Shared His kind eyes cause hypnosis,

The dark eyes, eyebrows arches, drawn,

Nose the long arrow that pierces soon,

Charcoal black thick hair, long in waves,

Cast the pristine river dream swims,

Gem-tipped gold on the nose glitters,

Earrings play hide and seek surprises,

The moon among black cloud surfaces,

The slender neck, neckline gold chain,

Mountain peak ice clack fountain reflects,

The voluptuous bosom storehouse of love,

The warmth can revive dying spirits, smile,

Narrow is the waistline, round hip, wavy,

Long legs, slender arms electrifying exist,

Arms budlike, fingers serpentine act,

Hold around the chest life gets entangled,

Never want to escape, forgets worries,

Slim long legs, flamingos mirror dancing,

Tiny feet poetic the rhythms dance,

Synchronize with drums, flutes, sitar,

Musical instruments are melodious, notes,

Nine yards of saree silk fabric captivate,

Ankle rings musical, responds in steps,

Your slim frame bends like creeper art,

Eyes eyebrows sparkle, shifting electric,

The lips rose petals smiling inviting,

Why the Creator took all the time to create,

Who knows wished you dance before Him,

Known he plays with his creation bitter,

The playful fun again cries overwhelm,

They dance, ecstatic, before the Unseen,

Devotions bring immense tears, His smiles,

This game stops when He gets tired,

Drowsy state reclined to throne searches,

O' dream girl, your angelic appearance,

Vibrate every nerve, the music enchanting,

Loves God, profound His creation,

Immaculately dressed, ornate in gold,

Jewelry, gems, bangles, armbands,

Waist rings chime at every movement,

The glorious hymns praising the Almighty,

Sleeping the Creator, comfortable and calm,

Peace on earth, peace to living beings,

Peace in the skies, peace in space,

Peaceful animal kingdom and birds.

Peaceful, obedient ocean marine lives,

Peaceful rivers, greens, mountains,

No peace among the human race drain,

Disturbs the God this race disobeys,

Disrespected you divine is your beauty,

Enact falsely the creation subjugated,

Force you to dance before him a threat,

Wounded, bruised, hurt, you weep,

Resounds your crying the nature earth,

Darkness within the mind, fearful lit a candle,

Looking glass in the dark mind spectral,

Tells me everything images pass slowly,

Begging the Almighty, save us, I plead,

Forgive this human cruelty protects her,

May the race melt into oblivion love is forever.



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra    

Title of Poem: Looking Glass

Themes: God created women, abused

Date: 23rd January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 

Sunday, January 22, 2023





Driving the car in the early hours in speed,

Catch the first flight for the conference,

Invited the guest to give a talk tomorrow,

Must reach in advance to log into the hotel,

Check the venue, time slot, arrangement,

While driving, thoughts were floating,

Surprised at the flyover, a young woman,

Just walking on pavement if imbalanced,

Seeming to fall down but pushing ahead,

Lo, the rail line below had a suspicion,

It banged in my head to a halt, halted soon,

Possibly this young lady trying to jump,

Braked the car to the side, ran towards her,

She was heavy, pregnant, uncontrollable,

Very sick, in a fragile state collapsed on my chest,

Still conscious asked, why you blocked me,

She wished to jump the bridge to die,

Her face was so sad, heavy eyelids to faint,

Got angry, impolite, warned her it was a crime,

Protested to her not to commit a mistake,

Her sudden smiles mocking to her life,

Bluntly confided, she shouldn't need it,

It was the flight time to miss if delayed,

Forcefully lifted her, took her to the airport,

Deposited to local police conveyed to,

They send her to a hospital immediately,

Caught the flight in time but was disturbed,

This attractive young girl was attempting,

The topic of the talk was a crisis to tackle,

Delivered the points solutions returned,

All the time at the back of the mind tense,

Couldn't get her name and address cause,

Back at home city dashed for the hospital,

Met her and her newborn baby, delivered,

She stabilized herself, was sober, obliged,

Thanked a lot for saving her life firm foot,

Sat near her holding her palms, asked,

To pat hospital dues, she denied firmly,

She was in service, financially stable,

Can pay all the expenses help not required,

The baby, a son in fine shape, healthy, and fair,

Before being questioned, she admitted suspicion,

Could not find her lover, her boyfriend,

The youth missed her before the court marriage,

She felt youth betrayed her, in distress,

Replaced her word as depressed mind fails,

This depression is the killer that motivates,

Hundreds die only on this point wrong,

Serious crime to self-destroying life, futile,

Most precious human life only to face,

It needs a spine of steel, cold nerve rigid,

Trouble mount horror fear factor crush,

Calm, only calm mind dear, quiet, steady,

Found a tear trickled, she caught, wiped it,

Smiled, smiled now hold my hand,

Uncle, I am sorry, feeling ashamed, forgive,

No more boyfriend, my husband is here,

He met a minor accident and failed to meet,

It was my fault realized a lack of trust, wrong,

He dashed to the hospital has seen his baby,

Once released from bed, we shall marry,

But why uncle, you sent me to maternity,

Dear child, fatherly to you, your prima facie,

Could well guess the time your delivery.

The prima facie kissed the baby smiled and left.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Prima Facie ( Fiction)

Themes: Crisis comes, life wins the day

Date: 23rd January, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Saturday, January 21, 2023





Writes about a life fascinated searches,

There will be plenty of luxury comfort,

Drives mind thoughts, continuous flow,

Dreaming seasons rotate, changes occur,

How beautiful flora and fauna attract,

Ornate worth floral season spring ushers,

Blossoms entice the heart, get wanderlust,

Seduces fragrant wildflowers colors host,

How the meadows turn greenish grass fields,

Butterflies get wild among flowers a sight,

Honey bees make humming sound busy,

Collects honey this season weather cozy,

Gentle sunlight, the warmth visible lovely,

Dreams comfortably leisurely state past,

Winter came, tortured a lot, chilling spine,

The cold wind, empty roads at night,

Hidden life warmth near the hearth light,

Life finds confined chooses home warned,

There was snowfall in the hills, a cold wave,

Earth changes to a canopy of white color,

The sun rays over the snows love the decor,

New Year season just around the corner arrives,

Summer, the months of festivals, life thrives,

The bumper crops, happy time, celebratory,

People joined for the color festival, Holi,

Once harvesting is over blister hot sun,

Parched lips, dry throats demanding,

Water gets scarcer worth watching village,

Miles village women walk collected pitchers,

The river water turns blue serpentine thread,

Boating berths empty people walk across,

The gardens orchard attracts everybody,

The bud has come mango trees scent,

The smell of ripened jackfruits, guava rope,

More soothing the shades under trees,

Why do people feel the visible mirth singing,

Offer the creator plenty of fruits, sweets,

The sweet water saucy juice mixture,

Drinking children youths dancing joyfully,

Come June, weeks after the squall visit,

Erases hot and humid life profusely sweat,

The cold showers, icy wind hailstones,

The early symbol indicates monsoon is nearer,

It rains, rains only for a few days incessantly,

Night comes, walk in the street, toads rant,

The white music by raindrops trendy pool,

Romantic mood, automatic, aroused soaks,

The sound disturbed me, thought thunder,

Light the balcony felt the lightning.

Got up and called my granddaughter,

Grandpa, please cover the shawl, cold,

Realized, it is evening she gave me my stick,

She invited me to down-floor coffee is hot,

Hold my hand lead through the staircase,

Late evening if my life weathered seasons,

No more throb thrill, excitation calm,

Nostalgic seasons change January noticeably,

Watching Cricket fever in the country,

Dinner time when over, sleep till dawn,

Leave the notebook my pen inked vision.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Seasons

Themes: Arrival of summer

Date: 21st January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite.











Once upon a time, happens to be a chick,

Cries of this baby reverberated alarmed,

The entire family knew the baby, hungry,

Soiled the cloth limbs smeared less angry,

There was the mother cleaned you well,

Feed from her breasts smiles quell,

The giggling playful arms and legs, a sight,

The tiny one once started crawling was news,

The day child walks  celebration at home,

Calling papa Mama the musical rare to find,

It was this youth, Big Bird, that fled,

Wings wide, he spread happily left a shore,

The shore of the home grew up, studied,

Earned awards after awards certificates,

The civilized world embraced this soul,

Do earn, do learn, be born as a citizen,

The soil, today missing dearly wind and water,

The grain field golden shed waving sad,

The greeneries hill mountain cast sorrows,

Left children her soil flight above oceans,

Nested in far-off countries, prospered well,

The people noticed migrants wise dwell,

Time watched everything, silent witness,

Eternal music is time, story hundreds,

Back at home, the woman's hair is graying,

Whitish patches increasing life depict,

Wrinkles now visible, limbs tired but quiet,

Deep within her heart, still burning love,

My child, my child, his name exceeds,

What exceed dear human than Allah,

More than Jesus, Lord, Krishna but dear,

Exists in this life to pray for safety, security,

Worship sharp on the birthday of her child,

Prays now to the unseen Lord for his long life,

Never demanding, less tell her service,

Love, only glowing love alive subtly touch,

Come on baby, an adult now feel strong,

An established man confident so wrong,

The blood flowing in your vein her gift,

Forgot the umbilical cord connects the navel,

The womb, once sheltered for nine months,

Allowed the baby to travel the globe,

Urban modern life O' busy, extremely busy,

Works day and night to fight for the future,

Promotion, bright career, money, golden,

What not I achieved in life ego boasting,

Applaud children and sweet darling,

Gifts plenty showered hugged family,

Today this man fell sick, fevers rising,

The disease is less severe bedridden for a week,

Dead of the night, wake up suddenly,

Surprised, silent night, home is in darkness,

All switches switched off his wife sleeping,

Who made him get up surreal,

Next dawn, his wife answered him,

You were shouting Ma, Ma, Ma, continuous,

Thought you were dreaming she slept,

Not slept in another part of the globe,

Someone profusely sweating got up,

Her worried face trembling every fiber,

Connect with the cord, dear human,

From the navel to early home, the womb!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Connect

Themes: Connects the umbilical cord

Date: 20th January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite