Tuesday, July 11, 2023





How much astonished, stupefied,

The Barren land turns into a green field,

The pond-dried parched floor, lifeless,

To the brim, life manifested visibly,

The toads fish lotus bloom perennial,

Disappear summer heart surprising,

River flowing near our village serenely,

Skeletal serpentine sand bed blue stream,

Lo her swollen currents swirling water,

Gushing water foaming a hissing snake,

Lost her stamina, again placid water,

Full moonlight reflected stolen heart,

This is a river so exciting and beautiful,

Symbolize lovers den alluring embank,

Sails boatman his boat sings infect,

Local folksongs survive centuries,

Intoxicate night boating cool breeze,

The bride is leaving her parents wedded,

Crying the river, leaving a village girl she knew,

Moisten faces moisture-laden song,

Unknown home her to be abode,

She will be far from the river once bathed,

Returns father's home rive recognizes,

The waves greet her reflected glazing,

Sunlight above the river dazzles merrily,

Happy her daughter back reminisce,

Stood in my village, a tall banyan tree,

The square in narrow lanes attracts,

A platform around the tree memory,

Village people crowd at evening plays,

Gossip, their interaction, heated, socked,

Surprised mysterious rumors breed,

The decision of village head cases heard,

Looking at the tree deciduous leafless,

Lonely, a cement floor covered well,

Dry leaves have fallen tree intimate,

Wait, seasons rotate, green leaves blush,

Sway gently with gentle breeze whispers,

Announce other plants, foliage visible, 

The mirth influences people to celebrate,

Flowering trees blossom color spread,

Fruit gardens with bud scented,

The barren land, wet raindrops play,

White music earth scent aroma infects,

Emotions floating, difficult to believe,

Speechless human life passes deciduous,

Dry lips cracked pale is the face,

Vacant look hunting silent shiver spine,

A thousand agonies suppressed a heart,

Still, frame motionless limbs stand,

Like a statue standing for hours with fewer replies,

Less explain her owes miseries and cruel fate,

Knew her very close shattered go,

Her child did not survive sickness cruel,

Broken her heart lost child a banyan tree,

Leafless branches missing the shed under,

The wind blows throw branches in horror,

Broken twigs fallen lifeless is time,

Her life resembles the tree melancholic,

Back home from city to village years after,

She ran towards me, greeted smiled,

Uncle, I have a son again, visit please,

I was searchingly looking at her,

Her long hair was shiny, flowing, wavy,

Black hair sounding her bright face,

Like the moon among dark clouds shine,

Her eyes were sparking gleefully,

Her bangles colored ere rings necklace,

She seemed a blossoming tree fragrant.   


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Deciduous

Themes: When human life seems leafless

Written: 11th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Monday, July 10, 2023





Etched in the heart a moment,

Distinct that lasted a lifetime, vivid,

The birth of a daughter fulfilled a dream,

Wordless to coin a word, emotions,

Father's heart, those seconds unique,

The happiness a void eliminated soon,

Writes out of the world completeness,

She grew up upbringing, I devote honestly,

Rejoiced her success learning well,

Her laughter, demand, complaints, fun,

Relished life of father noticed well,

Induced family culture, customs too,

Humble by nature, silent she preferred,

Her merit, talents like milk and water,

Pride could not touch her heart or ego,

Cooperative spirit, hardworking life,

Simplicity, her shield won hearts,

Admired, got applause, her degrees,

Advanced in life age browning effect,

The daughter grabbed a career job,

Her affluent life single years rolled on,

She got married outside of religion,

Did not inform her parents of her wedding,

When we heard about her marriage,

Socked me, and my wife, speechless,

How could she decide her life,

Unilateral her decision bypassed us,

Established us, unimportant, clearly,

Heartbroken, her mother cried a lot,

Strengthened me, self-assured,

Failed to digest the event accepted,

Look at my son, never given attachment,

He knew this sister got everything,

But fortunate we couple, he respects us,

Felt guilty, never demanded attention,

Well, his care, devotion, concern for us,

Never criticized his sister, not taking,

 He got his job, respectable post, lucky,

We solemnized his marriage happily,

The day we received a daughter-in-law,

Beautiful, slim, voice soothing and kind,

Well qualified decides housewife life,

Stunned by her attentive care service,

The home changed soon to be a sweet abode,

Her behavior, culture, and graceful demeanor

Imprinted on our hearts her love and remark,

Watching her mother-in-law contented,

She prays for her daughter-in-law.

Once, I taunted her about our bride,

She looked at me, replied got a daughter,

My daughter-in-law is my daughter,

Till my last day, she is with me, my belief,

She is not that soul to betray us, my son,

Her divine stint in married life, beautiful,

She never expected loving parents-in-law,

The home amalgamated once devastated,

Inking my life, daughters are rivers, seemingly,

If a river breached embankment wrecked,

Other one flowing serenity matches paradise,

Daughters, if one denounced, other surprises. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of the Poem: Daughters

Themes: Inking my life, daughters are rivers only

Written: 10th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, July 9, 2023





Discovered the root mind colored,

Matches entity lives spring colored,

Colored wings of butterflies or birds,

Colorful sky at dawn and at dusk,

Colorful season blossoms spread happiness,

Looked at my world, colors impressed,

Who sprinkles willfully color dust,

Greeneries, brown hills, blue lakes,

Plants inherit colored leaves stem,

Animal fish living beings pattern,

Color pattern infinite why inked,

The subtle awareness world fascinates me,

The root in mind colored nature,

Varied bright color characters emit,

Humans love, eyes compassionate,

Caring at heart serves people a lot,

Treat sick patients waking in the night,

Sympathetic life prayer, quick recovery,

Lo laborers work hard to build the country,

Pittance they get on return, simple life,

Fewer their grudge anger, frustration,

Seen peace and happiness in their eyes,

Infectious their smiles, innocence lit,

Seen teachers educate children honestly,

Meager income, modest life, truthful,

Imbibe knowledge, skill, talent, humility,

Observed generations, stories emulate

Peasant, his father, child, grand kind,

Follow professions, feed the people,

Extracting privilege not in their heart,

Bargain for modest life amid nature,

Happiest people, hard work helping,

The nurse, postman, watchman, police,

Doctors, artists, painters, writers, actors,

Intricately juxtapose passion supreme,

Alacrity touched my heart no ambition,

Sacrifice personal desires whimsical,

Job is the supreme duty to entertain lives,

Serve the sick and in danger, bring news,

Lack of haughty spirit boast arrogantly,

The silent mass, builders' ingenuity,

Build building road construction a lot,

Takes trouble, fewer questions bluntly,

Shoulder inhuman tasks time bar rings,

Round the day and night, miss family,

Forgot personal life luxury pleasure,

Speechless to notice these colorful lives,

The world today around us is colored brightly,

Safe and happy humans and citizens,

Astonished at their dances festivals,

Spraying colors, painted faces, tainted dresses,

 Night for light sparks happiness lost,

The greetings, gifts, and sweet shops open,

Enjoyed smiles of hurt and wounded,

Forget the missing dear ones hunting,

Infects festive occasions rebuild strength,

Look at the future hope, aspiration,

Seen folk weep and beg to Lord a lot of idols,

Ornate these temples with colored lamps lit,

Garland decorates the Lord, soaked prayers,

A profusion of color Lord's abode like a lamp,

Burning bright spectral light refracted,

Below the lamp, darkness stays vivid,

Failed light of the lamp to eliminate,

Evil lives in mind dark and gruesome,

Harbor cruelty, greed, jealousy, anger,

Sad my world dual duality performs,

Chose suitable color warmth storm,

Chose death devil behind the black rose,

Fascinated drunk, and divinity rose.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Colors

Themes: Descriptive colorful world

Written: 8th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 





Saturday, July 8, 2023





Life appears to be river curvy,

Fantasies and aspirations entwine,

Hope and frustrations mimic tidal waves,

Dream illusion of oasis mysterious,

Listened attentively to heart whispers,

The thud angrier, throb romantic,

Dispassionate for study left late,

Dejected life, scornful parents,

Silent, aloof, preferred, separated,

Not physically but an emotional chord,

Never, Father enquired me any reasons,

Looked down upon me, a spoilt kid,

Left my plates with food on the table,

Scarcely invite for lunch or dinner,

They laugh, gossip, discuss a lot,

My presence both moves away,

Countless questions to mother,

Her answer disheartening hurt,

Illiteracy is a curse that must suffer,

Your rejection of college life suspense,

Want to be a parasite feed willingly,

Sustain others earning hard work,

Mother conveyed clearly a burden,

Earn yourself or vacate help parents,

Left that day our home to the street,

Few money savings baggage with me,

A friend, his father allowed his garage,

Life renewed as a painter, the beginning,

Helped a friend's dad, and uncle, with funds,

I started selling paintings with frames,

 I knew my father was intelligent, educated,

Studied night long, passionate about books,

Great memory can remember mostly,

Eloquent speaker on various subjects,

My life failed to match him same DNA,

He commented a caustic remark sadly,

He is not my son how the blood betrays,

I hate a stupid son left studying soon,

Think in my shop on him love much,

Feel proud of him for his talent skills,

But my life, my passion is the brush,

Mind projection scenarios scenic,

Scenes at times violent mind reality,

Capture eyes green greedy cruel too,

Nature paints greenery hills sunset,

Glowing peaks of snow-clad peaks,

Days pass to paint a sympathetic heart,

Love, caring, touching souls spectral,

Decades after got self-sufficient life, 

Married, then a child plus our roof,

The small city is now known famous painter,

Each exhibition and a great deal of money,

My son is growing completed school,

Stood as the best student highest marks,

Got Governor's prize for debate, a talk,

Winning several essay completions,

His selves are full of cup, gold medals,

Performing in college was extraordinary,

His gold medal as the best graduate I saw,

Socked remember my dad once said,

I did not have his blood in contempt,

Puzzled now how my son is different,

Uncle cleared my doubts disbelieve,

Blood speaks distinctly inherited, 

Grandson is the shadow of his Grandpa.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Shadow

Themes: Inheritance reflected

Written: 7th July 2923, Cuttack

@ Copywrite