Sunday, July 16, 2023





The old home still allures attracts,

The pull of impulsive existential,

Alive embryonic childhood life,

Nostalgic scenes serenity neatly,

Far from mundane city life bristles,

Milling crowds, noisy, busy traffic,

The quiet small village cluster of huts,

Our home is the only brick mansion,

Grandfather was landlord tall,

Respected peasant community,

Shared annual output totally rent,

Employed by Grandpa paid grains,

An ample amount of corn oil clothes,

Few silver coins every year, mercy,

Treated the villagers as living God,

Adored his kind heart obeyed,

The village is surrounded by green,

Hills at one side opposite a river,

Peaceful, and a school exciting,

Father was the teacher only educated,

No coaching class school fee was free,

Landlord, Grandpa maintained,

The obscure village is a paradise existed,

Happiness I remember people were poor,

Uncomplaining illiterate, still happy,

Unaware of modern gadgets lucky,

Grandpa, his image of a tall man, strong,

An umbrella, his shoe, a small bag,

I knew a box with beetles chew nuts,

A torchlight toothpicks case,

From far a black umbrella distinct,

In sunlight, unfailing he prefers,

At night umbrella accompanied,

In case there will be rain or not,

His habits carry an umbrella to town,

Never lost in his life his umbrella, we joked,

His bedroom, still intact for a century,

An iron almirah umbrella hanging,

His bed still maintained fresh,

The floor is cleaned every day by Dad,

Picture frame of Grandpa Grandma,

Fixed on the wall garlanded nicely,

Frequent visit umbrella attracts,

Once Dad caught stood behind,

You look at this umbrella, fascinated,

He won hundreds of acres of land,

The whole peasant community is landless,

He was the umbrella for peasant families,

Distribute most of the rice corns money,

Educated their children free of cost,

These people claimed his land and got,

Stopped paying respect, quarreled,

His land lordship was snatched,

But this umbrella symbolizes a time,

The glorious period of our root family,

Like an umbrella stayed above us.

Umbrella fought against time stays,

But our royal past is lost with time!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Umbrella

Themes: Lost royalty umbrella won over time

Written: 16th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Saturday, July 15, 2023





Write off innumerable hurdles faced,

Forgotten blunders insanity commits,

Alibis plenty for mistakes noble mind,

Disregards pleading soul self supreme,

Portrayed saintly face hidden jealousy,

Detached painted the face rob jewelry,

Unattached passionate mind lovelorn,

Saving the sick, serving the hungry, needy,

Gimmickry can fox people successful,

Proclaim staunch believer of Lord too,

Loot behind God, peace life shattered,

Conviction of hallucinated spirit vivid,

Build an empire of injustice clean show,

Fooled a population clapping praises, (1)


Most popular, an eminent personality,

People believe him totally addressed,

Accept advice followed honesty abbey,

Rose, like a phoenix out of scenarios,

Dominate as a destiny of time clapped,

Thousands of such men turned leaders,

treat world is under their feet, readers,

Instantly mind hallucinate crumpled,

A dirty, torn waste paper blown by the wind,

Alacrity gripped the country, baffling,

How come the powerful arms were broken, (2)


Sighted a beggar rose rapidly wealthy,

Amass properties money spellbound,

Disbelieve money can multiply soon,

The tallest tower fleet of cars is a boon,

Secret, top secret, hands manipulated,

Nobody can guess checks fail to escape, (3)


Secretively saw landlord, concubines,

Amorous life is luxurious, haughty rude,

Built an empire of guards, protected tightly,

God's access to the fort is impossible,

Such hallucination enslaves a creature,

Life encounters lives blinded suture,(4) 


Lured once hearts of a million total,

The news was her eyebrows, lips, navel,

From an unknown city to the limelight soon,

Minted gold diamond studded shoes,

Awestruck, the public paid ransom meekly,

One sight, just one sight of her glance,

Melted thousand young heart wild feet,

Running to and fro, crippled conscience,

Hallucination captured another victim,

Hay her hair whitening she is coloring,

The wrinkled face and her skin lost glow too,

Hours of makeup plaster painted wait,

She meant money in seconds enormous,

That amount bundle of money ignored,

Not enough earn more tirelessly edict,

A lifetime scientist, doctor, engineer, earning,

Less than the rate of the female in an hour. (5) 


Fumbled by now to coin words flow,

Shivering nerves shakes finger to pen,

Awestruck world blindly hallucinate,

A rose, a wineglass, ill communicate. (6)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Hallucinate

Themes: Awestruck world blindly hallucinate

Written: 15th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Friday, July 14, 2023





Knew later time rested in the womb,

Survival, the critical issue, is forgotten,

Mesmerized by the split-second dazzle,

Blinded, incoherent cries shrilling,

Nine months imprison dark life aware,

Floating felt in a sea of infinite love,

The chord sole link survival episode,

Forgotten so soon light mystified,

Strange world bright eyes in view,

Focused looking at intensively,

Unknown place ejected from womb,

Uncomfortable as a newborn sleeping,

Slept for years today confess a fact,

The umbilical cord is still intact,

Subtle surreal feelings linked exist,

The creator shadows everywhere,

Constantly in communication soon,

Instantly thoughts flowed to the Lord,

The silent witness watching impassive,

Flowing inspiration energy overwhelm,

Sit whenever quiet silence surround,

Heard so often whispers and profound,

Guides me to live well, fight troubles,

Lord acts like a coach, gives trouble,

Leave my life little communication,

Throw me to surging waters swirling,

Pull me down to fathomless depth,

The dark bottom floor of sadness,

Block light of energy positivity numb,

Such moments arrived in life socked,

Unnoticed sudden father departed,

Looked at his frame still shattered me,

When consigned the pyre I torched,

He was God, even now, will remain so,

I could see flames engulfing mortal frame,

No tears beyond my belief shaken,

Heart the vibration whispering too,

Behold birth and death natural,

His soul left his mortal remains to exist,

Five elements that constituted a body,

Merging like the river into the sea,

Death blesses life, erases name to a face,

Forgets time, people, and country well,

Look at seasons change, new leaves sprout,

Soul discovers the womb again and again,

The cord connects with me for creation,

Served your father blessed feel son,

Mysterious, astonished, who says to me?

Left cremation ground hastily confused,

A decade after finding my mother suffering,

Paralyzed her thin limbs, inert, sleeping,

Motionless speaks feebly inaudible,

Touched my heart to feet, my Goddess,

What she has not tolerated in her life,

To watch me grow stubborn to live,

Blessed me long life to stand robust,

Her hand fed me, but I quarreled a lot,

My naughtiness mischief she noticed,

Changed my life, her tolerance struggle,

Sold her gold chain I could study,

She dreamed her son to be an engineer,

Age has crippled me, clueless to help,

To assist her when she needs wish healed,

The sob chokes my throat, and she yearns,

To recover and see our happy lives,

Broken-down in silence, sitting alone, angry,

O Lord, why so cruel torture my mother,

Feverently prayed she may recover,

Or your ill wish to take her back,

The umbilical cord reconnected,

Streaming His voice console sooth too,

Discovered then that the umbilical cord exists,

Called Him through the channel,

Sending courage and wisdom to withstand,

Permanent umbilical cord magic wand.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Umbilical Cord

Themes: Subtly exist after birth links creator

Written: 14th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, July 13, 2023





 Look at glass towers, skyscrapers,

Kissing sky eyes lost in clouds,

Touching seemingly the rooftops,

Towering the sock sat quietly,

Air-cooled the parlor and conserved myself,

Kept secret that belongs to the world,

Existing my life and world diametric,

Opposite villages surround greens,

Awestruck b now the glittering world,

Asphalt streets moving cars strike,

Looking through glass windows,

Jaws open, staring eyes the noise,

An obscure township has grown,

Phenomenal growth short time,

Countless crowds milling and busy,

Sat for an hour and checked the address,

Found the house meant to visit,

Hired a taxi shown address to him,

Near high rise building with a compound,

Reached the place to meet my friend,

Service holder in the city and settled,

Family with two sons and a daughter,

His wife was educated in service too,

The attires gait demeanor is suave,

Polished the crisp interactions politely,

Could know surprised I sense,

The best friend of my childhood,

Schoolmate completed till graduation,

Together our youth interlinked,

He grew up in a rural landscape with rustic,

Simple and hardworking belief in life,

But it was absent the eyes differ,

Sensed I was meeting strangers,

Time changed, and changed the town,

Changing livelihood lifestyle and many,

That strikes me suddenly get uneasy,

Polite, yet eyes were speaking unwelcome,

Sadness gripped me unexpectedly,

Never could know people are different,

Looked at a child offered tea,

Later clarified her as a domestic servant,

Bright eyes, shiny black hair,

The sweet round face of the girl rural,

Illiterate washing dishes sweeping the floor,

Sleeping on the floor with a pet dog,

I was informed that she was an orphan,

I requested my friend for the girl,

Agreed to adopt and give education,

Dissatisfied and vexed kept hiding his anger,

He informed and bought at a high price,

I could know he bought this child,

I gave the cheque with that money,

Returned home with the child,

Registered as my daughter,

How happy my children befriended,

She attends the school in uniform,

Her smiles, the dimple, shiny hair threaded,

My wife, I caught her tears she was hiding,

She reclined on my shoulder and thanked me,

Loved fervently, a compassionate heart. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Fervently

Themes: Fervently honor deprived

Written: 13th July 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite