Saturday, August 5, 2023






We met, considered a relationship,

After a few years of intimacy, love,

Surprised our heart found love,

Crossed the barrier of class status,

From ordinary life root deprived,

Socially outcast link untouchable,

The community lived a world apart,

Far from a glittering world position,

Fame and fortune fated drunken,

The immensity of rich life proud shield,

Street bifurcate the slum and city,

The community we lived, worked only,

Menial jobs pittance life earned,

Enough for food, shelter, and clothes,

The boundary we knew dare not to cross,

Gold dissociates human life distinctly,

Remember, my study acknowledges,

Equal distribution of talent impartial,

Lord bestows on both sides of the street,

From slum, I reached university to gold,

There we crossed the wall and got friendly,

Intimacy lured us into matrimony,

We saw the violent protest threat,

Impossible to accept a youth low caste,

Social boycotts threatened families,

Faded soon, our bond, intimate love,

The fond buried in your heart,

Forced to marry a young man, rich,

Inherit position status, upper class,

Aristocracy exists not, ego barricade,

Received your invitation contemplate,

Watch my degree honor gold recognition,

Diluted before gold, not with ribbons,

But the weight of gold demarcates sadly,

Probed, what lacked, in my heart,

Colored skin, skin deep, blood same,

Birth, we didn't choose the mother's womb,

Equally divine glorious motherhood,

Anger visited, doused the flame in tears,

Still to move ahead in life stare future,

Love denied but rejection that hurt,

The dark patch of slum dweller too,

Quiet and silent looked at me vacant,

A chapter life turned shredded past,

Arrogance I have seen enough insulting,

A hatred that surprised me unprovoked,

Speechless, shocked, notice humans,

Called civilized polished decent gestures,

Radiate cruel eyes savage cowered,

Knew life is precious to keep distant,

Beyond any change sacrificed daughter,

They live to cherish pseudo-class,

Knew pyres are burning, fire engulfs,

Turn to ash human body unbiased,

Untouchable, I cried fire burns too,

Kindly allow cremation but classless,

The haut, ego, and arrogance disappear,

The black skin menial works cleared,

Ash on the same cremation ground,

Mingles homogeneously life ignores,

Knock at the door stood a postman,

Overseas invitations offer higher study,

Left my past life a love song ecstatic,

Left my country with a heavy heart,

Left my tag untouchable on the flight,

Watch the sky far above the ground,

Relinquish attachment tender heart,

Education lit minds escort impact!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Relinquish

Themes: Handed over sin to society resigned

Written: 5th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Friday, August 4, 2023





Stopped walking, stood still now,

Crowded street, a busy city a sight,

Mid of the road, a cow collapsed,

Old enough foams of the mouth,

Lay crippled, traffic moves to the side,

Not a shred of remorse busy life,

Must be thinking, such incidents,

Frequent disturbs the flow sadly,

Under the bright sun, her looks,

Still her eyeballs, but life waiting

Skeletal sunken skins panting,

Lost energy, failed to stand attempt,

Raise the head, rest on the ground,

The scene struck me like a bolt,

Death of an animal nearer revolting,

Watched for a few moments the rush,

Living in another world partitioned,

Life expects to live for decades,

Future spirit to shape admirable,

Dreams blinded soul life is running,

Irresistible aspirations clouded neatly,

Lust for gold power position luxury,

Lovelorn cosmetic living a treasury,

Physical pleasure climax orgy vivid,

Roaming over the globe to explore,

Build dream castles plenty dismantle,

Mind made a life restless dissatisfied,

Move to achieve more work day and night,

Greed whispers there is no tomorrow,

Today and now, at this instant,

Don't look at the side that is happening,

I looked at the world, animal instinct,

They dine, drink, sleep, conjugate,

Fearful of losing amassed wealth,

Fearful, losing power, status, fame,

Fearful that family stays intact and happy,

Felt tears crushing my heart and knew,

The cow once gave liters of milk,

How many children got fed, nourished,

Must be driving their car, hoodwink,

Dark corner greedy eyes in focus,

Thinking of the skin flesh to fleece,

A cow can recover lack of food weak,

Her time to serve the people finished,

No milk fit for the slaughterhouse,

Could not stand further moved soon,

Called the nursery for cattle, in service,

Collecting street cows treating well,

Philanthropic attempt, shelter home,

Rejecting the world, elderly couples,

The burden on society age crippled many,

Children vanished like a morning mist,

Foolishly those couples prayed a lot,

Wished children grew educated,

Shouldered the burden of expenses for kids,

Grew, young spread their wings far off,

Nesting jovially, with family, busy life,

Forgotten the parental home deserted,

Parents, like the old cow, sought help,

A shelter home takes care of them,

The cattle nursery or shelter home,

Meets the mantle of humanity,

Outside the periphery of the glittery world,

Stays compassion the mantle emerald.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Mantle

Themes: Compassion takes the mantle

Written: 4th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Thursday, August 3, 2023





Rebellious unruly heart fumes, angry,

Burning tons of oil sandal sticks,

Incense fragrant incense intensely,

Tell me divine wishes only cosmetics,

Sandal paste-covered stone idols,

Garland scented decorated lovely,

Silent eyes mute behold devotees,

Stood folded hands scrutinized too,

Aghast to look at tears streaming,

Heartbroken spirits bent pleading,

Asking for mercy, letting suffering stop,

Stolen lives but sudden, astonished,

Death traps, steals, unsympathetic,

Fewer considerations for a lovely child,

Sole earning member youth perished,

Young is a widow long life ahead stark,

A lone woman and a few children embark,   

The ocean is life stormy, lady boating,

Uncertain every moment, as if sinking,

Rebellious against fate brute fate,

Immoral the mysterious life to hate,

Left at age advanced crippled couple,

Children forgetting their parents is simple,

Left to die unceremoniously, I doubt,

Lord, whether an ocean of mercy but,

Doubt the tall temple minarets flags,

Whose glory it sings human life sags,

No pretension repentance time moves,

Forgotten lost lives stories endless,

No solution fictions galore repudiate,

Lord is almighty to solve problems faced,

Abundant gift of love, care changes,

Life summersault from poverty to gold,

Swept my emotions, tears winking,

Lord, why are human faces devastated,

They loved O Lord and lifelong trusted,

Forgotten so soon when ill fate roasted,

Failed to stand erect, lost strength,

Crestfallen to watch plights of lives,

Cried that day silently before replying,

Your creation why disappears instantly,

Let floods flooding village fields ripe,

Destroyed in a few days, everything in sight,

Heart your abode in the heart of humans,

How come these lives got so cruel,

Kill, kill everything in sight outcry,

Beastly savagery visible a mockery,

Angry with my world left the temple,

Human conscience supreme felt rule,

A demon lives in our mind, anger burns,

Hatred fractured our race life churns,

How much we can hate to eliminate,

Lord, little inhibit, protect, intimate,

Sat alone think our future primitive,

Savage race verge of extinct restive,

O Lord, you know all and sarcastic,

Watch sprouts green leaf changed heretic! 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Heretic

Themes: Lord is sarcastic to a heretic

Written: 3rd August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Wednesday, August 2, 2023





Teenage chained heart cowered,

Limit of our heart, undefined lowered,

Confined to a single-room family,

Four siblings, parents live gently,(1)


Fewer complaints wanton poverty,

Peace and happiness searched for liberty,

Got a roof over our heads and food,

Cloths to put on the school we brood, (2)


Free education farcical no money,

Working in childhood saved funny,

Saving unthinkable then happens,

Touch adulthood wealth shaken, (3)


Grocery shop in the village prospers,

Expanded to City suburb ushers,

Three brothers, our sister united,

Let lives rich business committed, (4)


Illiteracy acted as the curse study,

We studied privately well embody,

It fetched rich dividend expanded,

We siblings years rolled demanded, (5)


Four mansions adjacent to a street,

All conceivable asset gold in discreet,

Attendant driver domestic worker,

Relative owed at luxury a shocker, (6)


A few decades from rags to rich life,

Disbelieve the savings erased strife,

Work hard to get literate much later,

Money gave power position status,(7)


Forgotten torturous deprived state,

Little we resent well accommodate,

Still, remember our roots keep us alive,

Modest living limits expense thrive, (viii)


Saving in our blood by now secure,

Planned neatly united efforts ensure,

A mini business empire lit visible,

Our simple food, humble life stable, (9)


Adulthood passed so soon, we consider,

United us social service help center,

Served poor children for study to fund,

Served persons sick treatment fond, (10)


Popularity we gained spread miles,

Encounters change tears to smiles,

Twilight years and kids in the business,

Expanded city shops variety ingress, (11)


Learned a trick saving to modesty,

Expanding their income in honesty,

Warned them they listen to advice,

Know well, life progresses sacrifice, (12)


Brothers, one sister, our family,

Determined back to the village simply,

Building a school, rustic children,

That lacked school dress, smitten, (13)


Free education lifted the burden,

The rural picture is changing, is sudden,

Help youth with business training,

Funded the cost for skill waiting, (14)


Write on our lives saga sagacious,

Expansive our motto life is precious,

Born a downtrodden secure life,

Withered troubles hazardous strife. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Expansive

Themes: Like to confide what savings did

Written: 2nd August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite