Wednesday, August 9, 2023






Confesses the bitter confession,

Volunteered foolish destruction,

Born affluent status or position,

Wealth assets inherited reunion, (1)


Power not from barrels of the gun,

Power inherited in youth is shown,

Knew quite well to hoodwink law,

Money plays dirty tricks lives saw, (2)


Whimsical invite outbursts, anger,

Lost fascination ruined men, pure,

Intolerance auburn pride avenge,

Arrogance if encountered revenge, (3)


Fail to remember how many, lost,

Devastated their family lives cost,

Spend money happily in a courtroom,

Fabricated as culprits faced doom, (4)


Years rolled, fear cowed down bow,

Obey or get destroyed a little show,

This was the horror-filled motions,

Existed and spend bullion notions, (5)


Failed all attempts to trap curious,

Reborn with greater power, serious,

Enjoyed torturing victims, heart merciless,

Fear defied to hunt results, careless, (6)


Saw the day his wife and child died,

Brutal car accident the sight denied,

No, not his family can be harmed,

Anger welled up, fewer cramped, (7)


Traffic bypassed avoided looking hate,

Stupefied view their hatred, relate,

Socked to watch, mangled lifeless,

Perished his wife and child bless, (viii)


Shrink instantly to bless my own,

Ever shown mercy, let destruction,

Reckons cruel life past satanic lit,

Crush brutally, several lives, treat, (9)


Laughed at their tears, begged a lot,

Prayed his mercy refused to alert,

Disbelieved, harm can be caused,

Stood silently on the street, brushed, (10)


The corner of his eyes knew ridicules,

Started fearing the contempt heat,

The blinding sun above no respite,

Weak after pyres lit seen it aflame, (11)


Realization, perforated skin shame,

Shrunken eyes skeletal existence,

Looted his asset properties sense,

Lost millions in a few days surprise, (12)


Little found the dawn the sunrise,

Drunken, sadness wine lost family,

Missing in the city, sold rest, but simply,

Decades of no information dead news,

Abode in the lap of Himalayas, his muse, (13)


Chosen life renounced anonymous,

Living in a hermitage life, curious,

Ruination completes his dark past,

Sought liberation repentance last, (14)


The bank of the river, on a rock strive,

Aged, begged for penance, survive,

Hail merciful Lord saw a sunrise,

Escaped his soul a truth surmise! (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ruination

Themes: Life cruel, ruined, ended ascetic

Written: 8th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, August 8, 2023





Divert the mundane realm, the soul,

Unrealistic aspiration chased a goal,

Mother's death at birth imprinted,

Father at early childhood departed, (1)


Fate assured helpless age provided,

Elder brother, elder to age a decade,

He was his father, mother, or teacher,

Life passed tranquil years immature, (2)


Instilled character, courage, decision,

Guided his lonely life, taught a lesson,

Back at home from work in the evening,

Class notes, study book, his teaching, (3)


Workout problems explaining detail,

Performed high school record to hail,

Watched it, less smiled, hugged tightly,

Surprised found tear inkling slightly, (4)


Caught emotions, missed their parents,

An incredible success time warrants,

Culprit time stolen years memories,

Claimed gold medal voyages stories, (5)


Settled abroad, he had a family nicely,

Affluent life learned renown precisely,

Sits often silently looks at his brother,

His photo frame picture is quite an allure, (6)


Knew his father and mother, teacher,

Life unrealistic impossibility, assure,

Assured, to reality, shelter felt divine,

Rolling tears in love, debtless refine, (7)



Unique brother's gift of courage owe,

Induced character pearl God, bestow,

Never seen God less questioned Him,

Why did he steal his parents, dream, (viii)


Took suddenly, one by one, surprised,

Manifested as his brother, life prized,

Love his elder brother more than soul,

Experienced his compassion to goal, (9)


He dreams for his tiny brother well,

Proved his sincerity, effort, time swell,

A thousand miles away, decades pass,

His settled life children, revive class, (10)


Have a loving parent, care infinite,

Compared to his brother, a rare insight,

Gratitude, fathomless and misnomer,

Blood links seemed eon soul enamor, (11)


A professor at a reputed university,

While coming back home in alacrity,

Got a long letter the native village sent,

His bedridden brother, kids absent, (12)


Without money, medicine, treatment,

Happened like a daydream nascent,

Villagers helped to the extent possible,

Still, his health deteriorates unable, (13)


The simple letter requested help sooner,

Choked his strength sat for an hour,

What happened, his brother failed,

Failed to intimate him a son wailed, (14)


Packed his belongings, resigned now,

Back to his native village prayer vow,

Serve Godly to save life determined,

The accord automatic blood defined. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Accord

Themes: A gratuitous soul accorded Godly

Written: 8th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  

Monday, August 7, 2023





Thoughts myriad sweep provoke,

Floored an unruly heart, life to revoke,

Witness mind plays naughty link,

Blows the candle lighted rethink, (1)


Ushers darkness imagination lit,

Freedoms follow dreaming delight,

Fascinate object allures intoxicate,

Whispers emotions communicate, (2)


Aspiration endless suffocate wild,

Reminds memory, illusions mild,

Blue planet crimson skies invite,

Asset grab quickly lifelong excite, (3)


Study more burns midnight lamp,

Career prostrates before revamp,

Like doctors, serve people, a surgeon,

Save life runs knife is a profession, (4)


Amused grateful eyes speechless,

Hands folded tears, lives impress,

Revamp the idea, life of an engineer,

T square drawing board act peer, (5)


The pencil-drawn picture of a tower,

Tomorrow to stands sky scrapper,

A million lives work here day-night,

Unknown the engineer drew right, (6)


Stood the towering glory of decades,

He built bridges, dam barricades,

Immortal the pencil paper divider,

Engineer life imaginative provider, (7)


Cancel spirit decide to be a pleader,

Fight in court bend laws bewilder,

Win culprit owes innocent crowd,

Lo black gown devil's wizard loud, (viii)


Scratch everything allures a pilot,

Learn flying planes, the world is pivot,

Watch the ocean and continent below,

Gadgets of colored lights in a hallow,(9)


Guide the plane carry passengers,

Night sky star-studded with dangers,

Safely pilot to a destination in time,

Fulfillment of dream, life is divine, (10)


Students and the teacher interacted,

Passed students the school indicated,

A thousand avenues hope to awaken,

Hugged all tearfully my children, (11)


Not student loved from my heart,

Build spirits burn candle impact,

Face my country, youth depending,

Askance deep hurt chain breaking, (12)


Lead the sacred land in front, hail,

Clean life uncorrupt dare to assail,

There my children bring prosperity,

Usher the golden era skills reality, (13)


Stood silently, students leave school,

Compulsion human heart time fool,

Who struggles, grabs opportunities,

Time acts as luck, fate possibilities, (14)


A mere teacher I looked, my palm,

Compulsion, tendered buds, calm,

Life single, mine no family, chosen,

Lighted candles, many lives frozen. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Compulsion

Themes: Hankering future to realize

Written: 8th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Sunday, August 6, 2023





The spark touched every fiber,

Limbs vibrated, ecstatic emotion,

The lust in me hidden shied prettily,

Costly dress color patterns trend,

Polished shoes, wristwatch gifted,

A guitar music accessories bought,

Today years of practice are fruitful,

Joined the bar to sing and dance,

Experiencing uncalled-for doubt,

Hunted of dislikes disgust inklings,

To miss clapping praise distancing,

Prayed the unseen God, stolen eyes,

Chosen favorite owner of a parlor,

Famous city center crowded evening,

Renowned eminent citizens ringing,

The prime place to drink and dance,

Share emotions, thoughts, wishes,

Comradely vibe infectious, I heard,

Once liked the music and song,

The news will spread like wildfire,

An unrecognizable inconspicuous life,

Will occupy the heartthrob of the city,

Inspire the children, youth, adults,

Men and women, the fan base widens,

A mediocre faces change, enviable,

Inevitable popularity threaded neatly,

Thanks to the creator in me, playing,

Lost eyesight but mind illumines,

Watch lights wavy, musical tunes,

Gifted the invisible inspiration,

Abundant inspiration sways heart,

Play dear fingers slender swiftly,

Bring up life on sterile guitar wires,

Spread the frequencies melodious,

Sync the footsteps, limbs oscillate,

Smile O, soul, not cursed watch,

Let be magnetic onlookers glued,

The charmer you can be famous,

City, the milling crowds throng happy,

Surely to notice the warmth smiles,

But the applause and excitements inflame,

Overwhelm your existence worshipped,

Guaranteed your memories to stay,

The car horn stopped the thought,

In sequence, rewind, soaked passion,

Bite the lips smitten moved quickly,

Lead the stage of the bar noisy packed,

A young girl in the town plays guitar,

Splendid music, step dance tunes,

Exhilarate the melodious song,

Assured to thrill everybody, announced,

Unable to see the crowd staring,

Assured the clapping Lord be with me,

After silent prayer, she started playing,

Changed a melancholic tune voice,

The rhythms slowly oscillate well,

Stopped suddenly, the sound to silence,

Simple dancing swayed the frame tenderly,

Smiling the calm face impressionable,

Start sings loudly, vibrates surround,

The guitar got live instantly matched,

The thud stepping melodious touched,

Awestruck, the audience is now silent,

Rapt attention to the song to whispering,

Every fiber of listeners vibrates in sync,

Moments to hours of play halt abruptly,

She was bowing to the public, a sight,

Stood in respect, public clapping,

For minutes, it continues rousing,

That day was a sequence, stupendous,

The city was aware of a star, conscious. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sequence

Themes: A blind girl the enigma to the public

Written: 6th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite