Tuesday, August 8, 2023





Divert the mundane realm, the soul,

Unrealistic aspiration chased a goal,

Mother's death at birth imprinted,

Father at early childhood departed, (1)


Fate assured helpless age provided,

Elder brother, elder to age a decade,

He was his father, mother, or teacher,

Life passed tranquil years immature, (2)


Instilled character, courage, decision,

Guided his lonely life, taught a lesson,

Back at home from work in the evening,

Class notes, study book, his teaching, (3)


Workout problems explaining detail,

Performed high school record to hail,

Watched it, less smiled, hugged tightly,

Surprised found tear inkling slightly, (4)


Caught emotions, missed their parents,

An incredible success time warrants,

Culprit time stolen years memories,

Claimed gold medal voyages stories, (5)


Settled abroad, he had a family nicely,

Affluent life learned renown precisely,

Sits often silently looks at his brother,

His photo frame picture is quite an allure, (6)


Knew his father and mother, teacher,

Life unrealistic impossibility, assure,

Assured, to reality, shelter felt divine,

Rolling tears in love, debtless refine, (7)



Unique brother's gift of courage owe,

Induced character pearl God, bestow,

Never seen God less questioned Him,

Why did he steal his parents, dream, (viii)


Took suddenly, one by one, surprised,

Manifested as his brother, life prized,

Love his elder brother more than soul,

Experienced his compassion to goal, (9)


He dreams for his tiny brother well,

Proved his sincerity, effort, time swell,

A thousand miles away, decades pass,

His settled life children, revive class, (10)


Have a loving parent, care infinite,

Compared to his brother, a rare insight,

Gratitude, fathomless and misnomer,

Blood links seemed eon soul enamor, (11)


A professor at a reputed university,

While coming back home in alacrity,

Got a long letter the native village sent,

His bedridden brother, kids absent, (12)


Without money, medicine, treatment,

Happened like a daydream nascent,

Villagers helped to the extent possible,

Still, his health deteriorates unable, (13)


The simple letter requested help sooner,

Choked his strength sat for an hour,

What happened, his brother failed,

Failed to intimate him a son wailed, (14)


Packed his belongings, resigned now,

Back to his native village prayer vow,

Serve Godly to save life determined,

The accord automatic blood defined. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Accord

Themes: A gratuitous soul accorded Godly

Written: 8th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  

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