Monday, October 23, 2023





Western sky orange evening here,

Nostalgic memories, alive, lit sheer,

Auburn unruly hair if windswept,

Longings imprinted in eyes, wept, (1)


Stolen long year like desert sand,

Contour configured change hand,

Signed on paper, fewer hesitation,

Evasive decided to break relation, (2)


Looked at the eyes, massage, nail,

Surprised told stranger life, derail,

Lack repentance, love, tender soul,

Surmise your mission and differ a goal, (3)


Sacred ceremony fire oil, inflame,

United, that time stood to blame,

Promises many dreams, myriads,

Your career, family friend triads, (4)


Pull apart, matrimony disbelieve,

What happened in my life, survive,

Conceived pregnant thought sad,

Convinced the wedlock tied mad, (5)


Split-second doubt could inhibit,

Trust my beloved life did exhibit,

Dreamed, a sweet home children,

Castle in the air faded if shaken, (6)


Hoped to materialize home sweet,

Rejection, your action, time greet,

Cried for a few days, silently alone,

My life, I reckon, friendship none, (7)


The long path ahead of me, visible, lit,

Lonely life, single, sorrows I defeat,

Discover heart once belonged tell,

Possessed, had pride my love yell, (viii)


My soul or heart, your boundary,

Enslaved liberated not necessary,

Spread your wings, darling forgot,

Continent is distance reject effort, (9)


Consoled stable find fire betrayed,

Hot lava determination portrayed,

Promise to me, to God, stand bold,

Rise from ashes a giant tree hold, (10)


No flower fruit well-known carries,

No shed below, cool breeze, series,

No bird build a nest and chirp merrily,

Visible a giant tree, future cheerily, (11)


That can withstand typhoons, hit,

Face thunderstorms, lightning lit,

Loves my life precious to witness,

The blue sky birds cloud impress, (12)


Observe life sprouts up ruination,

Summer past present goes union,

Life will branch out higher bright,

Kiss skies during night star-light, (13)


Feel the surreal cold breeze moon-lit,

Dews falling wet leaves end greet,

Live till the end, happy endurance,

You betray me, broken assurance. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Assurance

Themes: Failed marriage man endured

Written: 23rd October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, October 22, 2023





Sleep on the velvety grass field,

Look at the sky blue mind wild,

Countless birds fly aimless, but,

Nests, surprising love lives a lot, (1)


The intricacy lasting eons stays,

Humans build houses, ruin essays,

Flying over lands, birds know not,

Humans create boundaries, effort, (2)


Freedoms, bird experiences, flies,

Cross ocean, continent, lo defies,

Thousand miles travel migrates,

Colonies noisy joyous intimates, (3)


Not there any fight breeding lot,

Ever check color class to escort,

Conglomeration, colorful, vibrant,

Megapolis, millions, inhabitant, (4)


Compare heart to bird colonies,

Million thrive, differ, harmonies,

Why do humans never learn lessons,

Divides your heart wall caution, (5)


Astonish slum hungers are visible,

Illiteracy sick child abominable,

Feel O human hot tears stream,

Opposite the street men dream, (6)


Standing on a heap of gold proud,

Exploit the weaker, greed cloud,

Boasts humans to be intelligent,

Defies rationality, life impatient, (7)


Mesmerize school college youth,

Wealthy parents pay well the truth,

Look at education, school bags,

Downtrodden at birth, see rags, (viii)


Educated learn evil, segregated,

To fight tooth and knell waited,

They learn hatred, anger, greed,

Learn book classify caste creed, (9)


Cherish their education shame,

Compared with birds, unlike the same,

Minutely observe birds, animals,

Plants fish in water is minimal, (10)


They live short periods supreme,

Divine radiate through extreme,

Simple nature food, water, sleep,

Procreate games superior weep, (11)


Weep, get noisy, happy and sad,

Fear grip with ferociously mad,

Animal hunts flesh eater a lot,

Humans can devour, at all costs, (12)


The tongue human has, tastes,

Everything is food less detests,

Why do humans separate to doom,

They fight war, cloud monsoon, (13)


Brutal killings wounded start,

Far from nature worships arts,

They worship rivers, mountains,

Well pray to wind water retain, (14)


Ceremony for plant auspicious,

Symbol tiger dear lotus curious,

Lo differ from nature, an animal,

Food, water, sleep, fear, life small, (15)


Procreate birth and death link,

Human! soul eternal lives sink,

Detect eternity love in blossom,

Resurrect life rebirths to home. (16) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Eternity

Themes: Exist for eternity forgets human

Written: 22nd October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, October 21, 2023





Uncharacteristic trait life suffered,

Disinterested in a fascinating world,

Awash with nourishment growth,

Splashes of hues, colorful lives ink,

Aspiration bedecked, tomorrow hint,

Bewildered, live wild and runs endlessly,

Failure strikes so often, hope impresses,

They cry, cry loudly, yell at nothing,

Loved to grab everything something,

Fruitless their efforts numerous stays,

Still work tirelessly, unsuccessful,

Tomorrow invites persistently to try,

Attachment, not gold winner defy,

The massive crowd applause electric,

Life forgets continuous effort, ecstatic,

The dream materialized reality before,

Contumacious, wild heart secure,

Fought well got gold hot news,

Disbelieves grass root rags amuse,

Reclined in a chair, stated not me,

Different from them declined,

Rejected offers plenty of invitations,

Quiet and calm mind write notion,

Five fingers with different size,

Shy of running wildly, write precise,

Closed my eyes and viewed the universe,

A thousand worlds live millions,

Introspect the flow of the river of life,

Conclude thousand human lifetimes,

Each has different, differing objectives,

Myriad time frames, life is subjective,

Performs uniquely spectacular,

Miraculous deeds intention clear,

Flowing thoughts visibly moved,

Write everything observed grooved,

Emptied emotions vividly fright,

I write a writer discover delight,

The black and white picture reflects,

Mind's eye observed art deflects,

The twist-and-turn story threaded,

From dawn to midnight raided,

Let me finish this chapter first,

Tomorrow, subtle feelings dilute,

Human life panoramic landscape,

Suture time frame great escape,

Gasp reader at every turn a page,

Riveting curiosity speechless craze,

Inclined to the life of a writer convinced,

Not a leader or businessman,

Not affluent have status, fame,

Anonymous writer inclined to ink. 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Inclined

Themes: Unambiguous obscure writer

Written: 21st October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, October 20, 2023





Remind incident childhood memory,

Thatched houses village sight worry,

Looked at the road late at night sacred,

Sky was lighted fire, cottage charred, (1)


The wind was blowing, the fire spread faster,

Noise, outcry, helpless, time matter,

Siren blaring from a distant get near,

Hour of horrible efforts doused clear, (2)


Imprinted in memory, scary pictures,

Siren later in life perspire limbs tears,

Dead of the night, the metropolis lighted,

Invisible siren blared charred sighted, (3)


Hail indomitable spirits, fireman fight,

The red truck bell ringing gives fright,

Siren, learned in life, people give ways,

Violate traffic light speeding displays, (4)


Honor bystanders and traffic, clear the road,

Siren involves silent prayer gift afford,

Charred homes death wounded bitter,

Siren those moments hopefully usher, (5)


Alas, the noise was not like a thorn, graceful,

Indicates disaster is near, lives hopeful,

Invasion, sudden invasion surprising,

Illuminated sky Diwali night blaring, (6)


Not crackers in the sky, missiles, hellfire,

Blaring sirens in cities, burning scares,

Innocent people, sweet home, depressed,

Kidnaper glider with arm accessed, (7)


Alarm bells louder, inform people, hell,

Death is near, save lives escape detail,

Childhood pictures, relevant, glaring,

Modern life terrorism cruelty sparing, (viii)


No human compassion, tolerance to live,

Wait, belief in killing people, hate thrives,

Every night, the siren is louder, indicating well,

The world is not peaceful, inferno to swell, (9)


Moving to the temple, pay solemnly lit,

Oiled lamp, scented stick, lighted sight,

Pray for dead, wounded men, women,

Pray for killed children times ill omen, (10)


Siren live in my heart clearly distinct,

The world is burning, not villages hint,

Purposeful humans bombard caution,

The class of races, religion, civilization, (11)


Let not the siren only inform plights,

Human wisdom siren message lights,

I dream, the siren informs holocaust,

One world, one family, one future, to dust, (12)


Let the human race learn the consequences,

The siren screams in every life sequence,

What do you want humans to live, borrow,

To live in peace is essential, hope tomorrow, (13)


Siren warns, indicate fire, charred lives,

Fail fireman to douse flames survive,

They are peaceful doves brave to save,

Siren, noisy, loudly lead destiny is grave. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Siren

Themes: Siren, noisy cities are burning

Written: 20th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite