Tuesday, November 7, 2023






Impending disaster frightens lives,

Shakes earth, alluvial land thrives,

Mid of the night, a shrill voice heard,

Pull people out of home, shepherd, (1)


Sleeping children, elderly persons,

Carry on shoulder runs, cautions,

Crumble building is a pack of cards,

Terror wrought on faces, forwards, (2)


The cries were frightening, fire skies lit,

Horrible horror, darkness explicit,

Open ground packed locals shout,

Inked that night earthquake route, (3)


Let men, women, courageous differ,

Silent alert, uncanny sense, secure,

Lifting bodies from under debris,

Rescues children and old people crisis, (4)


Melted into thin air at dawn train,

Carrying goods, clothes, food, insane,

Forgot their family home security,

Service they provided duty beauty, (5)


Nobody knows these spirits saved,

Little claim praises reward craved,

Changes scene, fire alarm ringing,

Thirtieth floor tower, fire ravaging, (6)


Fire and fumes pillowing, ghastly,

Unknown courageous spirit, lastly,

Not onlooker, move up on a ladder,

Behind the building spiral girder, (7)


Face black fumes flames proceed,

Rescuing children, roping indeed,

Sliding on ropes with ladies quick,

A hundred feet down smokes thick, (viii)


Brought down a few children men,

Saved some elderly female insane,

Insane fewer fear their life, dared,

Falling from heights never scared, (9)


No trace quickly operation began,

Provide food, clothing, ration, human,

Humanity is vibrant in its service,

Unknown preferred duties novice, (10)


The brave rock heart fights to rescue,

Deny pride boasted reject queue,

Change scenes to fiery flood fear,

Horizon to horizon water ah tear, (11)


No sign of villages lo submerged,

No sign of life disaster converged,

Unthinkable about cattle people,

Flood furry rural plights mingle, (12)


Sock looks at a few rubber boats,

Limited youth negotiate water floats,

Swim rescue ladies' babies a lot,

Boarding into the boat dares, effort, (13)


Supplying food ration medicines,

Marooned lives receiving inclines,

For them, such spirits treat God,

Voluntary dedicated duty accord, (14)


Flood diminishing state provides,

Help material money life decides,

Such men vanished from the news,

Anonymous obscure youth muse, (15)


Lead the society later, less insane,

Showed leadership, bold an acumen, 

Daring diabolical situation duty,

Duty for land and people, pretty. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Acumen

Themes: Challenging leadership invisible

Written: 7th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, November 6, 2023






Confession felt cowered silent,

The human mind betrays resilient,

The ambit of lure indefinite impede,

Always not possible to proceed, (1)


Impulsive thought flows, tense,

Irked mind's dirty play intense,

Physical attraction infinite irk,

Thirsty heart, seeks, dares risk, (2)


It has happened to me, sadly,

Hundred running claim madly,

What is not achievable for lives?

Fight it our bitter battle lives, (3)


They say openly or disguised,

Plays none attached realized,

Sadly, confess, my loophole lit,

One among a million grab tight, (4)


Cruelty exists hideous in implicit,

As long as looting hides deceit,

Play a gentle, polite, sober life,

Under the belt preserve knife, (5)


Wait, mean me, not murderer,

Knife helps to cut, purse fear,

How many educated learned,

Siphoned a million, cornered, (6)


Clarion public service donate,

Manipulated, stolen, yet resonate,

Modern lives sycophant edge,

Cleanly swindle asset praise, (7)


Why not me? leader, thinker,

Amass unholy assets trickier,

Con, not bracket money, land,

Coteries female friends stand, (viii)


Spend money after them holy,

Support to sinful life solemnly,

Blind support with lies sweet,

Powerful position status meet, (9)


Yet sing for their mentor, pray,

Get commands, wink, hell prey,

Night club parlor red-light sad,

Night time prowl, jackals mad, (10)


Dawn break, white dress, smile,

They have children, wife, style,

Respected personality, decent,

Society hails media quiescent, (11)


Money flows change hands lit,

Affluence suave exchange feat,

Ah, lead my life one of them fit,

Showed grit for a million explicit, (12)


Courage dear to loot, daylight,

Law bends suit moral upright,

I shouted clarion equality hail,

Equal distribution booty quell, (13)


Age cruel vulture steals spine,

Bending not for risks, I resign,

Probity for a fox unholy undue,

Recluse, opted, stay alone, queue, (14)


Not me, not them, generation hit,

Probity, upper-class status emit.

To the root rotten greenery link,

Sabotage honesty fruitful sink. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Probity

Themes: Corruption is paradoxically benign

Written: 6th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite








Lingering pains haunt, yet remind,

Lasting peace missed to rescind,

Love lifelong undiluted, rescued,

Lonely lives, reminisce, saw hued, (1)


Lacunas removed pour intimate,

Locust, poverty, sickness negate,

Luminescence compassion care,

Longing human heart, gold pair, (2)


Less shrinks distributed money,

Landmark tattered life uncanny,

Link prosperity, generosity, soft,

Lost happiness, realized to aloft, (3)


Learned dying souls, revived lot,

Leverages only mean live effort,

Lack satisfaction, seek answers,

Left relationship kin disappears, (4)


Level relationship give and take,

Lion's shares inheritance break,

List donations contribution pay,

Listen to pious heart, mock say, (5)


Legal rights they fight, aggressive,

Lost family, children, soul believe,

Lies in guise wished only riches,

Lotion raw wound pray teaches, (6)


Liberty links the dawn prospers,

Liaison with tears, heal answers,

Liberated trodden life squander,

Lives ascetic life hermit wonder, (7)


Luck figment of fiction decision,

Lock and key, relations emotion,

Longer passion, physical torture,

Liberates emancipation procure, (viii)


Liaison with hermitage evenings,

Liaison, with twilight years, sings,

Languished once sought divinity,

Lion's heart helped, other activity, (9)


Lost popularity, loved ones single,

Living a monastic life sage mingle,

Lingering pain untie attachment

Lasting peace is detached decent, (10)


Leverage a thirsty mind, search life,

Longer tranquility separates strife,

Languished lacked purity hired,

Loving silence seclusion shared, (11)


Links twilight years, quiet, orange,

Link setting sun, realize strange,

Lasted for a day human life, rot,

Languished yet liberated escort, (12)


Lasting peace soul escapes sure,

Lo freedom alien land immature,

Lovely dream white pigeon wings,

Lost paradise proceed soul sings, (13)


Licked pain liked liberty, escape,

Languished lifelong wings shape,

Spread wings aural evening time,

Homecoming is nesting sublime. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Languished

Themes: Attachment painful soul escapes

Written: 6th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, November 5, 2023





Immaculate state introspect life,

Face problem solve butter knife,

Balanced and quiet, perfect hail,

Problems arrive and go, less fail, (1)


Failure provides a solution, stored,

Forgotten entirely human bored,

Lament longer less rectify faults,

Wise analyze, dare, think, halts, (2)


Quick and sudden decision fear,

Crack or crash planning failure,

Human loves to study, perspective,

Lifelong passion, read positive, (3)


Rational mind culture life build,

Reality realizes factual acts yield,

Alert mind allocates possibilities,

Successful, less happy abilities, (4)


Ingenuity, intuitive, intrusive act,

Trial error failure victory test react,

Calumniate experiment miracle,

Life passed experiments wriggle, (5)


Forget family relations, society fit,

Read study explorative life treat,

Alone, totally alone, evasive deal,

Mission obscure objective steal, (6)


Extracts truth of matter impact,

News aplomb a discovery a fact,

Far from limelight less credit it,

Simple, unambiguous life a feat, (7)


Forgetful of food, lunch, dinner,

Forgets timely sleep, write sure,

Voluntary confinement, a room,

A table, collected books, groom, (viii)


Windows closed, window hints,

Mind's eye, inner window tints,

Forgot season arrived, departed,

Immaterial to life, light-hearted, (9)


Never seen blossom fruit sweet,

Under the shed of a tree, intuit,

Immerse in thoughts, physical,

Creation phenomenon natural, (10)


Correlates equate determinates,

Traffic in the street dissipates,

Unable to disturb mind look at,

Silent, deaf, and dumb impact, (11)


Lost in thought, unknown facts,

Unknown territory, the idea starts,

Formulate, deduct, experiments,

It is evening and dark laments, (12)


Tea is cold on the table then forget,

Lost the thread of ideas, regrets,

Limited dress in the cupboard pen,

Forget which pocket act insane, (13)


Madly searching, the maid provides,

Not disturbed, start writing divides,

Page after page written he slept,

Senile to worldly dream he wept, (14)


Failed to find a solution, morning,

Forgotten his tear, solution ring,

Golden lives, dedicated, creative,

Senile to human needs, negative. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Senile

Themes: Visible forgetful thinkers, scientists 

Written: 5th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite