Sunday, November 5, 2023





Immaculate state introspect life,

Face problem solve butter knife,

Balanced and quiet, perfect hail,

Problems arrive and go, less fail, (1)


Failure provides a solution, stored,

Forgotten entirely human bored,

Lament longer less rectify faults,

Wise analyze, dare, think, halts, (2)


Quick and sudden decision fear,

Crack or crash planning failure,

Human loves to study, perspective,

Lifelong passion, read positive, (3)


Rational mind culture life build,

Reality realizes factual acts yield,

Alert mind allocates possibilities,

Successful, less happy abilities, (4)


Ingenuity, intuitive, intrusive act,

Trial error failure victory test react,

Calumniate experiment miracle,

Life passed experiments wriggle, (5)


Forget family relations, society fit,

Read study explorative life treat,

Alone, totally alone, evasive deal,

Mission obscure objective steal, (6)


Extracts truth of matter impact,

News aplomb a discovery a fact,

Far from limelight less credit it,

Simple, unambiguous life a feat, (7)


Forgetful of food, lunch, dinner,

Forgets timely sleep, write sure,

Voluntary confinement, a room,

A table, collected books, groom, (viii)


Windows closed, window hints,

Mind's eye, inner window tints,

Forgot season arrived, departed,

Immaterial to life, light-hearted, (9)


Never seen blossom fruit sweet,

Under the shed of a tree, intuit,

Immerse in thoughts, physical,

Creation phenomenon natural, (10)


Correlates equate determinates,

Traffic in the street dissipates,

Unable to disturb mind look at,

Silent, deaf, and dumb impact, (11)


Lost in thought, unknown facts,

Unknown territory, the idea starts,

Formulate, deduct, experiments,

It is evening and dark laments, (12)


Tea is cold on the table then forget,

Lost the thread of ideas, regrets,

Limited dress in the cupboard pen,

Forget which pocket act insane, (13)


Madly searching, the maid provides,

Not disturbed, start writing divides,

Page after page written he slept,

Senile to worldly dream he wept, (14)


Failed to find a solution, morning,

Forgotten his tear, solution ring,

Golden lives, dedicated, creative,

Senile to human needs, negative. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Senile

Themes: Visible forgetful thinkers, scientists 

Written: 5th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite







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