Thursday, December 7, 2023





Books were famous, published,

Environment detailed, released,

Forecast disaster terrain ruin,

Action few and far, in between,(1)


Verbal oratory argumentative,

Fathomless deceits, derogative,

Exploitation insane confluence,

Forest fertile land fight intense, (2)


Court-room media proceeding,

Futile act forest land receding,

Life as environmentalists fought,

My books were awarded sought, (3)


Clearwater, conservation write,

Tomorrow's situation is not bright,

Scarce a drop of water die a lot,

War for water future seek effort, (4)


Plantation dire necessity period,

Deforestation, catastrophic odd,

Technology science explored all,

Desert turns granaries time call, (5)


Wrote process in detail practice,

Survival of the human race, justice,

Desertification, a death knell, hit,

Forestation, my book describes it, (6)


The fight with villagers tribal fit,

Rivalry to river water act defeat,

Arguments shout frustrations,

A life scarred, true motivations, (7)


Rural lives are illiterate yet decent,

The spine of the land, efficient,

Looted, exploited by industries,

Losing land water purity series, (viii)


Several threats court cases nail,

Village problems blamed assail,

This was a picture, it was my visit,

Wanted to teach villagers to recruit, (9)


Nature building, saving the forest,

Water conservation arid arrest,

Grazing land horticulture income,

Financial growth business comes, (10)


Socked to watch the empty hall wait,

No one attended the meet debate,

I was in tears knew illiteracy play,

Villagers ignored meetings, disobeyed, (11)


Less interested in a mass plantation,

Techniques to suggest cultivation,

It was a disaster, I was shocked,

A few political clouts seen joked, (12)


Going back home nearer my city,

It was evening road found empty,

The school teacher with students,

Planting trees at side movements, (13)


Watering plants sun was sinking,

Touched my heart future linking,

Looked at the schoolmaster and child,

Got tearful at the sight heart wild, (14)


Touched deeply, my professional life,

Looked at the line of trees a belief,

I could well imagine a sequel future,

Children love nature study to secure. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Touched

Themes: Could understand visit being met

Written: 7th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Wednesday, December 6, 2023





Unknown, unaware, there is a place,

Sits there, hours quietly, finds grace,

The bliss, peace, inner happiness lit,

Soul experiences, like place delight, (1)


Like childhood to age place change,

River bank to park temples strange,

Quiet hours pass these time longer,

Fly past in a second, looks stronger, (2)


Dies out contempt, sorrows, look up,

Tomorrow, yet unknown, I brush up,

Preferred seclusion, not outer inner,

My preference, heart love, encounter, (3)


Unconditional love preferential tilt,

Life runs after for goods or rebuilt,

Spend a million, lose a thousand, sock,

Things matter mostly, prefers luck, (4)


Tagged as madness, foolishness, hit,

Betting human heart dream deceit,

To gain the attention of someone, drain,

Speechless why youth madly train, (5)


Aspects material subject abstracts,

Touch if heart, fail answer extracts,

They love, you love, love less admit,

Human efforts capture and deny ambit, (6)


Things attract, person attractive, top,

Words praised lack substance, hope,

Look confused, tried vainly, failed, lit,

Smiled inward at a soft corner neat, (7)


Grandma, her slipper, glass is secret,

Mom, her vanity bag bangles wicket,

Dad, his glass notebook pen silence,

Sister her ticket to cinema hall lens, (viii)


Younger brother, plenty of books, list,

Girlfriend now wife her times, tryst,

A bench at the corner of the park near,

She demanded preferred every hour, (9)


Discussion, summary nothing, smile,

Her perfume gossip rumors in style,

Confess, convey soft corners noticed,

Rich dividend utilized duly received, (10)


Pleased if Dad, Mom, grandma, sister,

Pleases my wife, a girlfriend forever,

Touched the soft corner got praises,

preference heart wishes eyebrows raise, (11)


Not goods money eateries delicacies,

Not dresses place costly accessories,

What touches me, sweet street children,

To celebrate my birthdates smitten, (12)


Distribute sweets to them, make fun,

Soft corner of my heart, orphan won,

Lord lives in each of their hope tears,

Weep their tears, bring smiles clear, (13)


Don't need money, asset friendship,

Occasions visit to temple courtship,

Look at the stone idol, hands folded, bow,

Failed to recollect time begged show, (14)


Prayed for unlucky children I meet,

Begged for the Lord's mercy, fate's defeat,

The soft corner in my heart still probing,

Befriend life, mysterious, if swinging. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Soft Corner

Themes: Life is without reason

Written: 6th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, December 5, 2023





Stumbles at the thought fascinate,

Exhale and inhale breath intimate,

Companion from birth to death lit,

Infinite energy actions live delight, (1)


Sit alone on a wooden bench quiet,

Nearby the park, fresh winds duet,

Trust completely slumber sounds,

Life at work mysterious rebounds, (2)


Failed to know Him when a child,

Liked him when wanted good wild,

Human needs I dreamed of a plethora of,

Society wants people to grab opera, (3)


Seen enough company car houses,

Treasury bank balance or spouse,

Inheritor children, future planned,

Old age hermitage shelter fanned, (4)


Companions, not spouse children,

Twilight years lonely God smitten,

Invisible when child invisible now,

Forgot throughout life visibly bow, (5)


Caught the better half, my companion,

Surrendered the heart, soul union,

Different physically, heart united,

Rhythmical vibration soul sighted, (6)


Lived for each other sacrificed top,

View husband-wife company hope,

We lived the day had children life,

Family lives we faced butter knife, (7)


Bread at one side, lacunas butter,

Companionship till age encounter,

We prosper, built home sweet cry,

Never expected, lo fulfilled life fry, (viii)


Companionship at dawn evening,

Frightened nights loans warning,

Children notice fees, expenses, fry,

Fled spread their wings life decry, (9)


Lonely palatial house room silent,

Company me, my, misses patient,

Searched her flesh and bone time,

Her womb, children came lifetime, (10)


The link of blood vibrated sad me,

Company mom children supreme,

The link invisible pulsate globally,

Motherly tie company abnormally, (11)


Surmise human life accompanies,

From breath to family, friends, allies,

Human birth, sojourn of the soul,

Companionship prerequisite goal, (12)


Teenage, youth, adulthood, aged,

Failed He persuades me, engaged,

Watches instantly, all my thought,

At every wrong deed I am caught, (13)


The repentance, warnings within,

Company Almighty love supreme,

Provide courage ideas indefinite,

 His gameplay to succeed excites, (14)


The season arrived, floral vanishing,

Lost our picture lonely cursing,

In a gentle whisper, my breath sings,

The companion was the Lord swing. ( !5)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Companion

Themes: The Lord as the companion

Written: 5th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Monday, December 4, 2023






Searched throughout, serenity nature,

Searched, expansive the verdure,

Sock dreary desert cactus bloom,

Souvenir remote island yet moon, (1)


Savage lifeless terrain, time mourn,

Lone tree survived centuries of sun,

Satire human life polluted water,

Saboteurs living existence in water, (2)


Behold O human mountain slope,

Behold inhabitants cling to hope,

Extreme, hostile, inhospitable, island,

Life exists survival to a magic wand, (3)


Life exists for human beings, animals,

Life exists for plant birds to enthrall,

Stupefied, stood numb, bewitched,

Whispered wind believes switched, (4)


Sing phenomenon similar century,

The canyon thousand feet lit ivory,

Wind water swept rock sand build,

Replicas of the Lord, infinite shield, (5)


Minute leaf miniature network hail,

For a century, prepare exact details,

Flower, seasons, blossom the same,

Color fragrance size hides his game, (6)


Million grains, paddies, mango list,

Name a fruit flower leaf, size enlist,

How sweet replicas revelation hail,

Lifelong I searched defined prevail,(7)


In my blood cell, tiny tissue similar,

Grow matchless equals spectacular,

Lord creates replicas of stars, planets,

Universe lid His creation blankets,( viii)


One, millions, trillion infinite copies,

Everywhere the Lord exhibits precise,

Railway stations, bus stops, airports,

Why humans look like equal sports, (9)


Try their level best to differ, appear,

The color cloth hairstyle disappears,

Modernity to defy commonality fit,

Credence to culture custom culprit, (10)


Difference division creativity guises,

Fractured human race sad localizes,

Fratricidal war contrasts nature if sad,

Mesmerizing beauty replicas reward, (11)


The still air and tranquility, water reflect,

Replicate divine glory we complicate,

We doubt, suspicious, confused a lot,

Catastrophe in front replicas escort, (12)


Human, look at an ant hill, sanctuary lit,

Watch the granary forest in the spring light,

Delight, enchant, replica duly reflect,

The wind wears, water wears direct, (13)


The mountain wears river carries lit,

The sky, earth, ocean, melodious quit,

Quit before you instantly raise doubt,

Replicas indefinite hue divine scout, (14)


Percept perceive permit heart ambit,

Surrender sequel sequences gambit,

Everywhere I found Lord his images,

Replica, countless, picture envisages. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Replicas

Themes: Subtly images of the Lord the same

Written: 4th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite