Showing posts with label REPLICAS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REPLICAS. Show all posts

Monday, December 4, 2023






Searched throughout, serenity nature,

Searched, expansive the verdure,

Sock dreary desert cactus bloom,

Souvenir remote island yet moon, (1)


Savage lifeless terrain, time mourn,

Lone tree survived centuries of sun,

Satire human life polluted water,

Saboteurs living existence in water, (2)


Behold O human mountain slope,

Behold inhabitants cling to hope,

Extreme, hostile, inhospitable, island,

Life exists survival to a magic wand, (3)


Life exists for human beings, animals,

Life exists for plant birds to enthrall,

Stupefied, stood numb, bewitched,

Whispered wind believes switched, (4)


Sing phenomenon similar century,

The canyon thousand feet lit ivory,

Wind water swept rock sand build,

Replicas of the Lord, infinite shield, (5)


Minute leaf miniature network hail,

For a century, prepare exact details,

Flower, seasons, blossom the same,

Color fragrance size hides his game, (6)


Million grains, paddies, mango list,

Name a fruit flower leaf, size enlist,

How sweet replicas revelation hail,

Lifelong I searched defined prevail,(7)


In my blood cell, tiny tissue similar,

Grow matchless equals spectacular,

Lord creates replicas of stars, planets,

Universe lid His creation blankets,( viii)


One, millions, trillion infinite copies,

Everywhere the Lord exhibits precise,

Railway stations, bus stops, airports,

Why humans look like equal sports, (9)


Try their level best to differ, appear,

The color cloth hairstyle disappears,

Modernity to defy commonality fit,

Credence to culture custom culprit, (10)


Difference division creativity guises,

Fractured human race sad localizes,

Fratricidal war contrasts nature if sad,

Mesmerizing beauty replicas reward, (11)


The still air and tranquility, water reflect,

Replicate divine glory we complicate,

We doubt, suspicious, confused a lot,

Catastrophe in front replicas escort, (12)


Human, look at an ant hill, sanctuary lit,

Watch the granary forest in the spring light,

Delight, enchant, replica duly reflect,

The wind wears, water wears direct, (13)


The mountain wears river carries lit,

The sky, earth, ocean, melodious quit,

Quit before you instantly raise doubt,

Replicas indefinite hue divine scout, (14)


Percept perceive permit heart ambit,

Surrender sequel sequences gambit,

Everywhere I found Lord his images,

Replica, countless, picture envisages. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Replicas

Themes: Subtly images of the Lord the same

Written: 4th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite