Friday, February 16, 2024





Overwhelmed, outspoken spirit,

Silent forever sadness discreet,

Shield, in a chamber of heart stay,

Looked every dawn change pray, (1)


Nothing happened, I got convinced,

Event of life pass relinquished,

Wait morning, afternoon, dusk,

Love if pinnacle in mind musk, (2)


Tested relished fragrant sweet,

Hand in hand, her blossom lit,

The warmth unparallel renews,

Every union time leisure muse, (3)


Thought permanent life heaven,

Her voice melodious call shaken,

The first sight eye met eye electric,

unforgettable moment life ecstatic, (4)


I love chosen instantly remember,

Distant life job forced, consider,

Wrote a letter every week sincere,

Unfailingly expressed life adore, (5)


Inks imprinted our union many,

Writing didn't know why uncanny,

Mischievous lives may separate us,

Her replies diminishing curious, (6)


Wait for her reply, I continued,

For years, wrote to her, reviewed,

Packed my baggage to meet her,

Wanted marriage confirm, clear, (7)


Bought a ticket for the train, distant,

Found her last letter impact,

It was in a book unopened in a sock,

She was so sad her fate gone amok, (viii)


Her dad expired, mom left the village,

She was with her uncle, lost my message,

Lost letter bundles she read wept,

Sold village home her uncle kept, (9)


Her last letter was three years old,

But she stops writing to me, cold,

Traveled to her uncle's home,

Met her whispered letter troublesome, (10)


Lost the letter in her village with me,

Fate united both of us, pray supreme,

who makes or breaks at His will,

Finished our marriage life reveal, (11)


Her eye, at first sight, captured me,

We loved each other appeared, a dream,

The lost letter that devastated our lives,

The Lord, benevolent help, thrives. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

 Title of Poem: Lost Letter

Themes: Almost devastated lives saved

Written: 15th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Wednesday, February 14, 2024





Eon fascinates the world wonder,

Mysterious existence to surrender,

Visible many a thing rest invisible,

Uncanny human senses incredible, (1)


Senses phenomenon unexplained,

Passionately searched ventilated,

Who is in me who guides perfectly,

Listen to whisper creep recurrently, (2)


Resurrect at odd hours saves stay,

Breakdown at misfortune dismay,

Erases painful memories, forgetful,

Invigorate emancipation tearful, (3)


The feathery touch subtle console,

Goad me to wait for the dawn role,

Matured exasperate thought source,

From where I came failed remorse, (4)


Came to mother's womb harbored,

Her flesh fluid mercy life enamored,

She was not me, her flesh neither,

The sojourn objective is unclear, (5)


Knows some day to quit certainly,

Dream building empire stubbornly,

Look at the tree flowers red blossom,

No fruit or fragrance at rock bottom, (6)


Sweet fruits, smelly flowers, cut down,

Few trees left out colorful crowns,

Why thorn grows near rose mule,

Lotus hundred petals from mud rule, (7)


Lotus leaf dispel water born from it,

The river moves serpentine in discreet,

Run a thousand miles, merge with the sea,

Seasons circulate in time due justice, (viii)


Wind water forest climate in motion,

Fail to prove movement revolution,

The human mind is outward distracted,

The world is a home, interacted, (9)


Offer countless pleasure allure,

A veil blanket think alas cover,

Humans allayed with luxury gold,

Mere mineral attractive lives sold, (10)


Got parents no more broken down,

Still aspire to live twilight brown,

Romantic at night, full moonlit,

Searching young life sad delight, (11)


Life is the river certainly meet,

Recount, jasmine fragrant greet,

Like feathery touch wind chilled,

No answer, spine-shivering willed, (12)


Wish to stand erect sunburn travel,

No answer, pray may the Lord unravel,

The world is not my home I know well,

Disintegrate questions love to dwell. (13)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: No Answer

Themes: Mysteries exist

Written: 13th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Monday, February 12, 2024



Scrutinize verdure inviting fresh,

Search churning heart refresh,

Rebellious today caustic, rewind,

Years passed mellowed unkind, (1)


Drunken mind aspired minaret,

Glass tower office project target,

Gain popularity, mint gold fame,

Mind ties a hundred dragonflies, (2)


A thousand butterflies fluttered,

Heart found tireless effort flattered,

Human life is intelligent, unwise,

Hideous greed harbored prize, (3)


Outcry on desolate valley lonely,

Suffered wounded soul homely,

Found today solace freedom rare,

The body is bare shed arrogance care, (4)


Unconcerned, immaculate living,

Rests on velvety grass breathing,

Forgotten career city life humdrum,

Passion cut off flying kite fulcrum, (5)


Discovered human life, peace, love,

Beautiful bungalow gadgets dove,

Pierced the dove with arrow lust,

Sobbing my life overjoyed on dust, (6)


Realized someday, the body merges,

Mingle with air, water, soil surges,

The day was mesmerizing, jovial,

Sun was shining bright, magical, (7)


Watch numerous birds hover, circle,

Liberated my soul no pain miracle,

Feeling drowsy, sleepy overtakes,

Smile my life awakened overtakes, (viii)


No question of repentance bliss,

Wife, tearful near me, hug and kiss,

Got her husband, her loneliness end,

My daughter, a teen laugh descend, (9)


Papa, you have come home, sure,

It was a moment intense and pure,

Years roll by, happy home sequel,

The family got me, prize me to propel, (10)


Modest living human life love top,

Care sharing time relationship crop,

Dragonflies died, butterflies no more,

The mind discovered reality heart enamor, (11)


An intense feeling and calmness crop.

Not me, not you, not many to develop,

Intense scrutiny objective of a lifetime,

Imaginative, wise decision determine. (12) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Intense

Themes: Strong decision changes life

Written: 12th February 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Wednesday, February 7, 2024





Disbelieve limbs paralyzed, numb,

She loses sense on a bed, her thumb,

Tearful eyes figure faint loosing,

Creeping darkness envelops the wing, (1)


Another world, relate paradigm fact,

Loneliness, luminance soul react,

How can this happen when usher,

Separated from light frights fewer, (2)


No more pain, sickness, worry, exist,

Floating aimless wind fails to resist,

Searching for beautiful females, bright,

Searching curve seduction delight, (3)


Thousand nights, love unfinished,

Myriad of damsel unrobed wished,

Jaw-dropped stare at beauty link,

Romantic heart acute desire stink, (4)


Confess the spirit grew curious lit,

Female attraction venomous right,

Sad, burned every fiber, tissue, bone,

Males fail to admit addiction, undone, (5)


Tentacle captures baby youth age,

Shameless attempt media savage,

Hooks million every hour internet,

Polluters of society children detect, (6)


Today, the ghost of my past stories,

Following snakes, my lust worries,

Fangs acutely poisonous bite sad,

Extreme pain desire no body mad, (7)


The following serpent in darkness me,

Praying the Lord, forgive supreme,

Lost the life given to me, precious,

Clipped mind wings life amorous, (viii)


Cry hoarse at the peak of the mountain,

Cry bitterly attract sight fountain,

Cry before butterfly ignores cruel,

Cry before flowers thorny a sequel, (9)


Outcry can never reach you subtle,

Imprisoned inside the afterlife castle,

Evil visit you thousand faces test,

Capture your heart tentacles rest, (10)


Burned your mind, body, tempt, fry,

Watch night-to-night dream outcry.

Burns my whole existence venom,

No opportunity lost this life worm, (11)


Outcry ghostly yet benevolent try,

May you realize when alive defy.  

Sacrilege home mother sister live,

Sacrilege wife children safe thrive, (12)


Another house your toys pleasure,

The mindless beast lives seek leisure,

The country where millions of females,

Shameless searching eyes inhale, (13)


An equal number of serpents prowl,

Bite attack publicity money crawl,

National outcry let morality win,

Ghost today cries, shed tears sin. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Outcry

Themes: Angry outburst against illicit mind 

Written: 7th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Monday, February 5, 2024






Broken the chain of slavery past,

Changing decades smile forecast,

Skeletal human frame, shrunken,

Blooming paradise love drunken, (1)


Forgotten invaders colonies exist,

Scar of the past history yet resist,

Craze, era education magic wand,

Nothing impossible human hand, (2)


Octogenarians saw a few wars sad,

Partitioned homeland times mad,

Aggression invader lurking lurch,

Fifth columnist, plotting to torch, (3)


Canvas, glorious future prospers,

Youth skilled, educated, hilarious,

Fewer beliefs change the landscape,

New era golden era horror escape, (4)


Unforeseen security progress stay,

Female backbone of country way,

Entering into every stratum of lives,

Mantle, the leadership, says, strives, (5)


Life of mine bridging past and present,

Liberated country poverty nascent,

Seen hunger, diseases, death scars,

Disappearing gradual past is war, (6)


Mightier my country industrious,

Transform technology miraculously,

Why I fear unknown horror exists,

Class and creed faith amity resist, (7)


Lost lives, visible, the fight continues,

Selfish venomous snake, let refuse,

Family race group region surface,

Fratricidal force invisible in trace, (viii)


Defeats liberty, freedom, rules veil,

Sad at twilight years, worry unveil,

Unity, price of freedom, precious,

Sacrifice critically essential pious, (9)


Led their lives youth save frontier,

Loot corrupt harbinger volunteer,

The shout, chant, roar, noisy vexes,

Look at them tearful life annexes, (10)


Nameless, faceless, imprisoned hit,

Lost career, future, family retreat,

Sit at Lonely Park discolored time,

Leafless trees scenarios life define, (11)


How matchless resemblance stays,

Sat for an hour, thank youths I pray,

True harbingers protect the country,

Spare lives selflessly guard entry. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Harbinger 

Themes: Social volunteers protect

Written: 5th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite