Sunday, March 3, 2024





The mesmerizing effect of evening sights,

Amber the glow, crimson delight,

Unbelievable sunrise-sunset vibe,

From childhood, happiness thrives, (1)


The place is a habitat, a bird's colony,

Morning visit yet noise symphony,

Aquatic life rich famous the shore,

Villages depict paradise life allure, (2)


Never could forget the place boon,

Grew up there, boating in the lagoon,

Nature, her bridal dress, marshy,

Worth watching bird nest ecstasy, (3)


Remembered writing in my diary,

Life offered opportunity and ivory,

I Flew overseas, studied, settled too,

Modern life megapolis agree it woo, (4)


From rustic life to city life change,

Happy with my family home to amaze,

Years rolled forgot childhood a lot,

Career status travel project effort, (5)


Then came a call from the parent shook,

Dad is sick, Mom alone wrote broke,

I, my family moved to the village, I found,

Misses the lagoon nowhere around, (6)


A sprawling megapolis stands there,

Looking at the village vanish nowhere,

Metal roads, boulevards, buildings,

Shopping mall hospital shielding, (7)


Gone were the marshy lands sad,

Birds no more visible, seldom mad,

Generation change time in phase,

Growing population life find ways, (viii)


Depleted nature vanishing beauty,

Humans build concrete roads duty,

People keep a small lake, garden,

The park is managed and stays warden, (9)


Hundreds of small children play,

The lagoon no more another way,

Sit alone in the park, write a time,

The changes a generation sublime, (10)


Obituary, I wrote on migratory birds,

The tasty prawn crab fish reward,

Symphony is played in nightclubs,

Youth mad car, bikes, heartthrob. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of poem: The Lagoon

Themes: Change with modern lives

Written: 3rd March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Saturday, March 2, 2024





Grew up, the city beautiful excite,

Finished school, job here till night,

Sweet home family alluring exists,

Temptations virulent heart resists, (1)


A street, every house known to me,

Many of them grew up study time,

Friendship adhesive, bond stronger,

School college market, known sheer, (2)


A world within the world life happy,

City glaring lights crowd joy creepy,

Heard people earn big money, are wiser,

Affluence opulent lifestyle superior, (3)


Luxury comfort dimension change,

Working there makes money life craze,

Fought with attached mind decide,

Surrendered at last lustily preside, (4)


Left family here, join a job, lucrative, 

Rising income aspiration objective,

Unfortunately, migration is disastrous,

Not the owner or neighbor curious, (5)


Unknown in the restaurant market, 

Crowd mingling daily push basket,

The anger rebuttal run away soon,

Strangers everywhere earned boon, (6)


No work, no food, sickness, life seen, 

Money is needed to help life win,

Megapolis mega expenditure must,

Gradual life felt weaker need to adjust, (7)


Stood at the railways, looked at people,

None look at him running in a hustle,

Same at a mall, on a bus or park, alone,

A few years realized unknown blown, (viii)


Why? Why, he questioned himself?

Stay as a migrant unknown curse,

He returned that day sick and wise,

Gathered friends and family now prize, (9)


Help him recover, wishing profusely,

Tearful realized a man assiduously,

Look at the pyre, people stood,

The air was heavy memories brood, (10)


Tears, silent prayers, spirit departs,

Unknown land lone pyre impacts,

Far better his soil people he knew,

Changed his life migrant review. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Unknown

Themes: Fortunate to be amongst your own

Written: 2nd March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, March 1, 2024





Grew up educated and believed,

Professional life status survived,

Skyscrapers kiss the sky, symbolize,

Where human aspiration is realized, (1)


Work starts at day to late night,

Travel far-flung, purpose a flight,

Conference meeting people thrill,

Famous hotel's monotonous drill, (2)


Mosaic marble floors chandelier,

Bedroom foam mattress superior,

Bewilder bathroom switches stay,

The comfort restaurants dismay, (3)


Variety of food leisure life passes,

A bundle of currency earns splashes,

Fewer believed education provides,

Lifestyle work prestige a high ride, (4)


It has been years forgot home, sad,

In front star hotels, demeanor mad,

Unknown guise smiles and says a few,

Visiting card bank cards to review, (5)


The tall building glass tower, I fear,

Aloof, strange life, polite behavior,

Why do I get scared wish home soon,

Remorse the look of children, moon, (6)


Papa, have you come stay a week,

I replied to children, holiday seek,

Want to return to our village eager,

Informed my parents past assure, (7)


Changed life so soon abode nature,

I grew up here with beautiful, verdure, 

Rustic hallow rural scenes change,

Thatched roof parents life amaze, (viii)


Sleep on the lap of my mother resting, 

Children laughing at me and enjoying,

Rice water leaves vegetables chilly,

Onion tamarind mango eats silly,(9)


Forget hotel food childhood taste, 

Lunch over card games, then rest,

Children asked, papa, now your life,

I answered my grass root, not strife. (10)


The life far from high society class,

Far from metal road towers glass,

Far from tension, worries, visions,

Grassroots survived eons, reasons. (11) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Grassroots

Themes: Village life than city life

Written: 1st March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite 




Thursday, February 29, 2024






Humans today miss their goal,

The mind has kidnapped the soul,

From childhood to age, dusk,

Searching scent wears musk, (1)


Hidden blind lifelong surprise,

Education failed to teach wise,

Run, running civilization fast,

Sadly, concrete buildings, vast, (2)


Concentrated a million, dream,

Believed for job suffers stream,

Persist at slum flies denial yell,

Human has a dignity, cries hell, (3)


Bloodshed, anger, violence exist,

A dungeon megapolis to resist,

Vulgar show of city mall stays,

Variety of goods food dismays, (4)


Urban life needs everything,

Life is a deception eliminating,

Gasping a population acquire,

Material, not pleasure require, (5)


Behold highways crisscrosses,

Railways lines, hundred kisses

Ferry, bus, tram, flight link lives,

The maze human yet believes, (6)


To and fro running life ends,

Dream another life fame trends,

Mysterious, the maze persists,

Books teach us to get rich exists, (7)


Maze never leads to peace, a goal,

The soul gets liberated by birth call,

Look at your veins, nerve maze,

A living being a purpose does amaze, (viii)


The countless paths, routes to live,

End of the day, human to achieve,

The numerous connectivity maze,

The modern city is a mirage do craze, (9)


Nature provides a route to discover,

A maze exists here, ultimate merger,

The soul finds nature, material evil,

Education fails, gold kills life on anvil, (10)


Stumbled at this thought realizes,

Human life suffering joy precise,

Human emotions, a maze confuses,

Twilight years living home recluse. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Maze

Themes: Mind creates a maze

Written: 29th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Monday, February 26, 2024






Speechless, awestruck felt, tribal lives,

Enigma withstood times survives,

Look at civilization aghast perish,

Tribal lives humans alive cherish, (1)


Denounced illusive mind, bookish,

Deceived education world, foolish,

How many wars, incursions, invades,

Boasting powerful, to dust tirades, (2)


Eloquent monstrous castle palace,

Hunted ghost place book disgrace,

Skill, education, human learning, growth,

Cities, malls, highways, mad shows, (3)


There live mafia, corrupted, horrific,

That shines through glass mercuric,

Fluid urban life educated perceive,

Underneath cruel, angry, aggressive, (4)


Happens here riots, arson, violence,

Families fight over property intense,

As many people, that many problems,

Forget these humans amity solemn, (5)


Seen everything yet visiting nature,

Tribal life astonished tranquil lure,

No fear, arson, fight, killing visible,

Scant dress ordinary yet impossible, (6)


A mud cottage fearless of animals,

Independent on vegetation tribal,

Forest their asset survival cause,

River mountain they access pause, (7)


Hamlets spread throughout safely,

And celebrate festivals dance lovely,

Lack of human knowledge weapon,

Millennia, they exist, unchanged, learn, (viii)


No need for costumes ornament cry,

No requirement for asset gadget try,

No car bungalow dream strike hard,

They live happily free, love reward, (9)


Pray for tree river, the sun or moon,

Marriage child is born feasting loom,

Withers rain storms, dry season exist,

Cry a few sick depart life less resist, (10)


Exalt the night of dance, rhythmic,

Forget these humans, tribal exotic,

Lesson to the era, civilized harmony,

Tribal exists no fight living symphony. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Symphony

Themes: Tribal life, the rhythm

Written: 26th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite