Thursday, October 1, 2020




The beginning;

The saga of rejection a spirit vows rare,

The realm in the ecstasy of dreams joy share,

The paradise on earth myriads of bondage,

The tears smile fun sweet in pain in phase,

Sorrow worries fear do torture mind silence,

Swap life for pleasure peace state luminance,

Childhood youth, adult family life in stages,

Thrills temptations in study career knowledge,

Birds of the same feathers fly in sky hopes sail,

Bondage new generation common rolls on the rail,


The REDEMPTION in prison,

One bird cross, fly over cliff wall for the realm,

Never returns to greens surrender to the unknown,

The intense urge in mind a detached heart,

Love solitude silence nature with self-effort,

Rejection to childhood, parents’ attachment,

School life book friends game n fun lament,

The sweet home pull extreme cut off, link,

Moves sudden distant destination wink,

The path never traveled every feet sink,

Temptations of human life whisper in love,

O’ soul human life the rarest pious involve,

Duty to parents aging community waits,

Human responsibility lies life procreate,

Family children new hope for the future,

Wife or husband is rarest love suture,

Never take steps to cut off the thread of life,

Emancipation treads on a flower, not on the knife,

Every step does listen, feet on thorn a test,

Sorrow pain illness hunger strike anger infest,

Peace calmness vanquishes at the conjugal nest,

Return home shed dejection won life n breed,

Freedom lies, in essence, serve people a seed,

Entices bondage of life stuff human love,

Ascetic acerbic mind turn mute call dissolve,

Fragile limbs move ahead far from humanity,

Climb stiff curves of the pedestrian path to the cliff,


REDEMPTION enamor free of bondage;

Hunger weakness hunted frame severe in cold,

The inert body lays still thought with wings of fire,

Hover on the cliff in state cliffhanger sunlight gold,

Heart turn detached eyes closed mind in surrender,

Wreck my soul O’ lord I seek you as goal secure,

You can destroy this mortal frame not me,

Liberate from this dungeon spirit deathless I mean,

In footpath days pass in the first test of mind,

Immense energy freshness in life return rekindles,

Slopes bend hairpin higher to altitude in devotion,

A human spirit uncommon climb, distant commotion,

Mind in quest of unknown creator invisible,

Life in silence lonely nature care permissible,


REDEMPTION on the precipice;

Alas, the traveler sleeps in meadows green carpet,

Stars in night turn bed lamp gentle breeze swept,

Moonlight cool caress a divine frame firefly hymn,

Morning rays warm pinch to awaken soul shine,

Cliff fountain cool clear nourishes thirst heart,

Nature covers shelter spirit in elements in the dirt,

Know the detached soul’s mind now a fortress,

Brings damsels new infinite beauty to impress,

Captured in temptation spirit slips on a slope,

Back to amorous people trembles sagging hope,

Not all spirits have the destiny to die in ascension,

Continue to rise high in path with rejection,

Next stage come fear hunted manifold cruel,

Great O’ soul by calm mind prayer luminous swell,

Dispels darkness fear acts on ignorance well,

Light of soul the sole knowledge inner crumble quell,


REDEMPTION concludes cliffhanger;

The time of final hour trials crumpled by will,

Spirit finds path terminates at top of the cliff,

The horizon Lord’s paradise extends infinite,

The soul witness impassion standstill,

Down at one side mundane world of joy in pain,

Another side gentle slope flower beds fountain,

Almighty shines brighter than Sun yet soothes,

The spirit leaves the limbs like bird moves,

The ultimate state of soul death must die,

The illusion of earth to the seer looks in owe,

The cliffhanger climax to realization divine saw.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020



Centuries passed night comes after dusk,

King’s palace to pedestrian mad at musk,

Dance halls in lanes nameless in light,

The nightlong the song dances damsels delight,

Wine is thicker than blood intoxicate all,

Bondage never painful every evening call,

From rag to riches throw money at the dancer,

Music classical enchanting her steps allure,

Year after year humans spend the night in wine,

Days near old age family away thrills decline,

Illness weak frame mind entraps depression,

The melodious the music dances distant erosion,

Alone in house solitude torture temptation,

No one to comfort fragile frame with emotion,

Lifelong never looked in love family kids,

Youth enslave to wine dancer adult yields,

Wife children got social taunts in shame,

An alcoholic never know sweet home wane,

Poverty hunger illness drive the family to the village,

Never saw lone spirit return to love to assuage,

Silent the dark house no more home,

Past family life smiles aromas feast n fun,

Mind dread in fraught to scroll past life,

The scintillating time in night hunt as a knife,

A canvas of a soul of Mughal time uncommon,

Poems in Urdu soaked in human pain drawn,

Conjugal life question dancers ruin in step,

Trample kid’s growth decent wine a spider web,

Society crumbles in moral ethics poem acclaim,

The dancer Music night nostalgic amuse won,

Relives pain worries fear sing malice to none,

Centuries after clubs in modern time owe,

Drug ecstatic dances madness females to bow,

Young minds gender-free lose mind night long,

Smoke drink frames in steps to the rapturous song,

Decades of madness steals life age reckons,

Family life ruined cruel acts in family beacons,

The act of the play of a lonely life in pain n solitude,

Family faraway parents in shame to the attitude,

Broken home parent decay in shelter homes,

Conjugal life cries in tears failed in gruesome,

Still, the dance bar night club repeat n goes on,

Death depression dark future illness hovers on,

The dancer Music night nostalgic amuse won,

Relives pain worries new age malice to none,

Time changes capture youth to the cyber world,

Music to millions of hook videos project emerald,

World over addiction gender-free across ages,

Interact on chatting tweet post amorous pages,

Decency lost life ruined again mobile earplug,

The digital dance halls money-spinning urge,

Glamour on the viral overnight pseudo name,

Society ashamed looks down to kin in tame,

Disastrous human life priceless to study,

Growth of mind rot notorious instincts rowdy,

New age drug to media net cyber night long

Rarest precious human life smoked to the song,

The dancer Music night nostalgic amuse won,

Relives pain worries digital age malice to none,

The saga of human follies ecstasy in epitome,

The Shayari immortal poems feelings beacon,

The new age styles of life digital age owe,

Extrovert mind on rampage decay in toes,

Human life short awake within to vision,

Self destructs at will alert malice to none.


Monday, September 28, 2020



Nature taunts in mirage;


The Cradle of civilization faced hostile nature,

Eons fight out for survival in a curvature,

Fire wind, water land raises fangs angry,

Splendors of civilization erased a history,

In cyclone flood earthquake hits demolition,

In a fire, cities burn disease cleans population,

The giant canvas of human hope bleak fight,

Ever keep looking ahead in life mirage deceit,

Surging waves crash in homes death waits,

Shelters are blown apart high frames to bones,

Tremors sweep cities houses crumble to grave,

The specter of mirage human watch well, n safe,

Till last breath wakeful alert in hope to live,

Mirage is cruel nature unwind joke delusive,


Mind entrapped by mirage;


Eyes ears skin tongue is arms of mind,

Human trusts mind a blind in error find,

Misguide humans to move to precipice,

The spirit walks forward in trust n wish,

Convinces through a sight sound smell,

Sweetness in test one satiate hunger well,

Mirage appears in a picture eye can love,

Mirage whispers cool ear listen in trust,

Mirage projects a soothing touch of dear,

Mirage deceives in sweetness taste venom.

In sheer survival instinct human acts,

Conscience memories experience cracks,

Misled in instant impression nature tricks,

The function of light sound scent matter frisks,

Illusion arise in these function life in track,

Features natural, mind fell in faith an opaque,

Mirage lives in mind in gross error quick,

Intelligence wisdom intuition in fear weak,



Dual delusive realm mirages;

Dreary hot sand dunes spirit cross in thirst,

Cruel mirage deceit mind trust eyes first,

Blue waters tranquil awaits calling sweet,

Quick sank trap life death near sinks feet,

Kasturi deer searches intense sandalwood,

The entire forest permeates in fragrance brood,

Never could find Kastury scent from head,

Deer is deceived mirage traps animal wade,

A lost traveler in thick forest mist in shock,

Runs ahead to ask misses soon entire folk,

The dews in the early dawn as pearl glisten,

The moonlit night tranquil lake turns to the sky,

At the shore lake changes to silvery mystic,

A distant train approach appear slow,

It speeds fast in a moment in front to go,


 The ultimate deception of mirage;


Accept or decline the creator’s reflection wide,

Human mind surrender in trust behind,

The heart searches temple church prayer,

The abode of Lord missing life never share,

A lifelong thirsty heart seeks divine presence,

Ultimate deception, Lord is within heart in grace.



Bijayananda Mishra