Tuesday, December 22, 2020




Hello, the lighthouse stands alone,

High tide, winds gain cyclone,

Ever alert, no rest, act tireless,

Guiding angel beacon in distress,

Surging waves, gale opaque night,

Coastal rocks dark disasters fright,

Precious life saves defeat death peril,

Warns ships on danger guide instill,

Saved lives pay gratitude immense,

The human mind admires, acts selfless,

Childhood mine fascinated at the beach,

Nostalgic lamppost lets beach bewitch, (1)


Encompass the sentinel at times,

In peril, lost directions, safe beams,

Teenage an age grows fast, oh mind,

Like deer in a forest of thought gets wild,

Far for own tribe, look loses own path,

Fearful in occasion contempt in wrath,

Mischief to parent, naughty enjoyed,

Enticing golden beach fun overjoyed,

Evening time family search in worry,

Occasions did repent, angers sorry,

Lacks understand the danger to discipline,

Never feel wiser, sobers conscience,

Lighthouse inner wishes loved to study,

Beachfront lay far, life succeed steady, (2)


Technical college youth fountain time,

Madness means pleasure cursed divine,

Study in day n night long cruel alert,

Picnic, tours, game, function gel most,

Dark apprehension of result fearful,

None to guide right in study tearful,

Dread taunts of a friend, teacher worst,

Rudderless lifeboat inner beacon trust,

Conscience calm mind, silence whisper,

Friend invaluable did obey result safer,

Day of convocation, degree intoxicate,

Lighthouse own wisdom immaculate, (3)


Adulthood insane, service life strange,

Error-prone heart inexcusable stage,

Dream of perks, lifestyle, assets hook,

Family welfare burdens stressful look,

Sick mind tensions illness few to cure,

Pure intuition intellect deflects secure,

Lighthouse soul insipid for lust correct,

Innumerable tricky times moved perfect,

Till ripe age lighthouse incredible soul,

Kept life afloat in steam righteous goal,

Being human knows the ocean of life,

Lighthouse is soul, beacon conscience,

The problem as rock submerge hopes sink,

Inner wisdom beacons escape pink! (4)


A nation to submerge in anarchy face,

Future fade, unruly mind directionless,

Peace aborted, progress sinks asleep,

Freedom of voice, inspiring leadership,

Lighthouse is a leader, free voice beacon,

Nation afloat again, trusts rule reckon. (5)








Monday, December 21, 2020




Inferno erupts in calm, ocean stark,

Depth of fathomless bottom is dark,

Refuses to dissipate burns fearsome,

The picture resembles cursed hell known,

Earth breast tear up molten rock flow,

Devastation agitated lay insipid glow, (1)


Cursed a human heart acrimony hide,

Boiled as hell pit erupts venomous tide,

Fire burns fiery mind conscience blind,

Leads self-destruction life turbulent wind, (2)


Blind anger uncontrolled captured mind,

Enslaves heart cruelest, reason fails, find,

Anger controls the harsh tongue, a snake afire,

Words enact more than the sword, fearful dare,

Venomous fang strike never accept, timid,

Cursed acrimony hurt deadly act as rigid, (3)


Acrimonious state of mind far from reason,

Simmers within in guise torment all season,

Soul boil in anger conscience fail to convince,

Wisdom misses guiding, consequence amiss,

Witness ever a nation acrimony serpent swell,

People fueled in black rage catastrophe dwell,

Peace discipline amity serving people in love,

Disappears quick, anarchy rule, amity dissolve,

Cursed acrimony well-motivated evil dwells,

Curses a time nation burns well, devils swell, (4)


Cursed humanity war never happen in a fight,

Lies mold acrimony caustic nation’s eyesight,

War of words, threat, acrimony ill comments,

Nations are at enmity, deep hatred foments,

Humanity pays cost bleeds innocent torment,

Curse acrimony weapon pretends innocent! (5)


Sweet home sapphire, blue diamond peace,

Family bond blood thicker, care n share bliss,

Mutual love accommodates rifts delicate,

United mind n heart prevent irks complicate,

Acrimony captures member, cursed ill fate,

Fractured diamonds to dust tongues irritate, (6)


Acrimony willful arrogant anger dowses quick,

Reject isolation of mind, evil lust hidden tragic,

Lust corrodes slowly; life loses thrust n energy,

Acrimony accumulate means devastate synergy,

Wise a person reject path as host for acrimony,

Family, home, friend, people smile in a symphony, (7)



Realizes a nation, peoples in between for peace,

Peace brings progress, future happiness bliss,

Wiser a nation with people shed acrimony total,

Amity in among nations acrimony turns mortal,

Acrimony is the stormy sea, lifeboat fears rock,

Conscience open mind lighthouse secures amok. (8)

Sunday, December 20, 2020




Neither emphasizes polar aura nice,

Spectral color sprayed blue skies,

Below horizon expanse white sheet,

Freezing ice desolations aura sweet (1)

Nor project aura of divine concept,

Enlighten with aura picture perfect,

Nor artificial glow of human frame,

Glows silhouette aural look blame, (2)

Aura is subtle mystic light defuse,

Every human being carries profuse,

Aural presence affect the environment,

Sunken spirit sad dampen, decent,

Sadness pervades silent, affect all,

Gathering gets sullen laughter fall, (3)

Peaceful a sweet home quiet mind,

Kids make fun, giggle, heart kind,

Incredible family life bondage, love,

Pain, troubles, tears quick dissolve, (4)

Anger enters the mind, shouts louder,

Smiles fade soon, hunts tense fear,

Aura near angry mind is darkness,

Spread conspicuous pierce sadness,

Sweet home fizzle fetch hopeless look,

Aural spread cruel, devastate n hook,(5)

Visit a dancing parlor mind to music,

Soothing rhythms songs step ecstatic,

Heart sinks in the splendor of consonance,

Aura of the enchanting night all elegance,

Departed dearest stop torture to heart,

Smiles missing tear dries, life in thirst, (6)

 Passer bye quiet night in the lonely road,

Listen to enchanting music aura broad,

Freeze motion of traveler influence cool,

Melancholic leave tragic, love songs rule,(7)

Visit a Church, Masjid, temple for prayer,

Mass prayers colossal infringe love to layer,

Tears in bottom-most heart, joyous mind,

Wishes, pleading acute, friend, loner find,

Human emotions myriads infinite mingle,

Aura of prayer, voices, whispers cripple!

Melts quick emotions intense to calmness,

Tranquil mind self aura in group impress,(8)

Journey to nature ever overwhelm peace,

Silence a valley, starry skies, moon amiss,

A gentle cool breeze blows, blossoms fragrant,

Summer night nightingale calls aura vibrant,

Heavenly feelings pierce heart rapturous,

Aural enigma drifts unreal world curvaceous,(9)

Ever entice a time with joyful kids play,

Bright sunshine in meadows, lilies sway,

Swarm around your chest chat endless,

Aura of children transforms, enchantress,

Angles hurt pain worries fade for a moment,

Childish goes heart sings, aura mix covalent,(10)

The last hop let us visit friend jewelry shop,

Gold ornaments dazzle aura envelope,

Visit a showroom for cars most modern,

Gadgets sparkle entices aura stubborn,

Have a relaxed time in a glittering cottage,

Cushions soft, service, travel privilege, (11)

Mind intoxicated in affluence aura thick,

Visit cremation ground quiet intrinsic,

A feeling of detachment, time a swindler,

Amorous mind, exotic heart, aura sober…

Aura is a state of mind, truth realized rest,

Human silhouette envelops luminous best. ( 12)






Saturday, December 19, 2020




Dark a night front is opaque,

Abruptly halt forward compact,

Something happens within the shock,

Feet in motion stop as inert rock,

A gut feeling, the hair rises in fear,

Instinct warns mind alert clear,

A pit before, cliff at the edge, threat,

Alert a mind, totally blind create,

Create focused survival instinct,

Backward safely covered distinct,

Life encounters threat to life rare,

Alert mind invents escape fare,


War is a test of valor threats most,

Moment poses do or die worst,

Alert mind provisions guise quick,

Escapes dangers in time explosive,

Alertness is the gift of destiny saves,

Sharpness lacks, kills blast waves,

Alert mind courageous hearts pour,

Forces defeat attacking front core,

The alert mind of a leader turns quick,

Surprise invent, own enemy, a risk,

Win or defeat in merciless is a fight,

Alert invents surprise brave is sight,


Common people alert in public life,

Arsons, violence in the street fast strike,

Innocent bleeds lack an alert state,

Alert mind, life-saving tact intimate,

Alert female saves well stalker follows,

Alert lacking insane killer face gallows,

Alert housewife, guess correctly market,

Alert family man saves income intricate,

Alert adult conscious of future preplan,

Mind invents secure n safe, wise is man,

Alert seniors plan fitness of life, insure,

Alert is a keyword, solves puzzle mature,


Narrate life experiences alert is inborn,

Wise or taught, practice intense burn,

Who aspires there is a way, alert invent,

Prosper in life, successful effort decent,

Alert in, game, alert to answer opponent,

Learned, cheat, magician alert efficient,

Alert ruler, army, police defend well,

Alert a thief, mastermind, looter swell,

Alert crime, spies, intelligence serves,

Detective alert in hot pursuit deserves,

Concludes alert is boon to a noble mind,

The boon to a goon devastates mankind! 


Excited alert kids win puzzle, crosswords,

Win games, result pink, adored forward,

Alert mind electric bulb, floodlight instant,

Daylight, opaque dark, hide, run, hesitant,

Kid shows the way to ignorant key well unlocks,

Parent, teacher public crazes alert kid rocks,


 Alert is animal feature survival kit well,

Snake, mouse, tiger, deer, cat, dog smell,

Alert bird, plant, insect, animal, is a gift,

Gifted saves a life, haunts well, turns swift!









Friday, December 18, 2020




Ever tranquil mind bewitch,

Transcendental peace switch,

Erases forthwith pain n tear,

Erases turbulent past n fear,


A heart once sank, bottomless,

The demise of dearest speechless,

Mind got wild cruel madness,

Disease incurables, life misses,

Death forces future, hollowness,

Unstable a state seek balances,


Flees tortured youth to greens,

Extends horizon rows of hills,

No city noise, busy life creeps,

No bright glare of light blips,

No dust, smoke, haze screens,

Incredible nature quiet scenes,

Solitude, fresh breeze all thrills,

Silent valley sun-kissed smiles,


Shelter of a tortured heart sank,

Melody in the consonance riverbank,

Desolation of forest, consolation,

Memories of sadness in erosion,

Tears no trace dry wind kiss cool,

Tranquil mind bewitched watchful,


Heart soothed in the beauty of nature,

Gentle clouds sails, nice placid river,

Boatman moves mid-river kids young,

Consonances melodious lure folksong,

Unaware crying self was smiling angel,

Overwhelmed, ecstatic heart sang gel,


Nature at evening amused girl smart,

Her dancing happy, consonance an art,

Melody was green fields, none to share,

Melody was bright peaks, hills care,


The lonely valley was reverberating in song,

Life was mimicking waves in the ocean long,

Surging waves white in furry n foam,

Dives into the breast of ocean miss own,

Time was singing in whispers of breeze,

Painful death, sadness, crevasse freeze,


Exotic enchantress overwhelm heart,

A sullen young heart inspired smart,

Brimming with smiles at a hill station,

Watching impatient clock in motion,

Hill station was laughing wonderful,

A crying girl came, leaving beautiful,

Evening train was approaching, slow,

Hill station farewell her, cheers glow,


The consonance of hissing locomotive halt,

Consoled her, the story of life, sweet n salt,

Gentle hills sped past her eagerly eyes,

Melody consonance was an enticing prize!