Saturday, December 19, 2020




Dark a night front is opaque,

Abruptly halt forward compact,

Something happens within the shock,

Feet in motion stop as inert rock,

A gut feeling, the hair rises in fear,

Instinct warns mind alert clear,

A pit before, cliff at the edge, threat,

Alert a mind, totally blind create,

Create focused survival instinct,

Backward safely covered distinct,

Life encounters threat to life rare,

Alert mind invents escape fare,


War is a test of valor threats most,

Moment poses do or die worst,

Alert mind provisions guise quick,

Escapes dangers in time explosive,

Alertness is the gift of destiny saves,

Sharpness lacks, kills blast waves,

Alert mind courageous hearts pour,

Forces defeat attacking front core,

The alert mind of a leader turns quick,

Surprise invent, own enemy, a risk,

Win or defeat in merciless is a fight,

Alert invents surprise brave is sight,


Common people alert in public life,

Arsons, violence in the street fast strike,

Innocent bleeds lack an alert state,

Alert mind, life-saving tact intimate,

Alert female saves well stalker follows,

Alert lacking insane killer face gallows,

Alert housewife, guess correctly market,

Alert family man saves income intricate,

Alert adult conscious of future preplan,

Mind invents secure n safe, wise is man,

Alert seniors plan fitness of life, insure,

Alert is a keyword, solves puzzle mature,


Narrate life experiences alert is inborn,

Wise or taught, practice intense burn,

Who aspires there is a way, alert invent,

Prosper in life, successful effort decent,

Alert in, game, alert to answer opponent,

Learned, cheat, magician alert efficient,

Alert ruler, army, police defend well,

Alert a thief, mastermind, looter swell,

Alert crime, spies, intelligence serves,

Detective alert in hot pursuit deserves,

Concludes alert is boon to a noble mind,

The boon to a goon devastates mankind! 


Excited alert kids win puzzle, crosswords,

Win games, result pink, adored forward,

Alert mind electric bulb, floodlight instant,

Daylight, opaque dark, hide, run, hesitant,

Kid shows the way to ignorant key well unlocks,

Parent, teacher public crazes alert kid rocks,


 Alert is animal feature survival kit well,

Snake, mouse, tiger, deer, cat, dog smell,

Alert bird, plant, insect, animal, is a gift,

Gifted saves a life, haunts well, turns swift!









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