Monday, January 11, 2021





O’ soul you are a stranger nutshell,

Wordless inert feelings witness well,

Dumb dreamless quietly watch here,

Sensation desire myriad a state pure,

Evasive on search within know exist,

Interact often try n fail never persist,

Exist conspicuous a place on doubt,

Speechless mind silent within scout,

Darkness with rarely luminous stay,

Lifeless mortal frame destination lay,

Enquire within your home O’ traveler,

Speechless as ever, eternal a wanderer,

Stay here long, mortal frame a house,

New abode next time place as a spouse, (1)


Here is mind convince I exist in the body,

Has a name identity plural in custody,

The world knows my face retina fingertip,

Face changes in time rest secure a zip,

Relation blood, kinship swell, known,

Sweet my home where I stay blossom,

Wife kids parent brother sister uncle,

Busiest my life dawn to dusk n simple,

Expressive in speech watch eyes hear,

Interacts in the world well incredible near,

Born on soil shall merge once life allure,

The drama of life ecstatic moments enamor,

Drama spices tragedy melodrama rare,

Immense pain immaculate life to share,

Sweet n sour cries tear confuse the mind,

Laughter yells shout puzzles behind,

In joy, I cry, never shy, warm tear roll,

Agonies often heartbroken no control,

Silent tear, cry aloof laugh at my fate,

The speechless soul never consoles yet! (2)


Self embodies human life animal dwell,

Sleep well, eat wild, conjugal life swell,

Fear of death hunts often secure nature,

Sensuous body, fuel sight, smell clear,

Thrills a touch, listens to life live music,

Feelings cast rainbows heart is ecstatic,

Feeling wicked havocs mind to thought,

Life, in essence, thought activate fought,

The saga of life rag to riches, happy n sad,

Humanity writes immortal song n glad,

Proud in our birth n death build ruin,

Male, female child young tall tiny twin,

Time rules World Theater human life,

Speechless soul colorless least strike, (4)


Mankind learns speechless state mute,

Pandemic a year clouded virus brute,

Million suffered as many depart sick,

Speechless mankind tragedy horrific,

Speechless nature windup holocaust,

Speechless watch nature revive most,

Empathy sympathy care n share love,

Speechless precious life tears dissolve,

Rainbows color spectrum life delight,

Colorless light, soul speechless emit. (5)

Sunday, January 10, 2021





New Year arrives with winter,

January cold icy spine shiver,

A year departed with greens,

Golden crops standing wins,

Festive season steals heart,

Blossom, color earth smart,

Reminisces fragrant air blows,

The rural landscape rainbows,

River blue water serene cool,

Forest green hills wonderful,

Ripe fruits laden tree a time,

A cartload of fruits in beeline,

Harvest season follows busy,

Hope yearlong happens easy,

Sorrows in sickness witness,

Festival celebrated, impress,

Tear smile mingle till evening,

New Year wake up in the morning, (1)


Gone away with bountiful earth,

Gone away with festivals worth,

Gone away with splendid nature,

Gone away with sufferer weaker,

Gone away with progress deplete,

Gone away with studies complete,

Gone way with sorrows of laborer,

Gone away with corona disaster,

Gone away with death insecure,

Gone away with lockdown life, city,

Gone away with cheerless intensity,(2)


Resurrect nature revive summer,

Resurrect mango buds dreamer,

Resurrect bright sunshine warm,

Resurrect spirit new hope swarm,

Resurrect open education cheer,

Resurrect busy spirit multiplier,

Resurrect curb virus vaccine win,

Resurrect health index life clean,

Resurrect nature rain parch field,

Resurrect green paddy field yield,

Resurrect green forest spring wink,

Resurrect blossoms tree life pink, (3)


Dry summer, river turn sand arid,

Revives water swell flow grey rapid,

After rain blue river serene placid,

Resurrect nature regains lucid, (4)


Resurrect nature again and again,

Resemble human nature let regain,

Simple life, innocence, trust pure,

Love care share lot enrich secure,

Evaporate all nobility mind rains,

Greed desire tempt pollute reigns,

Grey and swift swirling thought,

Human nature wrought havoc lot,

Mimic corona spread life grey rapid,

New Year hope pure mind let placid,

Resurrect nature divine plan cleanse,

Resurrect human nature purity means. (5)

Saturday, January 9, 2021





Soul in sojourn cycles endless,

Earth shelter traveler, pretense,

Seduction senses creep enthrall,

Desire mirages oasis goal revival,

Conscience ties self n soul tight,

Mind strong deceitful raise fight,

Goad obiter path temptation rule,

Lifelong hallucination thirst wool,

Insatiable heart sensuous limbs,

Sight, sound, taste, smell climbs,

Touch thought, provokes feelings.

Enslave mortal frame goal sinks,

Born soil in shape death unites,

Soul deathless the mind invites,

A chain mind soul in bondage,

Moral rectitude a path envisage,

Cycles of birth and death break,

Soul breaks sojourn life awake, (1)


Burns pyre; why mind look away,

Real is death swallow lust dismay,

The thirsty heart tries, quench desire,

Life searches a path, in a quagmire,

Mind wishes passion lays endless,

Aspire immortal life, try relentless, (2)


O’ mind witness sick cries in pain,

Intense shivers limb thirst insane,

Melts part of limb useless clueless,

Age, certain arrives, get breathless,

Mind sizzles in sweet dream asleep,

Build empire asset glamour n weep,

The dream long, night short, time fade,

Destination moon shines hope wade, (3)


Soul shapeless self in shape a name,

Someone enchanting fair, ugly blame,

Color race faith ethnic wall is thick,

Baby teen youth, adult ripe nostalgic,

Transformative time wait none agile,

Misses parent family friend a fragile,

Miracle heart wishes long life secure,

World past horizon lost hope wonder, (4)


The heart is hurt mind bruises anger rule,

Greed jealousy hatred cruelty sin full,

Corrupt mind corrodes insight burns,

Dark mind devils-den aspiring yearns,

Incredible life witness devil ruins well,

Death savors quick on prey lust swell! (5)


O’ life beware evil lurks within n wait,

Moral rectitude lamps show nice trait,

Detach lust desire to reject anger violence,

Path of rectitude Truth Company intense,

Illusion dissolves pretense replace love,

Love is pure life pure rectitude absolve… (6)


Friday, January 8, 2021





Perceives life complex puzzles,

Amazing life enchants, sizzles,

Painful life inflicts agony silent,

Suffering life captures turbulent,

Innocent life accepts surrender,

Iconic life enamor grit adventure,

Unruly life corrodes darken heart,

Brutal life looks impassive smart,

Affluent life ignores simple home,

Poor life clamor meager income, (1)


Lifelong a motion human witness,

A canvas of life picture encompasses,

Empathy human heart alert receive,

Shares an ordinary human perceive,

Observes minute acute pain alive,

Observes sick cry suffering survive,

Observes hunger homeless orphan,

Observes old age, immobile human,

Listen patiently owe story imagine,

Interacts often ill fate tears glisten, (2)


Visit tin cottage restitutes shade,

Inspect life in wreck hopes evade,

Angelic assuage empathy impress,

Levels lower reality catch harness,

Irrespective of affluence influence,

Poorest common heart confluence,

Few feel throbs cruel destiny ruin,

Empathy alerts compassion twin,

An orphanage, old age home, shelter,

School, college, skill training center,

Donate empathy to stabilize broken life,

Salvage means for smile snatch knife, (3)


Alert empathy sharing mother’s lap,

Troubled time teenage courage sap,

Sickness teen cries parent embrace,

Empathy receive alert care enhance,

Misfortune a student fails aggrieved,

Teacher’s empathy courage achieved,

Small income ill-health treatments lot,

Empathy understand serve helps allot,

Help often from a donor, friend, and kin,

Envisages life merciful heart let serene, (4)


Ah O’ human spare world look home,

Empathy lurks in  hearts man awesome,

Wife a daughter of family anew shelter,

In-laws, relatives friend ways stranger,

Accommodation pleasing deal complex,

Delicate heart dilute innocence perplex,

Battle bruises hurt horror care corrode,

Silent tears awake nightlong fear erode,

Empathy alert heart hugs try her man,

Ensure confidence conjugal love can,

Time a swan song empathy feather,

Reclines man worried wife’s solder… (5)


Thursday, January 7, 2021





Adolescence arrive sensuous a mind,

Crossroad puzzles at a loss to find,

Impulse inclinations intoxicate blind,

Human deserves to be dutiful remind,

Poles of a magnate detract each other,

Pole is positive life irresistible another,

Adolescence succumbs to temptation,

Heart as a slave to dictates in action,

Conscience conspicuous guides right,

Rapturous pleasure raises bitter fight,

Life a highway crossroad square test,

Win irresistible inclination await crest, (1)


The nation of billion, hassle match number,

Profession skill means of life multiplier,

Harsh road of toil test demand dedicate,

Adulthood chose right, wrong complicate,

Wrong is festive season irresistible time,

Festival of Holi Dussehra Diwali shines,

Ganesh Puja, Durga puja, Car Festival,

Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh enthrall,

Irresistible celebrations swirling mirth,

Holidays lines up entice plural worth,

Youthful energy ecstatic pleasures tap,

Misses express bus for training sharp,

Irresistible inclinations prey youth most,

Million search future aimless life worst, (2)


Few spirits exhibit irresistible inclination,

Convert well as a boon to own profession,

Sportsperson, actor, writer, builder, leader,

Scientist, specialist animal, biology, nature,

Traveler, divine seeker, music song, artist,

Miracle a mind excels domains often exotic,

Spirits enslave irresistible inclination serve,

Paradigms change life pattern one only love,

Mind entrapped merges into effort endless,

Family friend kin left behind time progress,

Irresistible inclinations a thirst insatiable,

The world finds a legend to humanity noble, (3)


Irresistible instinct adventure human spirit,

The Arctic venture, mountain climb, oceanic wit,

Desolate desert, highland, islands isolation,

Conquer impossibilities dauntless a motion,

Human adventures, survival or death long,

Irresistible daring mind write, inspire a song, (4)



Ultimate irresistible inclined soul in a quest,

The truth of life nature universe uncover test,

Test swallows lifetime demands exile total,

Exiled from realm pain, the pleasure of mortal,

Dedicate the rarest soul at alter of epic sojourn,

Mankind savor dimensional gain as modern,

Legends pass till last irresistible mind view,

Eternal gift contributes generation let anew, (4)


Monk, saint, seer, realized master enlighten,

Irresistible inclined divine quest world listen,

Life shows passion human peruses emotive,

The irresistible inclination is decay or decorative. (5)








Wednesday, January 6, 2021





Billion humans perceive free,

Happiness a claim let decree,

Happy mind, fluid in nature,

Shapeless in motion curvature,

Free human in nation eat well,

Never see pang of hunger dwell,

Free human, a roof upon the head,

Summer winter rain safely lay,

Free human have a cloth to wear,

Share season, hot, rain winter,

Happiness never means luxury,

Most, free life stays never, worry,

Happiness is health rarely sick,

Get well soon cure care in grip,

Free in following chosen faith,

No cohesion conversion breadth,

Free to travel choice happiness,

No discriminations well impress,

Free to knowledge for children,

No expense skill modern train,

Free human express opinion,

Observation, comment union,

Open heart voice is happiness,

Sovereign happiness express,

Lac happiness grievance meets,

Sovereign virtue delicate treats,

Sovereign happiness canvas color,

Flutter a flag nation respect honor, (1)


Happiness equal land air, water,

Orange earth, green forest open,

Bright sunshine white happy often,

Flag of happiness sovereign tricolor,

Billion secure happy nourish flavor,

Fortunate to be born on free soil,

Fortunate to serve soil happy toil,

Fortunate to guard frontier with life,

Fortunate happy cover high sea live,

Fortunate to protect air upon the soil,

Fortunate ensure peace no turmoil,

Each fortune a happiness sovereign,

Land of peace progress virtue regains, (2)


Decades on our soil witnesses tear,

Suffering immense hungry insecure,

Unclad kids dirty sick fight life most,

Cruel climate fate merciless life lost,

Corona a pandemic has broken spine,

Migrant million horror harsh sunshine,

Happiness sovereign in action noble,

Billion gratitude soil nourish simple,

Republic day commence swell happiness,

Flutter a symbol of sovereign happiness. (3)