Monday, April 19, 2021





Lament today revolts spirit,

Lot suppress pain discreet,

Enough love, trust enamor,

Lord my friend philosopher, (1)


Teenage innocence confide,

Reveal agony solace provide,

In silence open wound ever,

Lord’s presence feels secure, (2)


Youth adulthood a time test,

Mind search thrill crazy best,

Open heart embraces a world,

Miss Him now beauty is bold, (3)


Earth being from the soil a scent,

Attracts me grass fluorescent,

Jasmine teases fragrance call,

Sensuous limb a friend recall, (4)


Mate for love n communicate,

Happy or in remorse intimate,

Precious life short adult wise,

Family to share trusts precise,(5)


Year rolls nicely Lord distant,

People charms fuel expectant,

Money, house, gold n accrual,

Name exist fame clap enthrall, (6)


Might, ego, pride, self nourish,

Fate, fortune, luck all cherish,

Mind guides heart instill faith,

Self-belief is human in length, (7)


Doubt Lord now mere concept,

Unseen, mute, deaf exist rate,

False my imagination it creeps,

Search body your abode sleep, (8)


Weeps on the demise of dear soul,

Pray for life futile less console,

Fever fear for life seeks solace,

Yet watch mute life in a morass, (9)


Skin wrinkles hair white weak,

Feeble faint memory often sick,

Search within the dark inner world,

Fruitless, realize ever fake glad, (10)


Least fear death body to merge,

With dust n again re-converge,

Spirit ever merges with air, free,

Raise life from dust test decree, (11)

Prefer well part of dear earth,

Sans disease violent in wrath,

Savage nature mind cons lot,

Greed, jealousy, anger al’ lost (12)


Part of sky ground the ocean,

Immortal then exit or glisten,

Forget my prayer Lord if real,

Friend philosopher yet recall, (13)


Grandkid kiss, laugh, giggle,

Spark of divine trace simple,

Conscience whisper definite,

My presence aloof n infinite, (14)


Earth, space, life my presence,

You n me one is true credence,

Illusions confuse providence,

Ignore your open disobedience. (15)









Sunday, April 18, 2021





Craving mind in search alert,

Luxury wealth friend remote,

Health happiness visits often,

Stays short futile ostentation, (1)


Opulence in life to bestow lot,

Affluence influence ego revert,

Arrogance blinds the mind serene,

Simple heart seek flattery win, (2)


Pleasure enjoyment lavish call,

A dream futile ostentation toll,

Steal precious life intellect fails,

Conscience heart pure toll nail, (3)


Appetite hunger of the mind cover,

Thrill sensuous body in a shiver,

Insatiate lust fuel further sting,

In pain a futile ostentation ring, (4)


 Crush enchanting beauty wild,

Female fantasy gold men, yield,

Syrupy sweet drink life in thirst,

Fail to quench n pure water fast (5)


World mystic an elusive magnet,

If mankind realize, communicate,

Al’ that glitter is never gold wit,

Check nature O’ life guilty is writ, (6)


The ocean without border boasts,

Pretty cruise ship cross isn’t in rust,

Iron rust like mind pollutes tempt,

A ship sinks fast life ruins contempt (7)


Huge mountains, all picks boast,

Brook water slow turn sand most,

River ever etch backward motion,

No futile ostentation joins the ocean, (8)


Deer run faster speed tires body,

Under trees rest in a race greedy,

Slow turtle move nonstop achieve,

Futile ostentations least reprieve, (9)


Yet narrations of nature prevail,

Human wise, boastful bit derail,

Wasteful vagaries of life do ruin,

Money gold luck stay run queen, (10)


Fragile life fragile matter enchant,

Percept right truth or discordant,

Agonies, pain, torture soul suffer,

Reject ostentations simple secure (11)


Discipline absolute control mind,

Friend ostentation never rewind,

Humble gentle learn to surrender,

Tiny grass bows to storm secure,

The giant tree breaks up faces storm,

Futile ostentation is the brittle norm (12)





















Incredible a school prayer,

Morning mass pray n fare,

A good character in practice,

Keep away from know vice, (1)


Truth speaks courageous,

Face difficulty even in loss,

Trust Lord lives in beings,

Serve help others He rings, (2)


Love all share joy n sorrow,

Promises n today tomorrow,

Lord inhabit in water n soil,

Pervade sky, forest, hill well, (3)


Mother motherland supreme,

Service to both tests extreme,

Sacrifice self all desires ditto,

Abide by rule, faith obey toto, (4)


Learn in life study all sincere,

Build nation treat sick secure,

Work for destitute needy poor,

My work enables land to prosper, (5)


Educated a good job high salary,

All acquire life in time n glory,

Forgot promises irreverent stuff,

Realistic be rational never bluff, (6)


A home family kid to study high,

Insurance health asset need try,

Mother motherland all only love,

Duly pay tax help mother above, (7)


Class of poor rich caste or faith,

Region language divides, length,

Population raises crisis undone,

Sacrifice means bookish disown (8)


Watch doctor pleader leader lot,

Include into their group n alert,

Establish n fame father’s name,

Truth if speak secure kid’s game, (9)


Faith language cast serve equal,

Quota concession privilege wall,

Wise in life certificates establish,

Constitution permit I never miss, (10)


My cast faith class I marry truly,

The same forefather to future simply,

Serene, culture lifestyle stay wall,

Celebrate; festive moods enthrall (11)


All doctor leader engineer in an oath,

Hate corruption true service both,

A leader takes oath names of Lord,

Constitution right a joke discord, (12)


Respect a school prayer be loyal,

React to a story delink disavowal,

Conscience hurts ever to solemnize,

Wonderful paradox it says precise, (13)


True to all prayer n oath witness,

 National the song reflects all impress,

Billion people citizens equal freedom,

Delink disavowal  if chains seldom, (14)

Friday, April 16, 2021




Lament mankind remorse,

Misses fraternity of course,

Eon human race progress,

Crumbles again n distress,

Rise n fall, civilization face,

Moral turpitude to disgrace, (1)


Intellect and wise innovate,

Discover, safe life intimate,

Human race unique query,

War, discriminations worry,

White, brown, black, oriental,

Divine plan or an accidental, (2)


Divine qualities, humanity,

Truth a reflection in amity,

Love, compassion, care well,

Help n serve kind lot swell,

Peace, friendly to nature lit,

Glitter's land people up a bit, (3)


Perplex soul, greed inhabit,

Ego, jealousy, anger exhibit,

Cruel mind blind yet forget,

Brother hates n annihilate,

Evil nature, dark cloud etch,

Rages, moral turpitude fetch, (4)


Compromise, surrender kiss,

Peace, bonhomie, share a wish,

Fraternity human blood red,

Cremate to ash equal grade,

Male, female, color, class each,

Rest in Peace together it al' teach, (5)


Lust of female land n wealth,

Power, exploit, savage length,

Corona spread O’ human see,

Savage n innocent infect free,

Destroys note weapon amass,

Ineffective to virus easily pass, (6)


Note couple lakhs daily infect,

A nation without mask n detect,

Overflowing clinic bed or lack,

Death visit now election hack,

Cry nation loud people realize,

Moral turpitude acts n precise, (7)


Big nations send vaccine help,

Humanity fight to survive yelp,

One race medicine cures alike,

America, Europe, Africa if like,

If Orient think one world race,

Reject moral turpitude, grace, (8)


Cremation pyre lit day, night,

Heart-rending now burial site,

Time recall unite the human race,

Simple nature-friendly fit face,

Mother earth rebuild in a smile,

Transformation  in the age a style, (9)


Equality, freedom, right to chose

Class, faith, color divide to lose,

Terror, struggle, violent battle,

Memories of long past mettle,

Cremation, burial site sprout,

Resurrect spirits, unity grout, (10)


Born on earth must die true,

A virus will fade for good woo,

Nature’s last messages heed,

O teen, read n learn in speed,

21st century different in attitude,

Unknown to all moral turpitude, (11)


Thursday, April 15, 2021





Life ever test scintillate,

In pain, sickness I rest,

Incredible pleasure joy,

Visits yet event destroy,

Coin head n tail, a toss,

Smiles n tear an emboss (1)


Fell sick once in a shiver,

Tremble with high fever,

Delirious a state, alone,

Asleep in a fear unknown,

Dream set a dark valley,

Alone sat in bench tally (2)


Failed to remember all,

A home family can’t recall,

Dark forest hunt n drop,

Shudder in the fear wake up,

Sweat lot wet limbs calm,

Weak drowsiness if balm, (3)


Warm tear roll face cold,

Remember teenage bold,

Immeasurable fun thrill,

Memories pass as a reel,

Dreams swell soaks past,

Forest, river, village cast, (4)


Float memories of a swim

Bluewater cool n joy brim,

Mango guava papaya best,

Watermelon pineapple test,

Kite flying hunt dragonfly,

River of joy, memories try, (5)


Curious read king n queen,

Storybook eyes glue clean,

Unravel adventures a thrill,

Sock, fear hear voice shrill,

Teenage memories enchant,

Visit a city n endless want, (6)


Notice self roam in a street,

Witness street lights greet,

Uneasy feel quick ran soon,

A city without star n moon,

Plenty sick, dying, rest fear,

I wake up dream fade clear, (7)


Dawn break bird chirps lot,

Crimson rays fell I get alert,

Wind dries up limb n fresh,

Numb a night of fever trace,

Admit life if in fear of dying,

Beg for life, Him praying, (8)


An incident shook severe,

Fragile life exist yet never,

Never forgot night tumult,

Crawl in crevasse I revolt,

Life only a dream I realize,

A water bubble n precise, (9)


Ripe age watch world sick,

Crawl thought fright thick,

Distant incident time fade,

Hallucinations yet invade,

In silence, my thoughts sail,

Inescapable memories nail, (10)