Monday, April 19, 2021





Lament today revolts spirit,

Lot suppress pain discreet,

Enough love, trust enamor,

Lord my friend philosopher, (1)


Teenage innocence confide,

Reveal agony solace provide,

In silence open wound ever,

Lord’s presence feels secure, (2)


Youth adulthood a time test,

Mind search thrill crazy best,

Open heart embraces a world,

Miss Him now beauty is bold, (3)


Earth being from the soil a scent,

Attracts me grass fluorescent,

Jasmine teases fragrance call,

Sensuous limb a friend recall, (4)


Mate for love n communicate,

Happy or in remorse intimate,

Precious life short adult wise,

Family to share trusts precise,(5)


Year rolls nicely Lord distant,

People charms fuel expectant,

Money, house, gold n accrual,

Name exist fame clap enthrall, (6)


Might, ego, pride, self nourish,

Fate, fortune, luck all cherish,

Mind guides heart instill faith,

Self-belief is human in length, (7)


Doubt Lord now mere concept,

Unseen, mute, deaf exist rate,

False my imagination it creeps,

Search body your abode sleep, (8)


Weeps on the demise of dear soul,

Pray for life futile less console,

Fever fear for life seeks solace,

Yet watch mute life in a morass, (9)


Skin wrinkles hair white weak,

Feeble faint memory often sick,

Search within the dark inner world,

Fruitless, realize ever fake glad, (10)


Least fear death body to merge,

With dust n again re-converge,

Spirit ever merges with air, free,

Raise life from dust test decree, (11)

Prefer well part of dear earth,

Sans disease violent in wrath,

Savage nature mind cons lot,

Greed, jealousy, anger al’ lost (12)


Part of sky ground the ocean,

Immortal then exit or glisten,

Forget my prayer Lord if real,

Friend philosopher yet recall, (13)


Grandkid kiss, laugh, giggle,

Spark of divine trace simple,

Conscience whisper definite,

My presence aloof n infinite, (14)


Earth, space, life my presence,

You n me one is true credence,

Illusions confuse providence,

Ignore your open disobedience. (15)









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