Monday, May 24, 2021





Implore imaginative creative soul,

Acclaims world masterpiece goal,

Intricate needle works lure maze,

Glass mosaic marble create craze, (1)


Century sings legacies of culture,

Splendors of Taj, glass palace lure,

Incredible craftsmanship attracts,

Amazes human mind or contacts, (2)


Palaces forts decorated, splendid,

King, queen princess lived indeed,

The opulence of luxury met essay,

Subject’s golden fingers if dismay, (3)


Least exist school college n teach,

Poorest people in villages bewitch,

Art n craft a skill generation carry,

Refine executive filigree tales story, (4)


Gold silver jewelry mosaic pattern,

Rock wood carving excelled, learn,

A land depicts renaissance regalia,

Dazzle renaissance etches intarsia, (5)


History describes warriors’ gallant,

Melodies sing drama of life distant,

Scant implores nameless a people,

Built a nation speechless n mingle, (6)



Dusty rural picture shelter perfect,

Centuries after skills exist or reflect,

Forefathers incredible work flutter,

Poorest sick offspring hungry loiter, (7)


Renaissance misnomer urban act,

Glass towers highways all distract,

Inks with infinite pain an indweller,

Never in life sees opulence laborer, (viii)


Poverty means of life tortures duet,

Neglect of civilization n crimes wait,

Ignores nameless sick labor demise,

Ignorant, intarsia vanishes, precise, (9)


Vanishes a nation’s pristine culture,

The craft of Taj, Glass palace disappear,

Modern age never think a past glory,

Rot ruins priceless artifact is a story, (10)


Behold needle works on rock notice,

Konark in ruin a melancholy entice,

Female dancer’s melodies wind sing,

Match nice intarsia rock wheel sing, (11)


Preserve skill expertise time dictate,

Invaluable rural life works intricate,

Revive renaissance shape university,

Past, history n culture pure necessity, (12)


Unique craftsmanship grow balance,

Pens about intarsia etch renaissance.  

Intarsia sings glorious time the men,

Memories of past, renaissance wane. (13)


Sunday, May 23, 2021





Recalls, nature n elegant moods,

Attracts heart, magnetic woods,

Hypnotizes tranquil forest well,

Peace, happiness fantasy swell, ( 1)


Sooth gentle breeze passion nit,

Forgets life troubles pleasure lit,

Aberration of a spectral light nail,

Catches sight of a heavenly trail, (2)


Silence penetrate minds a song,

Giant tree wild-flowers life long,

Distant mountain mystery test,

Riverine meadows I recline rest, (3)


Ornate bridal dress why discard,

Furious mood nature ruin hard,

Storm sweep with horror dismay,

Anguish  aberrations n fears stay, (4)


Shifts my focus, mesmerize soul,

Paradise on the earth loves goal,

Remind realm name, aspiration,

A face world recognizes, motion, (5)


Charisma cherish joy, opulence,

Dream hope intimate confluence,

Enchanting beauty her pull test,

Young minds seek her touch rest, (6)


Charming children smile, laugh,

Focus my life on pleasure graph,

Perplex, life raises a melodrama,

Breaks spine of strength enigma, (7)


Accident illness death departure,

Humiliation sufferance al’ torture,

Forces spirit amid solitude weep,

Anguish  aberrations n rare, reap, (viii)


Aberration self-chosen surprises,

Anguish in vain lesson surmises,

Retracts focus from pensive sight,

A treasure trove within nit delight,

Close eyes search my heart allure,

Love is pure nectar, kindness yore, (9)


Compassion golden bricks in a lock,

Devotion surrenders humility rock,

Courage trust noble nature sprout,

King of golden lands mind n shout, (10)


Desire replicates in mirrors ponder,

Endless hungry mind loot, plunder,

Ecstatic mood spirit now lost total,

Forgets quick poor life limb mortal, (11)


Helluva hell capture a mind within,

Lust loses control n disasters ruin,

Worry tension fear anger ergo grips,

Elusive mind wish to conquer trips, (12)


Sorrows cast dark valley pain hunt,

Kingdoms within visit horror taunt,

Laughter smile terrify mind shudder,

Anguish  aberrations n I miss rudder, (13)


Ink saga of contemplations intense,

Pure pristine nature n Realm sense,

Purity of soul is fragrant innocence,

Divine own nature aberration sentence,

Anguish aberrations n ruin pretense,

Burn forest of thoughts ash remains.  (14)





Saturday, May 22, 2021





Dark mind in shelter suffocate,

Solitude from future mind date,

Miseries torture handicap love,

Weep to take messages dear dove, (1)


Fly over silvery clouds, distant,

Share my agonies pain instant,

Distant-lands inhabit a friend,

Drop my letters in hand resend, (2)


Consolation to pour heals heart,

Sympathy symphony of care art,

Enamors empathy gain courage,

Poverty illness hit hope envisage, (3)


Pandemic erases life a quagmire,

Peace mirth evades a nightmare,

Loving bird decent ever it listens,

Pour help of humanity I glisten, (4)


I nameless a tear search intense,

Survive battle of life death sense,

Spread goodwill victory of  a spirit,

Redemptions reunite n discreet, (5)


Silvery clouds sail my emotions,

My silence speaks volume potion,

Sprinkle my love care feel bond,

Global-spirit waits, eager of fond, (5)


A tear I exist wind, get wet soon,

Carry me to distant lands a boon,

Dear Ocean, allow me to submerge,

Merge with waves shore converge, (7)


Shore of distant continents wait,

Messages of sonata sonnet duet,

Overwhelm unknown people a lot,

Accessible to my saga take effort, (viii)


Dear Ocean, a heart match depth,

Wash shore of a globe love wealth,

Night sky I gaze, stardust assure,

O’ tear eternal pearl watch future, (9)


Redemption round the corner lit,

Human spirit omnipresence writ,

Distance time converge atom tip,

Spread knowledge skill lives grip, (10)


Unite world humanity awareness,

One race same history impresses,

Pyramid of cyberspace or digital,

Transformation of age is total, (11)


Text, images, still or in motion all,

Revolve around the globe tear roll,

No more handicaps, blind, deaf feel,

Accessible be aware to digital drill, (12)


Mute reform outspoken free voice,

Freedom equality to rule is choice.

Frees human soul loves a celebration,

Tearful, I cherish little commotion. (13)


The gratitude of human to intimate,

 Redemption wish tear n promulgate,

Serve mankind selfless is torchlight,

Usher, tear wish, communicate right. (14)




Friday, May 21, 2021





Gone down in gut instinct,

Born equal be free distinct,

Equal to breathe live exist,

Equal, watch world n resist,(1)


Equal, to hear voices speak,

Equal, to speak bold bleak,

Equal, to feed cloth shelter,

Equal, lesson wise prosper, (2)


Equal, to work, earn means,

Equal is love, hope, dreams,

One race human a species,

Color, class, caste no basis, (3)


Equal before God ever exist,

Equal, to realize Him desist

One world, nation n family,

Rivers meet oceans simply, (4)


Lifestyle costume n habits,

Faith practice of trust hits,

Colors white, black, brown,

Few ignominy rest renown, (5)


Billion people n languages,

Trillion views differ crazes,

Oceans divide a continent,

Culture faith or sentiment, (6)


One world all nations built,

One nation many families lit,

Born equal n mere a notion,

Real unequal an aberration, (7)


Equals purity, love, kind care,

Equals services to all shares,

Equals human blood a death,

Equal time steals ill, wealth, (viii)


Equals fate fortune luck test,

Equals destiny progress best,

Peace, prosperity, joys equal,

Human nature pure enthrall, (9)


Equal a human race eternal,

Anchor aberration sink total,

Greed, hatred discriminates,

Ego, jealous anger dominates, (10)


Selfish n cruel nature elusive,

Evil choice aberration deceive,

Equal opportunities wash sins,

Equal nobility humility cleans, (11)


Equals devotion surrender win,

Aberration emotion pollute sin,

Equal, detach mind reject lust,

Aberration attach, tempt worst, (12)


Light burns within light equals,

Aberration willful dark mortals,

Equal inheritance react deeds,

Equal benefit good act indeed, (13)


Equal punishment evil actions,

Agony worry suffer, aberration,

Equals justice spirits ever meet,

Aberrations ruin innocent neat, (14)


Verses of an aberration anchor,

Human life in sock halt prosper,

Aberration anchor bright future,

Aberration mistake equals horror. (15)





Thursday, May 20, 2021




Hypnotizes the realm intoxicate,

Scintillates beauty a life dictate,

Amazes life, runs for a company,

Soul unites with life, a symphony, (1)


Young heart curious mind probe,

Conjugal lives if a treasure trove,

Enjoy if emerald, joy reflect jewel,

Trusts a breath, confidence dwell, (2)


Share dreams project a rainbow,

Aspiration desire couples window,

Sonnet of romances, thrill if etch,

Sonata of sorrow pleasure sketch, (3)


Union brings happy tears, divide,

Cruel lifetime harsh world decide,

Live never if a bed of roses, a home,

Agonies visit ecstasy dispel some, (4)


Sweet n sour life manifest charm,

Attraction n bond endures warm,

Education skill training separate,

Years force life solitary dominate, (5)


Burn midnight lamp study again,

Intrude memories torture insane,

Separation suffocate yet clueless,

Class, exam-dates result, address, (6)


Silent nights, hostel room awake,

Thoughts a river of sorrow wreck,

Writes every night a letter to her,

Saturate words of agony, endure, (7)


Soak with dews of love conjugate,

Burdens of heavy heart confiscate,

Lighter vein letters post daily nit,

Education ends complete discreet, (viii)


Overwhelms departure near wink,

Immense joy n heart ecstatic link,

Cloud of thought if frighten spirit,

Picture of home n love floats neat, (9)


Time has come we shall unite owe,

Night if become endless, yet know,

Listen to her infinite pain, torture,

Console her, comfort well enamor, (10)

Plan a visit erase separation long,

Evening night cozy warm-up song,

Reach home at last thoughts end,

Tidal eagerness retrace back lend, (11)


Speechless astonishes home lock,

Numb feelings lost horizon in a sock,

A neighbor tells she is with her parent,

The news I missed feel big current, (12)


Discover my letters of love n pain,

Separation remnant of past regain,

Collect hundreds of letter her shake,

Decide to forgo symbol of a reminisce, (13)


Ignite love, once aflame yet burns,

Words emotion soaked fume runs,

Tears of infinite pain flood simple,

River of thoughts in hostel mingle,

Merge with an ocean of tear trace,

Realize the meaning of life a grace. (14)