Thursday, June 10, 2021






Night progress tired limbs freeze,

Alert mind sterile sleep in, breeze,

Sunken swollen desire disappear,

Silence creeps mind, dream near, (1)


Bed lamp glimmer faint darkness,

Windows hide landscape redress,

Distant, lamp posts draw solitude,

Empty road, dark home multitude, (2)


Bright my world amiss transforms,

Disintegrates human noise forms,

Violence, anger quarrel none exist,

Boundaries wall we erect fade list, (3)


Darkness-of-night crumples cover,

Speed dark earth in cosmos ether,

Appear star-studded sky moon-lit,

Gleam forest hills field silver light, (4)


Surreal sight light shadow play nit,

Agonies hide, love desires delight,

Sun hides total, mid-night weaves,

Weave dream fantasy null grieves, (5)


Wild grass dances in winds gentle,

Purple lavender, pink flower mettle,

Covers subconscious tension, pain,

Amazes dream world joyful remain, (7)


Butterfly sketch magic spell, reveal,

Scar of my past event quickly heal,

Steal name, face, identity address,

My soul in freedom forget distress, (viii)


Free from dungeon butterfly image,

Colorful wings among flower maze,

Incredible the realm change canvas,

Beautiful hill brook miss a morass, (9)


Rainbows the spring clouds sketch,

Immortality of ambrosia forest etch,

No fear, death fever n hunger stalk,

No crowd, angel fly white fairy walk, (10)


Sweet music pervades omnipresent,

Fruit garden beautiful home decent,

Soul inhale aromas of ripe fruits wild,

Curios to the house enter wills yield, (11)


Empty home bed clean tidy is cover,

Glisten furniture shine floor n, mirror,

Butterfly watch on mirror image miss,

Realize soul dream unreal only bliss, (12)


Rests mortal frame inert forgets total,

Nice, butterfly sketch dreams enthrall,

Offer bliss plenty bountiful quiet hour,

Soul desperate to feel limbs n power, (13)


Dawn breaks elusive world entices lit,

Golden rays melt mist discover great,

Dream-world fades, quick to sunlight,

A mystery, dual entity, stays day night, (14)


Pain, pleasure, love, hatred, anger hike,

Petals of lotus rose to differ like-dislike,

Butterfly betray happy nightly sojourn,

Keep colorful wings sketch nice morn.  (15)


Wednesday, June 9, 2021





Amazes mind puzzle complexity,

Human all strand real duplicity,

Search in vain true self in guise,

Ornate titles misguide exercise, (1)


Claim public servant yet master,

Exhibit humble n control power,

Watch kind-hearted person, love,

Distribute food cloth peace dove, (2)


Seek news in admiration public,

Police discover hoarder n tragic,

Scarce commodity stores n wait,

Hike prices artificial profit great, (3)


Behaves like learned teach kids,

Long session on morality, reads,

Teach well on subjects all advice,

Demand to enroll tuition suffice, (4)


Teach money corrupts lo, collect,

Coaching center money spin bet,

Enough character, build process,

Love people talk friendly impress, (5)


Clean life, hand clean corruption,

Heart clean trusts simple option,

Mind clean rejects discrimination,

Reject hatred on class caste none, (6)


Reject anger little violence n harm,

Reject greed value integrity warm,

Practice care to fellows needy soul,

Share sympathy help empathy all, (7)


Teach parent earnest, ever belief,

Deal face trouble n honesty relief,

Muse kid grow adult follow a scent,

Know parent talk all act different, (viii)


Highest technical self is engineer,

Doctor lawyer scientist life secure,

Incredible society bribes corrupt,

Enlighten yet honey trapped rust, (9)


Craze money sweeter than honey,

Shed ethics embrace rich’s crony,

Hikes personal fess cross all logic,

Beyond reaches of poor, sock magic, (10)


Democracy plays clarion equality,

Rule constitution same oath duty,

Leaders held ceremony solemn nit,

Betrayal to people real, drama lit, (11)


Lit, news, tributes benevolent life,

Deny ticket for election gets strife,

Oath serve, nation, people devout,

Consolidate family kith clan clout, (12)


Punish opponents deprive benefit,

How much hypocrisy, class inflict,

Endless suffering agony soaks all,

Endemic diseases n gold enthrall, (13)


Law can’t reinforce reform people,

True knowledge adherence simple,

Practice integrity clean life divine,

Ameliorate ambiguity lands shine, (14)


Look, myself in a mirror if duplicate,

Part of people period true indicate,

Truth bites every human feel pain,

Equally, guilt hurt me inks inflame.  (15)





Tuesday, June 8, 2021





Stubborn egos refuse, surrender,

Reject impending peril face here,

Ugly appearance terrorize heart,

Unreal trap mind sadness enact, (1)


Pictures frequent, death agonize,

Crumples family life yet surprise,

Families miss dear lives, sudden,

Immobilize strength n crestfallen, (2)


Canvas night sketch a quagmire,

Idiocy, of summer squalls, inspire,

Whirlwind, lightening n thunder,

Disappear soon thought blunder, (3)


Amaze new dawn world conserve,

Console self wipe tears, I observe,

Day rolls, rivers under bridge move,

World for future, progress groove, (4)


Forget memory life learns to smile,

New hope desire lo, torture sterile,

Adamant heart hurt will amnesia,

Redraw canvas dreamy ambrosia, (4)


Erase night rains arrive June well,

Green mountain n waterfall quell,

Quell holistic state of mind sound,

Ego worthwhile n ambrosia sound, (5)


Riverine meadows, flowery bed nit,

Wild bees roam happy pollen great,

Highlights, purple lavenders steal,

Draw ambrosia pollen grains heal, (5)


Heals midsummer’s night n plight,

Paint pandemic scenes, miss right,

Nature’s ambrosia entice my color,

Swollen rivers rain in forest allure, (6)


Summer corona cries awash clean,

Paradise arouse verdure hope win,

Merge my mind in own canvass nit,

Soars soul high freedom joys intuit, (7)


Drench tortured limbs in rain soak,

Stubborn an ego devastated I mock,

Ignore crying in pain death must die,

Temporal canvas portray earth deny, (viii)


Mortal, I know to quit, a realm false,

Ambrosia is food, immortal impulse,

Soul metamorphoses honey bee ire,

Draw my soul suck honey of desire, (9)


Pollinate ambrosia flower all pollen,

Pollinate my canvas love all woolen,

Autumnal leafless trees to decorate,

Human love good hopes faith rotate, (10)


End night of quagmire phenomenal,

Wonderful my dream world do rival,

Food is medicine, fresh n clean air,

Blue-water of springs fit limbs hire, (11)


Honeycomb I draw n nectar reserve,

Dreamy ambrosia, my canvas serve,

Ambrosia, I dream, night intoxicate,

Ideal dawn dreamy ambrosia trait. (12)











Monday, June 7, 2021





Intensify storm dark cloud cover,

Lightening n thunder, I shudder,

Thoughts frighten, storm within,

Steal loud cries sight replica dim, (1)


Ocean of tear flood neighborhood,

Poverty sickness amalgam, brood,

Merciless time death vulture love,

Heartbroken peace smile dissolve, (2)


Snatch precious life void distress,

Vagary of melancholy time’s mess,

Lonely city mall school college nit,

Broken homes, miserable dispirit, (3)


City of sorrows overwhelms pain,

Bustling road milling crowd wane,

Somber looks people sad, confine

Ambient amalgam solitude define, (4)


Wildlife forest reserve the picture,

Tourist spots empty lodge harbor,

Waterfall, mountain place vacant,

Treasure trove lakes wait, vibrant, (5)


Coastal beach haven few tourists,

Speculates mind disappear trysts,

Years roll demise flatter to depict,

Tourist heavens desolate, deplete, (6)


Endless my thought squalls hear,

Landscape sketches despair clear,

Anticipate thunderstorms, a sock,

Destroy homes city in dark, amok, (7)


Ambient amalgam state my mind,

Inner life stormy night fears wind,

Wind of perilous predicament writ,

Clueless, see bright future I greet, (viii)


Swollen hopeless nightmares melt,

Health n happiness people to belt,

New dawn bring messages to heal,

Salvage spirit afresh images reveal, (9)


Lifts lockdowns travel ban all total,

Globetrotting begins n book portal,

Noisy busy city life, nit once again,

Mean to survive work class regain, (10)


Smiles my people heartily faces lit,

Scars heal sooner than I loses wit,

Forgets agonies departed dear soul,

Wipe tear quick, I mingle soon goal, (11)


My land regains heaven’s paradise,

Love induce heart I never ostracize,

Wait impatient, cherish prosperity,

Embrace brotherhood in impunity, (12)


Good news, goodwill I feel fragrant,

Dark thoughts once I tremble rant,

Forsake inhibition, resurrect spirit,

Watch bright sunshine mirth greet, (14)


School-bus pass kids’ crowd laugh,

Sketch resurgent mine spiral graph,

Wish dreamy night’s pleasure balm,

No qualms, I ink ambient amalgam. (15)





Sunday, June 6, 2021





Anchor of my life superior,

Mental support and savior,

Wedlock surprises n unite,

Man wife walk duets recite, (1)


Face unknown trust, know,

Home boat sail lovers glow,

Weathers turbulence excel,

An anchor to opposite well, (2)


Wife weeps on shoulder nit,

Raise strength of mind, wit,

Trouble, pain, fever do visit,

Serve I console empathy lit, (3)


Harsh world a battle, I face,

Failure error humiliate lace,

Disappoint actions, fruitless,

Futile attempt soul depress, (4)


Soul mate usher confidence,

Present her anchors intense,

All dedication sympathy mix,

Calm advice intimate love fix, (5)


Family life fabulous, sustain,

Frivolous mind hazard tame,

Anchor wildlife cover nature,

Incredible protection secure, (6)


Shelter safe weather climate,

Wildlife roam-free n primate,

Meadows n forest surrounds,

Brook ravines water sounds, (7)


Hides offspring nature’s care,

Cliff, crevasse cave soil share,

Mountain, river gorge protect,

Highland marshy field detect, (viii)


Animal bird fish creature nit,

Breed nicely feed all discreet,

Mother Nature balances life,

Immaculate n helps in strife, (9)


Nourish nature raise anchor,

Ambience-of-anchor hanker,

Anchor human life the earth,

Ever serve, care love n worth, (10)


Continent ocean sky n wind,

Seasons in queue help kind,

Fertile earth bountiful grain,

Mighty river crisscross train, (11)


Train human spirit endeavor,

Food water village city more,

People find the earth unique,

Mother earth tolerates pique, (12)


Human exploit ruthless land,

Forest water air pollute hand,

Amazes the earth protect life,

Resurrect human limit strife, (13)


Rebuild nature automatic nit,

Realizes mankind live or quit,

Ambiance-of-anchor persists,

Fresh wind, water rain insists, (14)


Heals bitterness soul cherish,

Prosper amity peace flourish,

The earth ambiance of anchor,

Tell human in peril live secure. (15)