Thursday, August 19, 2021





 Tumultuous-event cover horizon,

Tremble earth human life mourn,

Independence Day occasion link,

Nation dismantle quickly to wink, (1)


Catastrophe, happens skies pour,

Horror visible threat to life cower,

Language of heart bayonet speak,

Invade ruthless countrymen trick, (2)


Surrender to survive or perish all,

No mercy obey orders ill fates call,

Crumbles nation leaders flee hide,

Death squad remove defense ride, (3)


Change face-of-nature fugitive nit,

Avatar of death prowl free discreet,

National flag removed fly different,

Reject people silent hides incident, (4)


Oppressive rules ancient ruthless,

Slap, doctrines activate n distress,

Flees citizen in fear drives in-flock,

Surge huge refugees country block, (5)


World communities washed, hand,

Withdraw peace forces lines stand,

Help crowd escapes out of, country,

Allows mercy refugee status entry, (6)


World agog, militancy raises head,

Terror spread world map hub lead,

Search power-hungry expansionist,

Ground-of-sympathy collude, racist, (7)


Sheds humanity n blind to pathos,

Boldly praise tags liberation ethos,

Leaves huge population the nation,

Sacrilege visible sacred day mourn, (viii)


Brutality invades innocents home,

Immensity-of-torture let gruesome,

Burns continent all forests on fire,

Incessant inferno raises smokes, ire, (9)


Smoke cover, Halloween impression,

Manmade disaster repents omission,

Abnormal heat-syndrome trap worst,

Wrath of fragile nature result, most, (10)


Incalculable loss of animal lives trail,

Devastate forest cover ecology detail,

Fails human efforts weathers villain,

Blow winds ruin homes and flee men, (11)


Sacrilege visible deforestation hurts,

Worlds realize savagery human rots,

Severest earthquake, islands shake,

Loss of lives, ground ruins all wreck, (12)


Tragedy scale of horrors shrinks life,

Follow ruined lives add amidst strife,

Moment of mass destruction happen,

Wrath of God sacrilege tears moisten, (13)


Earth nature savage human torment,

Save earth nature human life decent,

Violates earth nature human rights,

Sacrilege visible horror-sight frights. (14)




Wednesday, August 18, 2021





O’ human betray whom incalculable,

Display smoldering anger nit unable,

Shouts loud express anguish, dismay,

Speechless people hear socks display, (1)


Obscene behaviors unhesitant, taunt,

The cause portray, means little front,

Insults sacred halls of house of laws,

Unrepentant heart-boast show flaws, (2)


Vain supremacy false represent wail,

Million-citizen scarcely support, fail,

Saturate voice humanitarian narrate,

Cry bitterest heart people’s pain date, (3)


Dishonor rules, leader ashamed look,

Know well, bird of same feather book,

Demand democratic rights to inflame,

Baseless ground vociferous to blame, (4)


For whom heart bleeds never feels all,

Least, represent suffering people troll,

Pretentious mind trap simple trustful,

Assures profusely safeguards faithful, (5)


Amass wealth accrue immense power,

Self-interest only orgy, corrupt shower,

Nation second country behind search,

Hunger to grab power, anarchy touch, (6)


Reject ballot people’s mandate vouch,

Misguide, shrewd practices nit couch,

Suspect institutions honor little lives,

State’s achievement, post disbelieves, (7)


Brand statistics false leaders corrupt,

Shamelessly ruins session nit abrupt,

Democracy rots weep motherland nit,

Knowledgeable con legal right explicit, (viii)


Pandemic time human woe surmount,

Precious time oppose bill tantamount,

Undisturbed, paralyze nation all plan,

Clears ground accuses leader rule fan, (9)


Spread violence, break system quietly,

Headlines criticize actions vehemently,

Shame, sacred house of rules protest,

Vandalisms, justify boldly, nit contest, (10)


Game of throne bitter battles witness,

National mandates dishonor distress,

Clueless major-people media grumble,

Witness daily drama life never simple, (11)


Saboteurs to democratic-process find,

Torture masquerade pretentious mind,

Waits Independence Day, full celebrate,

Great; August carnival all promulgate, (12)


Cherish peace, prosperity, no pandemic,

Health happiness spread lands scenic,

Forget past animosity unites heart nit,

Foster democratic rights n flag delight, (13)


May mighty people watch silently find,

Contains mischievous pretentious mind,

Awareness prevents nation surrender,

Enemies of great nation quietly wither.  (14)







Tuesday, August 17, 2021






Lamp lighten dark room feels comfort,

Fears stalk mind fade instantly effort,

Thought mischief monger create well,

Vogue horror hunt weaken heart nail, (1)


Darkness adds color opaque suspicion,

Predator prowls terrorize imagination,

Ultimate fear death lurks exhibit neat,

Confusion cripples courage hell excite, (2)


Close chamber widows shut create all,

Fresh winds light obstruct captive roll,

Deprive vibrant nature aroma of earth,

Life perish in dungeon customs worth, (3)


Imprisons female n domestic creature,

Menial work grow children, live secure,

Behind curtains soul resists exposure,

Rule restriction break punish harsher, (4)


Close educations higher school, college,

Colorful birds in cage food water craze,

Realities of modern society disbelieve all,

Equality of women at par with men tall, (5)


Beat male scholars in studies research,

Sport, career leadership quality search,

Female education skills exception often,

Industry corporate business life glisten, (6)


Ever such free birds thought fly higher,

Colorful sky cloud performance glamor,

Nation feels proud female front runner,

Strongest country, women wear armor, (7)


Army navy air-force, spacecraft service,

No more restriction examples to novice,

Huge n free democratic nations prosper,

Brick of strength castle females secure, (viii)


Breeds quality life of children duly lead,

Fortify new generation conviction plead,

Bring notice ghastly dungeon exists well,

Million-women linger rotten perish trail, (9)


Futile gather courage to protest practice,

Community segregates n boycott service,

Branded convict commit sacrilege worst,

Family suffers, get tortures freedom cost, (10)


Close society even exist continents wide,

Humanity does repent requests override,

Rarely, society reforms, freedom associate,

Liberation for womanhood ensure, relate, (11)


Lamp lighten darkness recede fears fade,

Ocean of hope tidal wave tsunami invade,

Windows open, bright sunshine creep nit,

Spread happiness desires colleges admit, (12)


Veils vanish quickly, glint eyes bright wit,

Heartfelt laughter cherish nation explicit,

Glamorous dress ornate angelic figure all,

Happy bird fly gaily spell charms enthrall, (13)


Not at all fiction reality exist notion belies,

Bird in cage cries silently discolored skies.

Extinguishes candle of life smokes spread,

Discolor skies dark smoke spirits tirade. (14)








Monday, August 16, 2021





Fortunate soil foster freedom rare,

Priceless voice less inhibition care,

Chose career settle, select passion,

Equality golden gift of land motion, (1)


Despite class, creed, religion, best,

Disbelief, constitution offer perfect,

Ignores speech, color, ethnic races,

Discrimination crime law punishes, (2)


Gender equality, motto establishes,

Girl education free n distinguishes,

Protect old-citizen, infirm help sick,

Moderate finances facility intrinsic, (3)


Sacred land author basic right-best,

Franchise, enable voter rightly invest,

Across sections ban sectarian color,

Ordinary persons choose the leader, (4)


Democratic right birth-privilege get,

Chose or reject self option intimate,

Right to earn, study, food n shelter,

None can deny persons live secure, (5)


Peace security, minimum necessity,

Peasant, workers, destitute benefit,

Land provides electricity school nit,

Health clinics, drinking water meet, (7)


Communication nation provides all,

Air, water, road, travel facility troll,

Born on soil, mingle inhales air, free,

Visit forest, mountain, river, decree, (viii)


Surprises few find nation intolerant,

Create violence wall hell discordant,

Dismantle willfully, fraternity amity,

People lose sooner, harmony identity, (9)


Democracy crumbles anarchy exists

Dictators predominate control exhibits,

Mass migration starts sufferers cry,

No future ethnic cleansing new fry, (10)


Peace, asset, home, plunders cruel,

Fragile life crumpled escapes fuel,

Crippling exodus begin world looks,

Glorify incidents help little, spooks, (11)


Mass exodus refugee faceless prays,

Rot under open sky life nit dismays,

Lost nationhood without crime run,

Fates, caste, color, faith distinction, (12)


Iron cage encircles discriminate nit,

Extreme views never alone all greet,

Encompass ancient stringent codes,

Open mind free society soon erodes, (13)


Heart-rending appeal pleads mercy,

World-community feels discourtesy,

Revolution to some rebellion victor,

Name of God bloodshed benefactor, (14)


Open sky foreign soil wait stranger,

Crippling exodus trickle, harbinger,

An era soil foster, ruthless warning,

Accept subjugation lives rewarding, (15)


Sealed borders n escape impossible,

Listens to sacred hymns; ensemble.

Humanity ponders witness ruckus,

Embrace assuage crippling exodus. (16)












Sunday, August 15, 2021





 Dark dungeon of slavery serfdom,

Remove independence n freedom,

Hundred kingdoms monarch net,

Dismantle borders land indicate, (1)


King, queen, prince, princess all,

Merge with ordinary people troll,

Constitution establishes foresight,

Across castes n creed equal right, (2)


Rights of liberty, free voices travel,

Nationhood achieves goal unravel,

Capricious events happen sooner,

Unfolds utter surprise time better, (3)


Illiteracy, pictures snake charmer,

Poverty perennial, deaths regular,

Distant past today partition pain,

Remember nation sympathy gain, (4)


Great-saga of developments move,

Build future imagination to groove,

Spinal cord peasant yield surplus,

Famine draught flood not nervous, (5)


Bountiful harvest, remind beggary,

Dark past if humiliation unsavory,

Vast infrastructure network detail,

Communication industry and rail, (6)


Change panorama, a nation well,

Lifestyle, literacy, income unravel,

Modern time new dimensions fuel,

Car, mobile, air travel, home trail, (7)


Huge non-resident national pour,

Overseas remittance accrue hour,

 A nation takes pride, nationals rule,

Crowds assist big company mule, (viii)


Strong economy industry produce,

Export-import balances introduce,

Share market spirals n profitable,

Price index low future predictable, (9)


Defense space adventure sport all,

Excellent milestone pass enthrall,

Education health income increase,

Home, toilet, consumer items ease, (10)


Electricity, drinking water spread,

Prosper people urban-rural thread,

Female equality more visible leads,

Industry technology science heeds, (11)


Defense sector opens window hail,

Rare courage supremacy nit detail,

Youth, women, peasant, worker rule,

Core strength mighty nation school, (12)


Skill, expertise, homemade quality,

Establish confidence nit reliability,

On seventy-fifth Independence Day,

Incredible progress achieves n pay, (13)


Great caution pandemic let lesson,

Population crowd control pollution,

Depletes underwater lever tension,

Recedes forest cover n destruction, (14)


Rising sea level temperature toxic,

Air, water, landmass, poison critic,

Save earth protect nature message,

Effort timely catastrophes manage (15)


Independence Day means profound,

Nation, fight best resilient resound.

Future-generation feels secure, neat,

Usher harmony secular mind greet. (16)